It’s relatively obvious how most of you will answer this question, but let’s just put it out there and see if you prove us wrong… If a guy has hair that’s long enough to tie in a ponytail, would you sleep with him? Let’s pretend for a second that he’s perfect in every other way. Would you still consider it, or are lengthy locks a deal-breaker?
On a personal level, I’ve never been presented with the opportunity to have sex with a dude who could make Rapunzel jealous. There aren’t any objections on my part! Hell, you can call it “feminine” all you want, but having a few more inches up there doesn’t make you any less of a man. Perhaps this is something I should add to my gay sex bucket list?
Photo credit: Mikel Marton
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If it’s clean, and the guy can pull it off, then it’s very sexy. In fact I hooked up with a guy who looked very much like that model and it was fantastic pulling those locks!
As a guy with long hair – it’s just hair.
It’s not masculine of feminine, its just hair.
The only difference is that I spend a lot more on conditioner then the rest of you.
That guy is gorgeous. My not so secret fetish are guys with long ginger hair. Yep – you heard it right. Hot!
Anthony Kiedis, circa Blood Sugar Sex Magik (1991). Is there really any question that long hair can be hot?
if you take off his head, then he is ok.
no, long hair is not hot.
and his face looks weird.
nah, sorry, just doesn’t do it for me
Long hair is my only absolute no-no.
And the guy in those pics is particularly hideous.
Omg, he looks like a vampire…
I’d so do him
Such a total turnoff !! I want my guy to look like a guy, not like a woman…
It’s just hair. and I agree with wrestlesex, I dare anyone to say Anthony Kiedis is not HOT HOT HOT!
Long hair is gorgeous. This guy is not x
Nothing wrong with long hair… it can be hot. But this particular model is not a turn on for me… kinda freakish… too skinny, with a humungous horse dick to go with his horse-like face. Sorry… you take your clothes off, put on makeup, you are subject to admiration or in this case criticism.
No thanks – I prefer clean cut.
Depends on the guy, some rockers have that dirty long hair that looks kinda sexy. But this guy… HELL-NO. Maybe its his face too, but it’s just all wrong from the neck up.
Not this long. I doesn’t make him look like a girl if it’s this long. He just looks…weird.
Shoulder length is kinda hot.
GAWD NO!!! That guy looks like Lestat. Totally NOT sexy. …I may never be able to see again.
There is nothing sexy about a guy with long hair
He’s not particularly good looking, but long hair can be sexy…on the right guy.
NOT at all. Long hair is just a no no.
The hair doesn’t bother me at all as long as it’s clean.
But, would someone please feed him before he takes another picture !
no no no no no
Long hair is a total turn off. It’s just ugly on a guy.
Some may be able to pull it off…. If you want a real reaction, this model was not the way to go other than that cock yuck to the rest
long hair is hot on the right person
I agree! I love when a guy has long hair. Nothing hotter than pulling on that hair when getting off. I think the model chosen isn’t the best example of how hot it can be, but he does have a great dick, so I forgive the decision…
Um… since the dawn of mankind, hair has been worn long by either sex in most cultures. It doesn’t mean a man is less masculine.
not a big fan, but if that’s what you like, more power to you.
Repulsive, nasty and filthy. Makes this kid VERY ugly.
I love guys with long hair usually, but I like how you ask us that, while post pics of the nastiest, skankiest lookin dude yall could find….nice.
If you love the boy you will love his hair. It does gert in your muth and stuck under you too much tho.. hard work
Not a fan of the guy you showed as he looks dead or like he’s a Twilight reject, but long hair just like with red hair it all depends on the guy. Look at guys like Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, and Adam “Edge” Copeland. All are guys I wouldn’t think twice about fucking, and all have long hair.
This is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen on Manhunt Daily. NEVER do this to me again.
done a dude with long hair,doggy style,i keep touching his Big to remind me he was a guy!!!!!!
The model pictured isn’t to my liking, irrespective of hair length.
I’m with many others on this post: if the man can pull it off, then long hair can be hot. Think Joe Dallesandro in Heat.
Long hair is OK if the guy looks like a guy. This model is WAY too skinny and WAY too pale. Go stand in the sun and eat a donut for God’s sake.
totally depends on the guy…this guy doesn’t quite cut it with the long hair, at least in my humble opinion.
Definitely a deal breaker for me. Long hair is just a turn off for me.
I used to have shoulder-length hair, which is about as long as I can stand it on someone. A little extra length can look sexy–give a man that wild look. But too much longer and it just looks like a woman’s hair.
