Apologies if I came off as close-minded, ignorant or overly judgmental in yesterday’s “Porn Pics That Actually Made Me Vomit In My Mouth” post! In my defense, I can accept that certain activities push other people’s buttons, though it should be noted that those same things might make my buttons want to run, hide and never be seen again…
On that note, let’s talk about self-fisting!
This Hot or Not question is mostly intended for people who are into fisting, as I imagine the answer would be a definitive “NOT” from those of you who fall on the other side of the fence (like myself and J. Harvey).
So what do you say? Is it hot when a guy takes matters into his own hands, so to speak? Do you think Hole Busters Vol. 3 could become your new favorite movie? Are you turned on by Jessie Balboa‘s prolapsed anus? Looking forward to your answers, my kinky brethren!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Club Inferno Dungeon
Click through to watch Jessie Balboa shove his hand up his butt:
Ha, some men amaze me at what they can do and enjoy doing.
Not particularly into my ass being fisted or fisting anyone else… but sometimes it’s entertaining to check out online…
Definitely hot. I say that as someone who can (and does often) fist myself. Sometimes a guy wants it so badly, and just can’t find anyone to do it for him, ya know? Helps keep me in shape, too.
Can you say future incontinence?
Attractive man; disgusting asshole.
CAN be very hot, but not always. Great Club Inferno vid of Josh Weston self-fisting.
It’s fine until I have to look at a blown out asshole. THAT is just gross.
One word: gross.
How does one explain that asshole when he goes for a rectal exam?
I love playing with my hole.. fingers, dildos, hands.. whavever.. I just love stuffing things inside myself.
disgusting thats a rectal prolapse hes got there! urgh
VERY HOT! Its rare and hard to find guys that are into this but as a ass lover I was introduced to it many years ago in FL and have been a fister ever since. If I can’t do it the next best thing is to sit back and watch a guy do it himself and jack off!!!
Oh my who’s a talented girl that one photo looks like she is giving birth.
EXACTLY! That was my thought too. I mean, I understand the feeling of being full and stuffed and having your hole stretched. but when your insides start to protrude out of your sphincter??? Yea, that’s too much for me. And I’d seriously like to know how they keep things in, when your sphincter is so blown out you don’t have any grip left.
Agree. Major YUK.
OH GOD..that is disgusting!!!
I’ll fist a guy if that’s what turns him on and I can understand if that is someones’ fetish, wanting to do it to themselves. Personally, as a top, I don’t really want anyone else’s fist going in me though. One thing that is bothering me about this thread is the judgement going on, there are a lot of non- LGBT people who would call our lifestyles “gross” or “disgusting”. Isn’t there enough hatred and intolerance from those people that we don’t need to attack each other and/or our personal choices? Jesse might not turn you bitches on, but that doesn’t make him gross- rock on brother.
What’s really disgusting is all of the stains that Jesse Balboa and the photographers have overlooked. Taking a paw up the ass isn’t as gross as viewing photographs of a man lying in on bed dripping with santorum.
The total lack of information and pure ignorance is sadly not that shocking anymore. People have no idea how to handle their own body yet happily tell someone else what they are doing will ruin theirs. Don’t “guess” or assume what will happen, find out know the risks and assess them. Those who do hand play aren’t “sick or gross” they are just people. If there is a line this doesn’t cross it. Know what you are doing before you do it and you’ll be fine, that’s how all sex should be.
Well I’m asking, how is turning your asshole inside out not bad for you? Are you loose? How long does it take for your ass to return to normal? Isn’t have the “redness” (tissue) out dangerous
What another person does to get off is there business how ever this guy with his asshole turn inside out is FUCKING REPULSIVE !! I am not being judgemental but posting such DISCUSTING pix warrants all the derogatory comments. In the future perhaps M/H could leave the pix black out with the caption warning discretion is advised …
Good body. So NOT hot with all the fisting. His hole looked like someone ran a garbage truck through it!
See BLACKjack your mind is so flustered ( after that asshole pix ) that U forgot 2 add click photo to see pix but warning discretion is advised !!!
My question, how does this guy hold his shit and will he need one of those bags to hold his waste? One would think, his organs are damaged from fists and arms going up there. Some men have huge fists and arms.
I couldn’t even fist myself if I wanted to, I’m not that flexible. Maybe I would have to stretch more, but seems uncomfortable
One word: Sick… This is when fantasy goes too far. I would never fuck any guy who goes that way.. And what are medical risk of such behavior?
Let’s quit the games! Give me a break on the commentary about “judging”. Gee whiz. We ALL judge. You’re screaming about all the judgment going on, meanwhile YOU’RE judging people for judging! It’s hilarious! It’s like you’re screaming “Hey, I’m Mr. Tolerant and let me tell you the first thing I will NOT tolerate!”
