For some guys, the sensation of another man’s stubble rubbing against their necks can send them into a sexual frenzy. Other guys might just say “ouch” in the same situation. We’d love to know where you fall in this grand debate? Is stubble hot? Or is it a big ol’ not?
Personally, I lean towards the “hot” side of the spectrum. The sight of a man with a thorough five o’clock shadow has a tendency to drive me wild, and I’m willing to deal with a little stubble-burn as a consequence of our fiery passion. But that’s just me! What do you think?
– Dewitt
Want to chew his face off
in a society that values a clean shaven man, it’s nice to see a guy with a little stubble.
getting oral sex from a guy w/ stubble feels great.
I look better with it so I keep a bit o’ stubble. I also prefer it on other dudes. I like ’em a little scruffy
no. incidently thats pretty much what im rockin right now, gotta shave later if i remember.
Oh Yeah!!! The man with a stubble will get me everytime. Face rubbing is a form of kissing. Having his stubble chin rubbing against my ass while he rims me. Now that is a MAN to me. He drive me nuts when he rubs his stubble on the inside of my legs when he gives me a blowjob.
Damn, where’s my towel?
No. Stubble is not attractive. It chews your face up when you get close, it’s more maintenance and it makes you look unkempt and lacking cleanliness. I don’t find it the least bit appealing.
very hot
but not on this guy
or more like: not this guy
Stubble is over rated and over used. Yes is looks hot on some guys, but never when the beard is as thick and coarse as this guy.
Stubble is never attractive when dressed up. Did anyone else notice the first guy kicked off the current Bachelor-ette was the only one with stubble while in a suit.
Finally, constantly maintained stubble is contrived and fake. You’re trying too hard to be sexy.
love love LOVE stubble and facial scruff on a dude. Definite a big turn-on!
a little olive oil on the skin post scruff make-out. just an fyi.
LOVE scruff! Guess I’m trying too hard to be sexy. Strange how he came up with that one. Just admitted that it was sexy tho!
For me, it covers up scars. So I keep it all of the time. Even in a suit, which I wear on a regular basis. And I look better with it.
Did I mention I LOVE scruff?!?!
I think stubble is hot on a good looking hot muscular guy but than again clean shaving is hot 2 !!!
It totally depends on the guy…some can rock it and some can’t…usually I shave when I’m gonna hook up with someone because I’m one of the ones who can’t rock stubble because mine is very coarse and can scratch someone up pretty good while I’m kissing him.
Definitely HOTT!!!
WOOF!!!…kissing a clean shaven man is like kissing a WOMAN!!! GROSS! o.O lol.
stubble is awesomely hottt… like you said, drives me absolutely and fucking hornily mad… i enjoy the feeling, the energy and the sexual provocativeness it gives me….
i hope its hot, it’s the only look i can rock…
I like the feel of stubble when a guy is eating my ass.
The first man I ever had any sort of “crush” on was an uncle by marriage, back in the late 60’s. Typical of that period, he had longer, shaggy hair and a nice, full, thick yet not unkept beard. Oh how I longed for him and fantasized about him. Ever since then a neat, full beard or dark stubble has done more for me than a Viagra ever could!
Definitely hot.
And to the guys that complain about it:
It doesn’t have to be scratchy. It’s hair, fellas. Condition it.
Luv stubble on a man…when u kiss, taste mouth n suck tongues…chew on his lower lip…n when he sucks my cock off…damn, luv the stbble…
Stubble is so hot! I love men with stubble, scruff, or a beard. Yum.
Men will always grow their stubble by the year 2573.
I love a thick 5:0clock shadow or a little peach fuzz reminds me that I’m kissing a mannnnnnnnn
Love the feel of a guy’s stubble when he’s sucking my dick…the feel of his shadow against the inside of my thighs sends me to the moon!
Nope – nope Nope! shave it or grow it. stubble is so late ’80’s. . . .
I like scruffy in pictures, but nice and shaved in person with the occasional scruff
Stubble is the bomb. The ultimate in being masculine. I too love it when a guy sucking me off rubs his stubbly cheek or chin over the head om my dick…fuck!!
It is crazyhot!!