Illinois Hate Group Shamefully Slams Day of Silence

Illinois Family Institute Ad

Earlier I wrote about the National Day of Silence, which aims to send a message about bullying of GLBT students. Now the group Illinois Family Institute has put out a disgusting hate ad attacking a group that really doesn’t need it: bullied children.

The group has removed the ad after the backlash, but I don’t forget easy, so here you go:

The ad features a room full of children duct-taped and being forced to participate in Day of Silence while holding up signs saying “tolerate gays” (I know, that’s an awful message for children to learn). All the while, a voice over dramatically complains further about how people are being tricked by the “homosexual agenda” to accept that gays, who they claim are secretly not the well dressed guys you see on TV but a bunch of low life alcoholics who kill themselves.

Oh, and they randomly throw in a false life expectancy stat for gay men. They claim we only live to be 42, but if you’ve been to your local gay bar you know that’s bullshit.

Words can’t describe how awful it is, I just wish the video was still on YouTube!

– Andy

UPDATE: The video is back online, catch it after the JUMP:

8 thoughts on “Illinois Hate Group Shamefully Slams Day of Silence

  1. That is pretty fucking awful. Thank you for letting people know about this. I can’t believe they would even do such an ad on the heels of the story of the poor kid that hung himself at 11 years old from the anguish of this kind of bullying. They’re heartless idiots with gays in their very own community already whether they like it or not.

  2. It’s amazing the lengths people will go to spread hate. It’s one thing to have a belief, but it’s quite another to take it to such a hateful level. I don’t expect the world to love the LGBT community. I only wish that people tend to their own lives and stop trying to force their lives on others. We only get one life to live, our own. And no one can live it for us.

  3. im sorry i couldnt help but laugh about the life expectancy being 42. the first thing that popped into my mind was they havent walked into a gay bar obviously. and then of course you had to go ahead with your bad self and say it. your my hero.

  4. the fact of the matter is the people who so vehemently denounce gays as vagrants are repressed homosexuals who think that by repressing other homosexuals they’re doing “god’s” work…they think they’ll redeem their souls by causing kids to kill themselves. They make me sick.

  5. my husband came from a family that would probably have espoused this sort of behavior- thank goodness he managed to get his head pointed in the right direction and get out from under it. His mother, when he called and told her that he was gay, responded by saying “You can’t be what you say you are because there is no such thing!” nice, eh?

  6. Wow, 42 is the life expectancy for gays? That would be ideal. Trolls would look a lot better at that age compared to what the gay bars are now harboring.

  7. Andy, you actually WROTE a story? Usually you cut and paste a news article someone else wrote, and you throw in some gay angle to it.

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