Manhunt has a HUGE repository of cock pics. Our members like to show off what they’re swinging! People need to sample the merchandise beforehand.
Some cock pics, however, are better than others. There’s so many things to consider when preserving your peen for posterity. Lighting, positioning, and tumescence are all categories you need to consider.
Sex blogger, porn adventurer, and Manhunt’s official “sexpert” Colby Keller uses his YouTube podium this week to show you the best way to photograph your cock. What would we do without him? I, for one, would be jerking off a lot less if he wasn’t around. He’s so friggin’ sexy.
Is there a gay sex topic you’d like Colby to cover? Got a question for him? Contact Colby via or
For more Colby Keller, follow him on Twitter and check out his Big Shoe Diaries blog!
Check out ALL of Colby’s “In Bed With Colby Keller” vids here.
He should have demonstrated on his own pecker
It kills me to say this – cause I’m a nice and “appreciate” guy – but a lot of years in the fashion/publishing world – I’m sure that beloved Colby is wearing a RUG. A toupee – “other” hair. Not that it would make a big difference to me – but guys’ with rugs are a a big turn off. Be HOT BALD, rather than wear a rug. That’s just my $200,000 a year opinion. Someone, in the know – please challenge me……
Good one Colby but I hope some take it to heart lord knows many play games with their pics and info and hope for the best.
He’s an idiot.
I like all sizes and shapes! Size queens/kings are idiots honestly, there’s more to a person, especially a man than his penis and penis size/girth/whatever else you’d like to be a moron to think of. We as a people need to liberate men from the socially conceptualized stigmas pertaining to masculinity and the definition of masculinity. Masculinity means something different to everyone and in every culture. If you’re more preoccupied with a males penis length, size, girth, etc, you’re a very shallow and vain person. At the end of the day, it’s about who the person is and how they please you in other areas of your life, not just sexually. This whole size obsession is why men are developing psychological problems that affect their health negatively and severely. Again, I appreciate penises of all sizes and shapes but there’s a fundamental truth to be told here, not all penises feel the same or work the same, there is such a thing as too big and yes, too small. Move beyond the superficial and find something else that pleases you or you’re sure to end up alone at the end of the day or for the rest of your life because of something so stupid and insignificant.
I think you are wrong.He’s never had a receding hairline , and I’ve been following him since his Sean Cody days.
You’re probably just jealous.
that’s such a weak argument – “You’re probably just jealous.”
why not use “…he’s not – so THERE!”
that kind of logic belongs on “He Who Shall Not Be Named” ‘s blog -_-
If it kills you to say it then why are you saying it…again? This isn’t the first time we’ve heard this from you so it must not be killing you too much. If this post were asking if we think the people in the pics are wearing toupee’s, your comments would be right in line with that…but that’s not the case. This is you going off on a tangent and trying to hide that behind your niceness and “appreciate”ness and your experiences in a related field. So given that your comments are totally off topic, that says that you have an agenda here and I won’t wager to guess what it is but maybe you should look at that rather than attacking Colby.
I call bullshit, you’ve made this claim before and it’s ridiculous. So he has a hair piece that he can wear in and out of water and it looks and behaves exactly like natural hair, it can be pulled during sex and behaves exactly like natural hair, but we’re all fooled because Colby Keller has the most scientifically advanced and expensive hairpiece ever invented….and he does all that on a bohemian pornstar budget. Hush child…hush. You’re silly and your blinged out $200,000 a year opinion holds no sway here.
If you can prove it, prove it…using facts or concrete observations. this dude has plenty of photos of him on the inter webs, if you can show a demonstrable tell of artifice there’d be some relevancy to what you’re saying. As you can only speculate it, and base it on your unverifiable “experience” in an alleged professional sphere…it all seems like baseless speculation.
Did you mean you’re an appreciative guy? Also, just because you claim to have years in fashion/publishing doesn’t mean you’re an expert on hairpieces. It just makes you seem like you’re tooting your own horn while shitting on someone. THAT’S unsexy, not this guy.
I don’t know who you are referring to.
It was just a little kick in the bucket to finish my message.
I don’t understand why he listed his annual income as a source of authority…Pretty tacky move 🙂
Donald Trump makes more though, I guess I should ask him about hair pieces , but he says he has never worn one…:p
I love his random noises. too cute.
I wish he was into black men!!! it seemed like he used to be, but now not so much. (somebody please correct me if i’m wrong……. my dick and i will thank you.)
i am not hateful and i am not a hater. i am a critic, with help in my heart. i do not like these. and i should. you speak a little fast. the overall is too coy and it sinks the fun. the text is too long. fewer but better stated personal relevancies will make the whole thing pop. signed, helpful hannah
I would like to send my Dick pic to get some feed back i won’t care or taker offend just want to hear an honest opinion is there anyone that would give me honest words hot me up