Today is National Coming Out Day. Most of you are already aware that I’m a very, very gay man, and seeing as I have nothing new to say on that topic, I’ve been thinking a lot about what this day means to me on a much more personal level. More specifically, my mind goes to the fact that any of us, regardless of our sexuality, are forced to hide parts of ourselves from society. We have to keep secrets, ostensibly censoring ourselves out of fear of judgment, persecution or, in some parts of the world, extreme violence or execution.
This is absolutely bullshit. You know it, and I know it.
So here comes the scary part! I am not who you think I am. “Dewitt” is not a real person. Sure, he represents parts of who I am, but that is only a mere fraction of my identity. The man behind Dewitt is in a monogamous relationship with a man he loves very much. The man behind Dewitt isn’t constantly walking around with a boner and sexually objectifying every human being that walks past him. The man behind Dewitt likes eating pretzels, dancing alone, creating art he’ll never be proud of, drinking good beer and cuddling on the couch with his doofus dog.
Also, the man behind Dewitt is tired of hiding. He’s tired of feeling awkward every time someone asks him what he does for a living, even though most people are endlessly fascinated once they find out. He’s tired of having Manhunt Daily readers ask him what he looks like, then making a big deal about it, as if it should be some huge secret. He’s tired of worrying that people are going to mistake “Dewitt” for the man behind Dewitt, when they are very, very different people with very, very different priorities. He’s tired of people being assholes, not just on this blog, but everywhere.
And, honestly, he’s just plain tired. He spends way too much time than he should working on this blog, thinking about this blog and living for this blog. He’s come to accept this. His hard work has led to great results, and recently, Manhunt Daily has seen some of its best numbers ever.
My apologies for all the third person, emo bullshit. Now, let’s get to the (hopefully) fun part! Click here or the picture above and send a friend request to “Dewitt Daily” on Facebook. I will be sharing a picture of myself, taken today right at my desk, with anyone who friends me on that page. It’s not glamorous by any means, and since Facebook won’t allow links to the Daily on their site, I have literally no idea what else I can offer you once we’re “friends”… But think of it as one other way to contact me. Think of it as the only place where you’ll get access to the man behind Dewitt.
You could follow Dewitt on Twitter. You could follow Dewitt on Tumblr. You could send Dewitt a message on his Manhunt profile. You could send an e-mail to or Most likely, the person responding is going to be Dewitt, a sexually-charged character I’ve created who goes to sleep whenever I leave the Manhunt office every weekday. That will not be the man behind Dewitt.
I’m sorry if this ruins the illusion, I’m sorry if this makes the boners Dewitt has given you mean less, and I’m sorry if it seems like I’m doing this for attention. I just couldn’t sit here—especially after reading Zachary Sire‘s piece on why he left The Sword—and continue to live this gigantic lie.
Dewitt is not dead. For as long as Manhunt still wants him, Dewitt will be here for you, writing slutty things about rimjobs and jizzing on dudes’ faces.
Meanwhile, the man behind Dewitt is ready to step out beyond the curtain. While he’s not quite ready to go all the way, he’ll let you take a small peek. It’s a step in the right direction, and on National Coming Out Day, every tiny step counts for something.
– The Man Behind Dewitt
It’s only an annoying 3rd person reference if you have an actual Theme song or Score playing when you speak of Dewitt.
I think it’s safe to say not ALL of us ‘mos aren’t walking around with protruding penii on a daily basis (at least I should hope not, scary visual)
We all hide and camouflage our activity in some way, Manhuntdaily is my fun lil treat for just myself, not just for the crazy flesh pics, but the hilarity that your staff can add to the mundane and already ridiculous pop culture that surrounds us
It’s easier to talk dirty to “Dewitt” than the man behind i think, it keeps the fantasy alive that we can all be dirty birds when we want.
It’s a damn shame the man behind Dewitt is taken and no one in my area looks like what we can see of him. Yumm-o!
This is by far the best post that I’ve read from you. Very honest and genuine. I’m def a fan.
I’ve sometimes wondered what you looked like and what its like to watch and write about porn and dealing with questions from people asking what you do. Is there another way to see your face without adding you on facebook? It’s pretty much a given for me to expect clients to check my facebook and I’d prefer to not have anything porn related on there.
Ah, you’re a charmer!
Let me find your e-mail!
Awesome post. I think it’s good that you disassociate yourself like this. I’m not the type of person who is the same at work as I am at home. There are definitely two different Erics. It can be a surprise for co-workers who get to know me in my personal life.
Damn, Dewitt is fucking hot! And taken.
Life is so not fair.
Judith Butler, “Imitation and Gender Insubordination” (modified): “What or who is it that is ‘out,’ made manifest and fully disclosed, when I reveal myself as [a gay man]? What is it that is now known, anything . . . ? Can sexuality even remain sexuality once it submits to a criterion of transparency and disclosure . . . ? What, if anything, can [gay men] be said to share? And who will decide this question, and in the name of whom? If I claim to be a [gay man], I ‘come out’ only to produce a new and different ‘closet.’ The ‘you’ to whom I come out now has access to a different region of opacity . . . . So we are out of the closet, but into what? what new unbounded spatiality? the room, the den, the attic, the basement, the house, the bar, the university, some new enclosure whose door, like Kafka’s door, produces the expectation of a fresh air and a light of illumination that never arrives . . . ? Is this very deferral . . . to be valued, a site for the production of values, precisely because the term now takes on a life that cannot be, can never be, permanently controlled?”
What we can see looks good to me!
