Hot or Not: Baseball Caps

It’s time for another hypothetical scenario! You’re meeting up with a guy from Manhunt at his place. When he answers the door, he’s wearing nothing but a pair of gym shorts and a baseball cap. Okay, so he may be wearing a jockstrap under his shorts, depending on your preference. This is your fantasy, so feel free to fill in the blanks…

In any case, things start to get hot and heavy, and you begin to notice that he’s not taking off his baseball cap. For the record, there is nothing “wrong” with his head, and he’s not acting insecure about bald spots. Perhaps he just forgot to take it off. Or maybe he’s just one of those people who wears a hat all the time?

Either way, what would you do in this situation? Would you politely ask him to take off his hat? Would you throw it across the room, tell him he looks sexy and pin him down onto the couch? Or would you let him leave it on, because you’re kind of digging his sexy frat boy look? Click through to weigh in on this exciting and super important topic.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Active Duty

To check out more pictures of Wyatt in his baseball cap, follow the JUMP:

76 thoughts on “Hot or Not: Baseball Caps

  1. Yes, the hat is fine…….but WAY too many tatoos! Jeez man, you’re hot already……don’t distract me with too much icky artwork. Natural all the way!

  2. Cap is fine or not, but loose the icky tats!! Just another example of a HOT bod ruined by tattoos!!

  3. Hooked up with a guy one New Years eve who didn’t take off his baseball cap during sex except for maybe the few minutes when we were in the shower..afterwards he put it back on and we continued having sex…the guy in post has a nice body except for….(fill in the blank)…Sorry, but they take away from a otherwise nice looking guy.


  5. i love the Chinese characters which translate as “my mother would be so proud if she knew i suck cock”

  6. hot is hot…think he looks great…but i would agree with everyone else…the amount of tattoos and where and what they are is alittle too much…..he deff would be so much hotter without someof them

  7. You sure about that? I’m working on my degree in Mandarin and it kinda just seems like gibberish. Unless he was on “active duty” in Sri Lanka.

  8. You sure about that? I’m working on my degree in Mandarin and it kinda just seems like gibberish. Unless he was on “active duty” in Sri Lanka.

  9. Hat or no hat, tattoos or no tattoos, that is one hot, thick, beefy MAN!

    10th picture down…wow!

  10. It would all depend on how the guy looked in the cap. Made him hotter, it would stay on. Made him goofy-looking, it would take wing.

  11. yup that happened to me. met him on manhunt he was 26 real cute gym shorts and a hat , like ass play, to give it I mean. I asked him if he wanted to take off his hat and he said no, whatever we had a great time. my ass got satistified and a few times after that.

  12. eew i H8 baseball caps it reminds me too much of my father with that said im a total fidora fanatic i have 6 of them a white, black, gold, blue, brown and a hemp threaded one thats black and tan. Butt i have 2 say yowza what a hot yummy ass on this guy XD id munch on that all day and night!!!

  13. actually, I think the Chinese characters on the white boy say ” I don’t know what this says, but I’m hoping its deep” with a special made up one at the end, which looks to me like it might translate as “sucker”. oh, and capless – I like my men NAKED!

  14. He looks good in a baseball cap, although the tats are a bit diverse and incoherent. On the subject of caps, they look good worn like this, any other position screams “self centred dork with no manners-avoid me like the plague”.

  15. Couldn’t you have found pictures of a hot guy in a baseball cap that wasn’t covered in tattoos? You should have known nearly all of the comments would be about this particular guy and his tattoos and would not really address your question. But to answer your question, a baseball cap absolutely makes a guy hotter to me, even more so if it’s on backwards and the guy has my cock down his throat.

  16. Couldn’t you have found pictures of a hot guy in a baseball cap that wasn’t covered in tattoos? You should have known nearly all of the comments would be about this particular guy and his tattoos and would not really address your question. But to answer your question, a baseball cap absolutely makes a guy hotter to me, even more so if it’s on backwards and the guy has my cock down his throat.

  17. A couple of things:
    1) not such a baseball cap fan, and absolutely not a backwards cap fan. Should only be backwards for 2 reasons; playing catcher (apply any and all double endendre here) or sucking dick. This guy is hot, regardless of the cap.

    2) maybe some of the reassess of this blog missed that the subject of today’s post is caps, not tats. And if you weren’t paying attention, the other “subject” of this post is from Active Duty and apparently formerly in the Marines. Most military organization have a rich tradition of tattoos as a form of union, camaraderie, and devotion. Bitching about a guy from the military having a tat is akin to complaining that a woman has tits. Please try to stay topical guys. The topic is caps, not your pissy ass whining about your dislike of skin art.

  18. A couple of things:
    1) not such a baseball cap fan, and absolutely not a backwards cap fan. Should only be backwards for 2 reasons; playing catcher (apply any and all double endendre here) or sucking dick. This guy is hot, regardless of the cap.

    2) maybe some of the reassess of this blog missed that the subject of today’s post is caps, not tats. And if you weren’t paying attention, the other “subject” of this post is from Active Duty and apparently formerly in the Marines. Most military organization have a rich tradition of tattoos as a form of union, camaraderie, and devotion. Bitching about a guy from the military having a tat is akin to complaining that a woman has tits. Please try to stay topical guys. The topic is caps, not your pissy ass whining about your dislike of skin art.