The fact of the matter is that for the majority of people, seeing a guy whose sphincter is so torn apart that his anus is now prolapsed and protrudes outside his body is GROSS! That doesn’t take anything away from those of you who are the exceptions and who actually get off on that. I don’t condemn or reject people because of it; I’ll still party with you, love you and hug you if you enjoy that sort of thing. But that doesn’t stop me or anyone else from thinking it’s gross.
And speaking of hatred…you totally blew that one too by calling everyone “bitches” at the end.
To each his own my good fellows! I would much rather watch a guy (live and in person) fist himself for a good hour than watch a guy suck another guy’s toes for one minute! THAT shit makes me sick!
I just dont like for me or my partner… Seen the hole of my bf like that will be shocking!
its just idk too extreme… get a big dick but a hard? an arm? Too SICK!
Btw the dude is hot but.. its a shame
How does fisting help keep you in shape?????
Well it is rather fascinating that guys can do that to themselves. The prolapsed anus is definitely not something I find “hot” but as long as the guy is enjoying what he is doing to his own body, more power to him!
sorry, this is beyond disgusting
come on guys, since when did sex involve disemboweling each other, would rather
have a close warm relationship with a guy, who is into kissing, holding, licking,
sucking each others cocks,
and yes, a true fucking in time…
not a session that involves a trip to emergency surgery to put my organs back in
their proper place!
First of all, I call everyone my “bitch” it’s a term of endearment.
and secondly who’s the one whose screaming baby? I count at least 4 all caps words in your statement. As far as judging/ not judging goes… I really don’t feel like getting in some random manhunt thread drama argument. So whatever, we can agree to disagree.
Absolutely no judgement but i personally find it so gross when an ass
Is stretched out like that and you can see the insides like that.. Icky
Not my kinda fun, but looks like Jessie Balboa enjoys it and it has stuffed all kinds of things up his ass in the past. More power to him and to do those who enjoy fisting.
I don’t even need to read your post, that is just simply an instant shrinkage thing for me.
I’m looking for someone to fist… it will be my first time. I WONT get fisted though…
Dewitt please weigh in here. I’m curious what your viewpoint is considering you chose to include the picture of the prolapsed anus. Did you include it because you thought some people would think it was hot, or did you include it so that people got a full understanding of what fisting yourself entails?
Not hot. More accurately, it’s a sign of development issues. More disturbing are the guys who get photographed being fisted. And we wonder why porn “stars” rarely live past their 40s.
First the question at hand (pun intended), yes I think it’s hot and find rosebuds a turn on. That’s me and I realize it isn’t for everybody.
That said, I’m suprized that no one with any actaul knowledge and experience with fisting/heavy ass play has chimed in on this post yet. It’s one thing to state that you don’t find this activity hot, it’s evetirely another to make inaccurate, uneducated comments and judgements about it. There are general procautions that should be followed for fisting, just like any other sexual activity. If you follow them (easily found by Googling fisting) there is minimal medical risk. The guys who have achieved a prolapse, have as much if not more control over thier sphincter and anus’, it actual takes a lot of muscle control to make this happen. It also doen’s just “fall out”, prolapsing only happens after you have warmed up and streched an ass. As far as prolapsing being an “end result” the majority of guys who are fist bottoms never achieve the level of prolapse that might be represented in porn. Most never prolapse at all. To assume this is what happens to every guy who takes a fist is ignorantce. Fisting also does not shorten you life span, as suggested in the post previous to mine. It is a sexual activity, not all that different than getting fucked. Might I suggest that some of you who weighed in on the negetive side do a little research before going crazy town with the comments.
Just saying”
Yeah it was hot til, he pucker’ed out his ass revealing his inside thats when it became gross for me.
Most people don’t know that when fisted, the hole does start to turn inside out. After a nice fisting session, or even taking a big enough cock, the hole will naturally do this because as we all know, that hole is used to exit most of the time so the muscles are made to push out. After the session, either fist or fuck, the hole go back inside. Give it a couple days and the hole will go back to normal and be tight once again. Most of those who commented “protruding skin” and “gross looking” must never have tried it or taken a big cock, and I feel for them. Exercising it never hurt anyone, just made ’em want to fuck you more! Remember people, don’t knock it till you tried it!
And yes, it is HOT! Rosebuds are not something medically wrong, just a stretch hole that takes lots of practice to master. People, this is why ignorance is spread and taught so fast! C’mon now!
Exactly my question
Hot hot HOT! Of course Jessie Balboa is so hot that watching him clip his toenails would probably be an erotic experience too.
Totally hot! I enjoy fisting myself regularly. Love working up to taking a fist, watching my hole stretch!