Dear Josh Duggar,
We have so much in common. I use Manhunt Mobile, too! I think you are the sexy. You’re like the combination of a baby and a thumb. You have a babythumb face. And I want to stick my cock in it. I want to watch my cum run over your giant forehead like mercury. Something about you being the oldest son in that scary 19-child Duggar cult, and being all uptight and straight and evil Christian-y, and taking a job with a homophobic hate group…It makes me want to stuff my face in your butt so badly.
You have a rapidly expanding gut, and your jeans go up to your tits, and you think it’s a really good idea to turn a lady’s uterus into the child equivalent of Black Friday at Wal-Mart. It’s so fucking sexy. Your parents have 19 kids and counting, and you’re well on the way to producing your own nightmare army of small-minded, misogynist crazies, and I want to babysit them, and then fuck you when you come home from your new job oppressing everyone all stressed out and anxious.
Hopefully, you’re into fisting because I want to punch your man-kitty so hard that your uvula feels it. When can we meet? When can we 69? Seriously, maybe one of the closet cases at your “Family Research Council” can tie us up in a 69 position, and we’re gagged with each other’s cocks, and the only way they’ll untie us is if we make each other cum multiple times with our hot, slutty mouths.
Or maybe you need a sound spanking so your assuredly fat ass (it’s ok, I like fat asses) is all plump and swollen and tingly, and you just BEG for me to cement my dick firmly in your lovehole. Josh Duggar, what I’m trying to say is I love you. And I want to fuck you. Even the satanically stupid deserve love and to gag on cock until they weep and pass out.
J. Harvey
By the way, that’s friend-to-gays-everywhere Rick Santorum placing cheese on Josh’s head. I’ll put more than cheese on Josh’s head. By that, I mean I’m going to fuck him.
Even for humor, this is gross. I don’t want to see or hear anything about him. Disgusting. Yes I know you think he’s disgusting too, but keep this away from us lol… if you don’t have enough good dick & ass action take a day off from manhunt daily
Ew.. pass..
lol harvey i always thought he was cute too when he was and the show just started out
younger lol
I bet he has a sex dungeon and a little Asian boy.
J.Harvey there is absolutely NOTHING attractive about this man and I fail to see the humor in of any kind in HATRED !!!
So, you don’t like him because he’s a homophobe, so that makes it OK to poke fun at him for being overweight and having a receding hairline? Great job perpetuating the stereotype of gay men as shallow, catty bitches.
I’d like to watch you fuck his guy up, and then you can watch me fuck up Rick Santorum, because the are both POS.
It is post like these that make me not want to read the rest of your post. Just cause you don’t agree with one’s point of view doesn’t mean that you have to drag people through the dirt. It only hurts your point of view and hardens hearts and minds.
Who is J. Harvey ?
his face is soooo round and republican.
not my cup of tea at all…..
I would like to see his dad trying to breed him for 19 more kids and continuing to count