Hot or Not: Low Hangers

I’ve had this picture on my desktop for ages, anxiously awaiting an opportunity to write this Hot or Not post. I’m pretty sure the man above is a model from Sean Cody. Frankly, it’s been so long, I have no fucking clue about him except for one big thing… His balls hang really low.

Even so, this is nothing compared to Franklin, another Sean Cody model whose nuts hang so damn low that you could swing from one end of the room to another. Franklin has been given the prestigious title of “Balls of The Year” by Jack of Gay Porn Blog (also known as, my favorite person on the internet). And, in case you missed it, Jack made a ton of GIFs featuring those low hangers doing what they do best—slapping against another dude’s taint and waving back and forth a whole lot. Look at them. No, really! Look at them.

Taking all of this into consideration, I thought this would be the perfect lead-in for a discussion on all those swaying sacks out there. Are low hangers hot? Do you like the feeling of them slapping against your chin? The way they hang over your nose when you’re sixty-nining or getting your face fucked? So many questions, so little time!

– Dewitt

To check out Franklin and his low hangers, follow the JUMP:

Here’s a series of Franklin getting it on with Dennis. Some of these images may be irrelevant to the topic at hand, but we encourage you to image the sounds his balls are making at any point within this scene. Slap. Slap. Slap. It’s like they’re wrecking balls, ready to destroy anything in their path. They have a mind of their own! I can’t even handle it.

Oh, and did I mention you should check out these GIFs?

3,602 thoughts on “Hot or Not: Low Hangers

  1. I think they look hot on a guy. My bf’s hang really low. Mine however, are huge and are pretty tight against me (which I hate – I want them to hang lower).

    I guess the only problem is that they’d end up getting slapped around too much during sex.

  2. There’s a fine line between “sexy, low-hanging balls” and “testicles that look like they’ve won Biggest Loser”.

  3. a friend of ours use to tie a can of whole tomatoes on his ball sac to stretch em… really worked!  love a sweaty ball slap!

  4. NOT. I like ’em tight up against the body… low hangers just look nasty to me… like an 80 year old’s. I mean, I know I’ll be 80 one day if I’m lucky, but I’d consider a ball lift at that point… yuck.

  5. For me the main appeal of low hangers (like mine) is the extent you can play with/torment them

  6. When your ball sack hangs  so low that  U can pick up loose change while walking down the street NOT sexy !!!

  7. Low hangers are extremely sexy and HOT>   whether they are in my face while he squats over me sucking them  or slapping my ass  – while he fucks the hell out of me.  

  8. Low hangers are made for tea bagging, but for the owner, there are a lot of hazards involved: getting racked, riding a bicycle, jumping jacks… 🙂

  9. To me, there is nothing hotter than a guy with a big, low hanging, floppy sack.  Also, they are quite rare.  I have seen in my life very few guys with a really nice, big sack.

  10. not hot.
    mine hang quite low, and i find it really annoying when i have to constantly rearrange my junk during the day so that i have comfort and support where i need it.
    i prefer big nuts, that sit up high 😀

  11. Very VERY hot!…..Love low hangers…..mine are low and love it!  Love to check out other low hangers in the steamroom, which is low hanger heaven.

  12. It all depends on how low they hang, the two guys on this post, that would kind of freak me out. to me it seem almost unnatural.

  13. Totally smoking hot. They are like wrecking balls and I can’t even handle it either. I love the sound and feel of LHB’s smacking my ass…or covering my face.  SMACK.  Oh and I just scolled up and noticed the looping pics you have up there!  FUN and HOT.  Well played, D, well played.

  14. I honestly NEVER thought about it but seeing these examples I have to say: Eeeeeeew! not, Not HOT at all.

    They actually gross me out. I’m thinking that they can’t be all that comfortable to “carry” around all day either.

  15. Mine are huge and hang very low, and let me tell you, it’s very uncomfortable. I can’t wear boxers, and even wearing briefs, I constantly need to shove my hand down my pants and pull them up from between my legs so I won’t sit on them.

  16. absolutely LOVE  low hangers find them very hott and masculine  , love to feel em slap mine when fucking doggie style

  17. I love low hangers, I love being tee bagged and the feeling of a set of big balls slapping my ass as I get fucked.

  18. now that I’ve partially recovered – damn fine and I’d love to please them all!!

  19. Theres something just sexy about of pair of nuts hanging low and swinging as a guys walking in the showers. Especially when they have their back to you and yu can see those nuts hanging bouncing below their ass.

  20. i think they are gross, i like extremely tight balls. you know that the guy can cum more and it makes his dick look bigger!

  21. i think they are gross, i like extremely tight balls. you know that the guy can cum more and it makes his dick look bigger!

  22. strap them to my legs, bruise my knee caps, sweat dripping down my legs, you could never get me to lust anything like a man with great great a low hangers. Playboy – editorial interview with what actors said – MY SACKS WERE SO SO LONG AND UNCOMFORTABLE I HAD TO HAVE THEM CUT BACK. SAC CUT BACK A BIT. MAN IT WAS A GREAT RELIEF TO ME. Let me know your answers. I’ve got the answer.
    clue – he acted in a fairly good film with Barbra Streisand.

  23. strap them to my legs, bruise my knee caps, sweat dripping down my legs, you could never get me to lust anything like a man with great great a low hangers. Playboy – editorial interview with what actors said – MY SACKS WERE SO SO LONG AND UNCOMFORTABLE I HAD TO HAVE THEM CUT BACK. SAC CUT BACK A BIT. MAN IT WAS A GREAT RELIEF TO ME. Let me know your answers. I’ve got the answer.
    clue – he acted in a fairly good film with Barbra Streisand.

  24. aussie ball fucked me a few years ago. Popped poppers in my face, and popped in one at a time and fucked me! It was terrific. Then he put a hot dick in – the trio! I said – it was a little uncomfortable. I might need a break. He said, I WILL TELL YOU WHEN YOU’RE FINISHED BITCH. JUST SUCK IT UP AND BREATHE DEEP – I’M LOVING IT, GET USED TO IT. YOU WILL TOO. Peak sexual experience as a bottom – I’m usually a top/vers. That made me a bottom bitch !

  25. aussie ball fucked me a few years ago. Popped poppers in my face, and popped in one at a time and fucked me! It was terrific. Then he put a hot dick in – the trio! I said – it was a little uncomfortable. I might need a break. He said, I WILL TELL YOU WHEN YOU’RE FINISHED BITCH. JUST SUCK IT UP AND BREATHE DEEP – I’M LOVING IT, GET USED TO IT. YOU WILL TOO. Peak sexual experience as a bottom – I’m usually a top/vers. That made me a bottom bitch !

  26. Check out sheath I discovered them and I am living in comfort. Nice pouch for your equipment sewn into the inside. Position your bag in that pouch and you’ll realize you’ve found the underwear you’ve been looking for… finally.
    LOL… It takes balls to wear sheath underwear!

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