I really don’t care if you think Hallway‘s an attractive young man. Whether you like it or not, we need to talk about his penis. It’s just like any other penis you’d find in another man’s pants, except he’s got four piercings running along the bottom of his shaft. Also, he’s got a random UPC code tattoo and virtually no pubic hair, but we’re not here to talk about that…
As someone who’s extremely afraid of needles and sharp objects near my genitals, I’ve always been a little uncomfortable with dick piercings. Even though I’d never get one myself, I’ll be the first to admit that there are definitely some guys who can pull them off. What do you think? Are dick piercings hot or not?
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Daddy Mugs
To check out Hallway’s dick piercing, follow the JUMP:
And a few unrelated bonus pictures…
Some guys can pull them off, but he can’t. The multicolor balls along his cock, the way it stretches his shaft out of shape… it’s just not attractive to me.
I’ve read in certain societies, men will cut tiny slits in their penises and insert little bells, then let it heal. Hmm, maybe that’s the origin of “ding dong”?
Anyway, I can take it or leave it. Heck, I’ve even considered getting one once or twice.
Jim Buck’s impressive PA inspired to get one, but while most partners liked the look, across the board they asked ‘can you take it out?’ after just a few minutes of play. Finally left it out for good (hole still there). Talked to 3 guys with PAs recently at a bear event and all said they had the same ‘take it out’ experience, but liked the look and feel just for hanging out. Would not recommend!
I have always thought that a PA (prince albert) was the hottest dick piercing, and even considered getting one, but I don’t really want a needle to go anywhere near my dick. Some piercings are hot, and some are just too weird.
That’s gross….
Piercings are not hot at all. And I wouldn’t know what to do with one…
Ok, I GUESS it is festive, all those colors, but I wouldn’t DO it myself, and I would be the guy asking you to take it out…
It wouldn’t be the attribute to bring me back over, for sure.
not hot,,,dont ruin a nice cock.
That’s gross
I was with a guy once who had those piercings (not in all those gay ass colors mind you, lol)! Very hot to look at, but very impractical in my opinion. I was so scared I was going to rip one out or something! The same w/ tongue piercings. I’m an aggressive kisser, and with those as well I have to hold myself back!
Those barbells are a little random, but hey, if it floats his boat, then whatever! I enjoy sporting a very hot, 4 gauge PA. It definitely draws curiosity and interest! Most of my bottom buds say the sensation is incredible; I have been told by more than one that it was the best fuck of their life!
This particular type piercing? No. PA, no. That specific type of tattoo, no. Shaving, hell ya!
Thanks for setting the response ground rules …
OMG, I remarked about this very topic in posting about Mike Matters.
I’ll repeat here what I’ve said then: “nipple piercing or those on or near the genitals [ouch!] really gross me out!” and don’t even come near me with a Prince Albert [who came up with that name anyway?] eeeew!
totally HOT, on the right man. I currently have a PA and am planning on getting the ladder. That said, i an not fond of the multi-color thing going on.
I think it looks HOT!!!!!! I would suck his cock with that kind of piercing.
never played with one so can’t say if i like them. though life is complicated enough without shit hanging off your dick.
btw dewitt, upc stands for universal product code, so saying “upc code tattoo” is redundant. you should just say “UPC tattoo.” i know you’re an anonymous gay blogger and not an english teacher, but “the more you know”
(apologies to conan http://is.gd/gpnJH)
I have a large PA, and love it, though I agree with the comment about guys asking to take it out after a couple minutes. I generally like dick piercings, but am not a big fan of the frenulum ladder this guy has.
that’s just not my thing…..yuk
I typically love a fat cock with a fat PA, but, those shaft ladders don’t do anything for me. Same for the spear through the shaft that I’ve seen a few times. That just sounds like unnecessary pain and hassle.
I like some penis piercings on the right guy. This dude’s just look terrible. But I really hate multi-colored, plastic body jewelry.
Never been with a guy who had one…don’t think I’d want to be. As equipt said, “Why ruin a nice cock”.
I don’t mind sucking off a guy with a P.A., but anything else is a no-no.
This guy can’t pull it off. I like a dick ring (never get one for me though!)on a guy, as an accessory if he is already smokin.
Not hot. Dick piercings seem awkward and strange (when thinking about putting it in an orifice especially) and these primary colors together are even more odd. NOT HOT!
Yeah um I usually like PA’s. This guy on the other hand, totally not hot.