Yeah, hair that long is a HUGE turn-off unless the guy is Fabio.
Seeing these pics made me dislike long hair on a man even more than I already did…very creepy and just not at all attractive to me
Long hair NOT HOT. Total turn off.
would look better if he would shave it all off because he looks skanky…lose the hair love the dick though…
yuck – looks like a chick w/ a dick — its not just the hair, add in the scarwny body and lipstick lips – not appealing at all == keep your clothes on
No, not hot. And by the way this guy is horrible in some many ways.
just, no.
don’t you know that people are reactionary/short-sighted?!
and that you would draw precisely the wrong, short-sighted reaction, in employing this particular model to plead your case¿
david bowie, above, a good number of us do not desire!
(dewitt: would you “hit dat”??)
below, i present “the next best thing” — so called, because this guy’s hair isn’t “long,´´ per se, but his mane certainly isn’t short either.
(plus, i believe that Viewers here wouldn’t be as averse to sebastién’s look as they tended to be for lars’.)
this and this.
(i wonder what that guy is up to, nowadays, anyway…)
This guy looks a bit on the weird side, but long hair isn’t a deal breaker. However, it needs to be tasteful and not just a manifestation of laziness when it comes to haircare.
Hate it, I just liked his dickkk
Oh Manson!
He’s gorgeous….just the way he is.
Give the model a burger please
Someone good looking and built can get away with any hairstyle they want to wear. The model above, on the other hand, should be sent to a hairdresser, a restaurant, and then a gym. Work on his looks and body for six months to a year, and then come back for another shoot. Right now he looks like the not-quite-there average twink hanging around the gay bars trying to hook up with anyone that will take him.
Jeeese….what a nasty, disease ridden freak. Long hair, not that bad. Face would stop a 9-Day clock.
His is kinda too long
As someone with no hair, I think any length hair is fine as long as it is managed. People with short hair that is cut poorly, not maintained or managed, can look crappy just like someone with long hair could. A well groomed look is always appealing…however that presents itself. So I guess I’m saying it’s more about the overall look rather than any preference for hair length for me. I love this guys BIG THICK COCK but that first picture is a little too Marilyn Manson (which totally creeps me out) for me.
Absolutely NOT! He has a great and yummy dick, but it seems to having sex with JLO
The hair on the guy in the pic didn’t turn me off at all, but everything that’s beneath it sure did.
I had a massive crush on a friend of mine who is a goth and used to have locks longer than this guy. It’s like any hairstyle really- it comes down to whether it suites the guy or not.
I personally don’t care one way or the other. I consider hair just something to pull on…if only a little just in case they aren’t into it.
He looks like he might kill his sister and grind her bones.
For me it all depends on the guys face, for example i would definetely not have sex with the skinny bloke in these pics, mainly because his looks do nothing for me. But just the other day i was admiring this lovely man with a ponytail halfway down his back, same length as this picture fellow, but it was all i could do not to proposition him right then and there.
I agree. I don’t pick guys based solely on their hair. I need the full package to make my decision. This guy is not my type, but there have been some extreley attractive men with long hair. Look at that hottie model from Sex In the City. He rocked the long hair for a while, and I’d happily rock him!
you know what they say about opinions…. I said I want my guy to look like a guy, so that’s my opinion. And to me it does make a man LOOK less masculine.
um….Lestat was fucking hot….don’t compare this Twilight reject to him.
Somebody, please, give that boy a cracker. Poor thing is starving to death.
There’s something sbout him that’s screaming “The Jungle Book”. I wouldn’t mind a part of his story.
Long Hair is sometin ive only jsut recently discovered. it may be due to reading laurell k. hamilton’s Anita Blake series, but i find men with longer hair attractive. The deal breaker wiht long hair depends on how masculine the features are. For instance, if its a muscled stud wiht a barrel chest and a good face and long hair…totally yes! really slim bordering on anorexic or really feminine looking probably not so much. However, i prefer masculine to hyper masculine men to really femmie guys. But long hair in and of itself, not a deal breaker.
Hair length doesn’t matter if clean.
This guy must have used his own horsedick to induce vomiting to be so thin! LOL
What exactly DO they say about opinions? They can be incoherent and irrational and we shouldn’t be expected to challenge ourselves with reality?
He’s beautiful
Sexy as hell !!! Love it. Perfect body/ ass , beautiful:)~ i get hard just imagining
love guys with long hair.. about the only fetish I have.
I like long hair, but that guy is pale as a ghost!
Are you a lemon short of lemon pie? Guys with long hair DO look like guys – they have had long hair since the dawn of time.