Thanks for sharing a bit of the man behind Dewitt. I know quite a bit about being consumed by blog work. For almost seven years I dedicated myself to my own blog and it was quite successful. After riding a wave of success I was also burnt out. Blog work can be exhausting, first because you put in all that work to get it to a great place and then because you have to work even harder to maintain it.
I never shared much of my real self on my blog so I can understand the need to disassociate yourself by creating an alter ego. I enjoy Dewitt’s musings very much so I will be here to read more from him and i suspect from the man behind him as well.
So, after seeing how cute Dewitt is, I’m inspired. Where can I send him some ass pics?
HAHAHAHA,, but of course.
Cool. I hope you enjoy.
You are a very handsome guy
Oh whatever, you’re a big ol slut w a sinkhole for a butthole, that;s the Dewitt we love. My eyes went blurry and my brain in denial reading this article, stick w what we know of you. Luv ya
I knew there was a another Dewitt in there somewhere. Lol! I talked to him on twitter when he followed me and then enthusiastically asked about my pets. He wasn’t concerned about my thoughts on sex & dick, but was excited to tell me about how dumb his dog was when I said mine was going to be winning any intelligence contest anytime soon. That Dewitt wanted to know my pet’s names and not what I call my dick. I personally like both sides of Dewitt, and even though I can’t see all of your face, what I can see is adorable. I don’t have a Facebook, it’s just not my thing. Well I technically have one that I got to get some promotional thing for a game, but I haven’t been on it since then and don’t even remember the password or email address I used. Lol!
I like the beard Dewitt…I wanna blow my load all over it now.
I meant to say my Dig WASN’T going to be winning any intelligence contest soon. Lol!
Just my luck…I’m not on Facebook and I refuse to ever be on Facebook. I won’t get to see what you look like.
And I also think you meant your dog, not your dig
1. What kind of dog do you own? I hope it’s adorable.
2. You’re still a cutie pie I see
3. Yay for you!
I do have to say that my fantasy of you has taken a little beating. However, having said that — I am not all that surprised. Some of your posts are really thoughtful and it takes a certain kind of person to have the perspective you have! Keep up the good work man!
I have two dogs! I don’t know if they’re ready to come out from behind the curtain though. Maybe some day.
Yeah, my auto correct on my phone is an asshole. Lol!
i dont know why you feel the need to hide yourself, you have a penguin stitched onto your shirt. if you can rock a penguin, you can rock anything.
Handsome as can be.
I think this is one of the best things I’ve read on here. Sure there’s no dicks or ass’ but there is a man writing from his heart & taking a step into the scary unknown. He seems like a man that is sincere, nice & would be a good friend. Yes I like dirty, to the point, men obsessed Dewitt but I never thought of it as anything more than your “job/net/blog persona”. Honestly, yes I’ve wanted to see what you & JHarvey look like & what you are like but I didn’t want to invade your privacy. From what I see in your 2 partial pics above you’re also cute/handsome/hot/sexy as well.
I hope your post here helps resolve some things on your tired list. & I also hope to see more honest posts like this from both of you if JHarvey feels “up” to it
(also the usual dicks & ass’ galore please!!)
Thank you Dewitt
Yeah, I think we as people (but especially as people in OUR community) all put on a bit of a character at times, playing up certain aspects of ourselves depending on our situations, ESPECIALLY when on the internet, it’s not a representative of our whole being so much as an intentional emphasis on whatever trait or personality quirk we’re trying to push forward and grab people’s attention with.
So on that front this is no big news to me. For me, the better news is that unlike in the actual Wizard of Oz, the man behind THIS curtain is frickin’ adoreballs.
How on earth do you keep from getting porno-fatigue?
Congrats on YOUR coming out DEWITT!
It may not be the closet but it out of the shadows which can be a battle by it’s self.
Nothing like opening up and you did it well! Sure it is scarey but your need and desire took over and I applaud you for that!
This article is the all-too-common, garden variety tale of “How to Be An Attention Whore Online” with a coating of narcissism.
Let me translate: “I’m sorry I’m a raging asshole, Dewitt, but I have nothing better to do with my time than to be one.”
There, fixed it for you.
You know we love you; sometimes we can be a pain in the ass, and its impossible to
make everyone happy… But we love Dewitt and im sure we love what we can see of the man behind Dewitt…. Keep doing such a good work… XOXO
Um, how ridiculous are you to accuse someone of being an “attention whore” on their on fucking blog that you voluntarily visited and read? It’s HIS column on HIS blog that he gets PAID to write for. What the fuck to you get by being an asshole? Nada. I don’t thinks those words mean what you think they mean. Idiot.
don’t have facebook never will so how can I get to see your pic?
Too bad Dewitt is taken… or Monogamous I guess… Cause from what I see he’s hot. And would be just my type.
What I see so far is damn cute, and it does not matter if we get Dewitt or the man behind Dewitt, it is all good!
Thank you for this Dewitt. I agree with everyone below in that you are a handsome lad. I totally understand what you’re feeling with your work versus your private life. Some of us have jobs that are just too on the edge for most people to handle especially on a casual basis. I do the same thing to some extent. I don’t hide who I am or what I do with everyone but it’s certainly not the first thing that I share when meeting someone. I usually just go with “I do massage” and let it ride. Good on you for recognizing that it takes a lot of energy to NOT be fully who you are all the time and every where. It’s a lot like people in the closet. They spend so much time and effort spinning a tale of who they think people can handle…and all for no good reason ultimately. I’m thrilled that you’ve let us see this much of you. Keep on being the amazing blogger that you are and good natured sassy-mouth stud. YOU are a superstar.
so proud of you dewitt
and whatever you say or reveal about yourself, ill always want to munch your hole and cum on your beard.
love you.