In this case, NOT, but generally very HOT. especially if being sported by a big furry bear!
ON some guys I think a PA is hot…until the first time I was asked to suck a cock with a PA…sorry I have teeth.didn’t like it and if I end up naked with a guy…sorry…if he wants it in my mouth…the metal has got to go…
Do me once shame on you you do me twice shame on me but after that I’m worried haha
It’s all hot …til someone chips a tooth
As far as a P.A., that would depend on the guy. The ladder on the other hand, not my thing.
it looks like he has techni-colored syphillis!!!!! NOT HOT. on most other guys dick piercings are sexy as hell.
I used to think I could take ’em or leave ’em. Then about the time I decided I wasn’t into dick piercing I met a boyfriend with a big dick that he had put a huge PA through and pierced the shaft and under his balls. When he’d take the PA out his dickhead was practically split in two. Ugh. It was a shame, because before he did all that he showed me pics and his cock was BEAUTIFUL. But after it looked mangled. I finally told him that I made up a story that he’d been in an accident, to explain to myself about his mangled dick. Otherwise it was hard for me to get past sucking him. Yeah, he took that hard. It was the beginning of the end. So my take is that the penis is pretty perfect as it. IT’S GREAT TO FUCK WITH, BUT DON’T FUCK WITH IT.
BTW, the poor guy looks miserable in that last shot, not sexy at all.
PAs are hot. This boy’s cock is NOT.
totally hot. my master has a triple 0 (000) pa and its totally hot. i am getting one soon. eventually i want to be able to put a pad lock through mine. they are sexy and hot…but only on certain people
David hit the nail on both heads. Sheesh. What is up with that guys FUPA in the last two pics? Gross…
Depends on the guy and how far he’s gone with it. Like the guy in this topic, is a big not for me. However there was a vid on Rockettube that I saw, and the guy had like the ring on the end of his penis, and the Tat above his junk was Brass Knuckles. The Vid was called Rock Out With Your Cock Out. Now on him it was HOT. lol!
I’m not a fan of his multi-colored piercings, but if he likes him… good for him. I do LOVE Prince Alberts, however. I love the way they look and feel. My biggest issue is the shaving. I find it gross. Hair is sexy!
I was with a guy once, a real cute guy, and when we got to it I saw his cock had a hole, which was pretty gross to look at…. I never asked and never did anything with him, and he was sort of embarrassed, but I imagine he had a PA…. and I think that, because of his reaction, that I was not the first guy to be weirded out by the hole in the wrong place…
More power to ya if you like that sort of thing, but it’s certainly not mine… Definitely NOT hot…
I will never pierce my cock. I wont suck or even touch a pierce cock either. It is not my thing, but I guess others likes pierce cock.
Never really have been a fan of cock piercings and certainly won’t pierce my own…ever. Some cocks do look hot with some piercings…the colored balls this guy used however kinda makes it look like a little girl picked them out. Perhaps if they were all silver balls but even then, that wouldn’t go in me. I wouldn’t want any spare parts going up my hole or down my throat just in case something fell off. Eeek!
If ever I need a price check on his multicolored pin cushion, I’d simply scan his barcode.
I’m not chipping my tooth on that. What’s the point of them anyway? To draw attention to it? To make it look prettier? I’m gay! Put a cock in my face and you’ve got my attention! I don’t get it. Aside from a few moments in middle school Gym class, my cock has done nothing to me that would make me want to ram a piece of metal through it. So you ask me if I think it’s hot or not? I’m gonna go with NOT.
No, no and… hum… no.
if the guy’s all-bottom, then he can probably do as he pleases, regarding jewelry and his cock. (to a degree.)
but if he wants me to suck his cock, then i probably won’t want any obstructions there.
i don’t have any dick piercings, myself — ´don’t really see any arriving in my future, either.
Dick piercings are a huge turn-off for me! It’s a real deal-breaker…there’s a guy that I’m kind of interested in right now but it probably won’t go any further because he has a dick piercing…
Piercings do nothing for me but I do like cum facials.
He looks totally REDICULIOUS !!!
I’m very squeamish about them but they don’t really interrupt stuff that much in practice. Used to be a dealbreaker for me as well but I’m falling for this guy who has one and it’s so far down on my “list” now.
I Usually like cock piercings, but that is too much and very unattractive..
These piercings on this guys dick are hot for sure!
I really think a PA is hot though, (see pic below) and nipple piercings are out of this world!