  19. Caps are ok with me as long as they are worn with the bill forward. I dislike the backward cap and the off kilter look, makes me think the guy is a douche bag.

  20. Kinda hard to give head in a cap…so probably not. Less you turn it around. Then again, why did you need it to begin with? lol

    For aesthetic purposes it’s definitely hot. For practical ones, it doesn’t do much.

  21. I’m fan with hats, or baseball caps.

    And holy f’n hell, I love this man. Or it could be lust. Who cares, he’s beautiful to me.

  22. since when did tattoos become taboo so what who cares if you dont like them then dont get any!

  23. I like hats on certain guys they are not for everyone. This guy makes the hat look hot! Love the tats also. I would do things to him that would make my license picture blush.

  24. I think it’s hilarious that everyone is talking about the tattoos. All I could think is, I really want to fuck him. End of story and the hat thing is fine I mean look at Kenney Chesney you take his hat off he looks like a sick nasty, hat on…hottie.

  25. I’m fine with a couple of nicely placed tattoos. But when a guy insists on covering every square inch of what would otherwise be a very hot body with ink, I’m out the door.

  26. Umm this guy is so HOT I wouldn’t care whether he kept the hat on or not: I’d be preoccupied with more pressing matters. 🙂

  27. would take the tatts any day over the cap….. guys that always wear caps to me come across as douchey….. even if they aren’t……..

  28. In your scenerio, the hot guy isn’t wearing the cap to hide anything but most guys who do wear them when they’re naked (or near naked) are trying to hide their insecurity around their hair loss. That lack of confidence is a buzz kill for me. I get it and all but I’d yank it off after a few minutes of getting bonked in the head or crotch by it and fling it out a window and tell him “you look fine without it”.


  30. Hats can be hot, if the guy can wear one; I look goofy when I wear hats, so I never do.

    And as far as the whole tattoo issue goes, I think most guys who have commented in the negatory column would agree that it’s not the presence of tattoos that is unappealing– it’s how stupid this particular guy’s tattoos are. Personally, I love tattoos, but only when they actually mean something, or are well-done and artistic.

  31. Baseball cap is good on some guys, and its good on him, but those Tatts are horrible.

  32. I know it is in the eye of the beholder, but I was hoping in 2011, I would see less: caps (especially backward), goatees, plastic colored bracelets and thumb rings.

  33. I know it is in the eye of the beholder, but I was hoping in 2011, I would see less: caps (especially backward), goatees, plastic colored bracelets and thumb rings.

  34. I am obsessed with wearing cap’s I wear them like the baseball player, but I dont like the way some guys wear them with the cap size sticker or un-curved, not that a turn off and btw the guy in the pictures is totally hot with or without the cap….I just hope he’s tall, he looks short in the pic.:)

  35. I love the cap – def hot. It gives a sporty/straight guy vibe.

    Unfortunately, they’re also used to cover up balding hair. To those men out there, even if you look good in a hat, give us one photo without it – we want to see the whole package.


  36. hell I’d always travel with one and then take it off. but only if he did as well.
    so if it’s on during sex> mine’s on, too.
    sexy astronomically rimmable butt, baby!

  37. Eh… don’t get me wrong: he looks good with the cap. However, it would get in the way very quickly. Have you ever tried kissing a guy who was wearing a baseball cap? Getting jabbed in the face with the bill is no fun at all. And at least one person would get hurt if oral were attempted.

  38. Fine looking young man – over-tatted though he is. Of course it’s his business – but he’s presented here for comment so liking them or not is fair game –

  39. The cap look sexy on him but all the tatts are OK but the one down the front of him. Maybe down his arm or side but down the front just look plain stupid

  40. Love a guy in a cap.. especially the moment when the guy has to turn it around so he can suck my cock a little deeper.

  41. That’s why you’re supposed to turn the hat around if you’re gonna, kiss, rim or, give a blowjob, lol.

  42. That’s why you’re supposed to turn the hat around if you’re gonna, kiss, rim or, give a blowjob, lol.

  43. That’s why you’re supposed to turn the hat around if you’re gonna, kiss, rim or, give a blowjob, lol.

  44. I can’t believe you look “goofy” with a baseball hat on.

    Everyone looks good with a baseball hat on !

  45. As long as, like you said, it’s not an insecurity thing I don’t care but I’d be curious to see how he was gonna keep it on with his head buried face first into the pillow.

  46. That’s why you’re supposed to turn the hat around if you’re gonna, kiss, rim, give a blowjob, or be buried-face-down into a pillow, lol.

  47. I agree, too that what anyone wants to do with their own bodies is their own business. And when they decide to shave/wax/electrocute all the natural hair off their bodies and replace it with ugly graffiti, and guys show them the door they have no reason to complain.

  48. if read from bottom up….may means to memory Buch Hariis…
    from top to bottom, dose not make any sense…unless his name is pronouced that way.

  49. I know this is about the cap, but I’m so surprised nobody commented on his ridiculous pubic hair.

  50. I know this is about the cap, but I’m so surprised nobody commented on his ridiculous pubic hair.

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