I Don’t Understand Why Andrew Christian Didn’t Invite My Penis To Their Glow-In-The-Dark Make Out Party.

It has recently come to my attention that underwear brand Andrew Christian threw a glow-in-the-dark make out party, and they neglected to send an invitation to my penis. This doesn’t make any sense! Manhunt sponsored this aforementioned party, and you would think they’d want to have a representative from our brand present to take care of such crucial tasks as simultaneously finger-banging Levi Michaels and Duncan Black on the dance floor (as they both whisper into my ears how they wish I had two dicks, so I could fuck them both at the same time).

Alas, they did not want my penis around on their set! Since I’m the bigger man, I’m not going to let this snub get in the way of me telling you about an opportunity to win a $250 gift-code to Andrew Christian, as well as one of five year long memberships to Manhunt. All you’ve got to do is share this status for a chance to win the big prize. I mean, really, it’s easier than I am!

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Andrew Christian

Watch the new Andrew Christian video “Glow” below:

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4 thoughts on “I Don’t Understand Why Andrew Christian Didn’t Invite My Penis To Their Glow-In-The-Dark Make Out Party.

  1. seriously, what is the appeal of soft-core porn? equally hot guys (and some of the same guys) in hard-core porn, also for free, and without pretending to be advertising underwear… why bother with andrew christian?

  2. So I guess the only time we get to see the actual underwear is when its being pulled off some hairless twinks ass? They used to have actual models.. now most of those in the credits are porn stars.. wtf?

  3. HEY! I think I saw some underwear in there. I can’t be for certain because I don’t have slow-mo on my player but I’m almost certain that I saw some on someone who was dancing around or maybe they were laying down and rolling around. I’m not real clear. Yep, I want some of those for sure because they will make me…..oh wait, I don’t want that. Never mind. Oh well, pretty boys.

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