Hot Or Not: You And Your Partner Dominated By Another


A number of modern-day horror films follow the tried-n’-true plot wherein idiots go to the forest and are stalked by a crazed killer…oh, wait –

J. Harvey’s Digression Of The Day: You should TOTALLY rent Cabin In The Woods. For those of you who are not Joss Whedon fanatics, you’re going to think it’s totally predictable at first. Then it’s NOT, and it’s delightful. Also, they might have to reboot the horror genre as a whole, because this one kinda puts the cap on everything that’s gone before. But (all together now) I digress…

BoundGods has done their own spin on the maniac in the woods thing. Instead of a maniac, it’s the sex-crazed and kinky Ricky Sinz headling The Cabin: A Story Of Lust and Betrayal. In this two-part epic, Sinz hunts and captures Tyler Alexander and Morgan Black and subject them to sexual torture and humiliation. Sinz makes them fuck each other in the ass, after flogging and mouth raping the two of them. Still –  better than a guy with a chainsaw coming atcha, right?

Does anything about this scenario turn you on? Does a guy lording it over you and your partner intrigue you? Is there something hot about you and yours being helpless to someone else’s sexual whims? Or is this a “no way in hell” situation?

Let us know in the comments. For more pics and vid from The Cabin: A Story Of Lust And Betrayal (DRAMA!), follow the BREAK!

– J. Harvey

Photo credit: BoundGods














26 thoughts on “Hot Or Not: You And Your Partner Dominated By Another

  1. Wheres the Deliverance banjo?? lol

    Well a teaser vid of this scene would definitely make it way hotter!

  2. Wheres the Deliverance banjo?? lol

    Well a teaser vid of this scene would definitely make it way hotter!

  3. It might be fun sure but not into pain so I guess it depends on how they play.
    We have taken turns being in charge and tieing each other up wearing leather and chains taking control but anything more than light playful pain mixed in not for us.

  4. Agreed on the support for Cabin in the Woods, that movie kicked more ass than it had any right to.

  5. Agreed on the support for Cabin in the Woods, that movie kicked more ass than it had any right to.

  6. not hot!
    If anyone is pinning my man down and destroying his ass, it’s me!!

    Or at least if we’re in a 3 (4 maaaaaybe even) way together one of us is on some sort of dominant playing field.

  7. Rough sex is HOT ( for as long as everyone is on board ) tying someone up has never been my thing but LOVE a nice HOT red ass !!!

  8. i don’t mind some S&M in my films now and again, and i really like looking at ricky sinz…but the way he does it in films…like, i feel like he might actually kill you after sex.

  9. i don’t mind some S&M in my films now and again, and i really like looking at ricky sinz…but the way he does it in films…like, i feel like he might actually kill you after sex.

  10. i don’t mind some S&M in my films now and again, and i really like looking at ricky sinz…but the way he does it in films…like, i feel like he might actually kill you after sex.

  11. Personally, I’d rather be the top in that scene. The idea of domming two guys that way, taunting them for not being able to stop me, is very hot.

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