Our resident Manhunt “sexpert”, the incomparable Colby Keller, introduced his newest “In Bed With Colby Keller” series as follows:
These two are a little different than what I normally send. A fan wrote and asked if I could talk about issues facing gay men with disabilities. I asked if we could have a conversation and record it instead, since I’m hardly an expert on this particular topic and can’t speak to the challenges he’d like me to address from my own personal experience.
I downloaded an app that lets you record Skype calls, and spliced together the results. It’s a bit of an experiment since I’ve never tried to post an interview before. It also ran kind of long (a total of about 20 minutes), so I decided to break it into two videos. I know each one is still longer than the 2-3 minutes I try to aim for but I think (and hope!) the conversation is interesting enough to hold the audience’s attention.
You mean disabled dudes get horny and wanna get laid, too? No way!
This is a very interesting topic, and it answered questions I always had but were actually afraid to ask cuz’ I didn’t want to come off as an idiot or rude. Yes, I AM a rude idiot but I don’t want EVERYONE to know.
Is there a gay sex topic you’d like Colby to cover (besides your ass with his cock)? Contact him via daily@manhunt.net or bigshoediaries@gmail.com.
And for more Colby Keller, follow him on Twitter and check out his Big Shoe Diaries blog!
Check out ALL of our “In Bed With Colby Keller” vids here.
– J. Harvey
Photo credit: Gabe Ayala
Watch Colby’s interview below with (the terribly cute) Andrew below:
Another great “In Bed with Colby Keller” video. Informative and inspirational for all guys – disabled or not.
Goo topic Mr Keller !
A lot of things in gay culture seem to be aimed only at the young and fit.
We need to dig deeper and start seeing the other sides of things.
As someone who is in almost the exact same position as Andrew and the same disability, i was noddng the whole way through this. It’s so damn hard to get people to see “you” and not the chair. Havent come across anything as indepth as this on a high traffic forum. Fantastic work
I am so glad that I could be of help Wheels.
Hard to imagine how it is for guys like Wheels and Andrew but my hat is off to you for keeping at it and enjoying life rather than giving up!
I hope you all find what you like and are looking for and meet some great guys on the sites till the right one CUMS around!
Nice work on this subject Colby!
I think it’s because most people never really have the chance to talk to someone with a disability.
Once at university a girl in a wheelchair came to sit next to me, we started talking about the course and we became friends for the rest of the year, I never even mentioned that she was in a wheelchair or asked her how she became disabled , it just never was relevant, when prior to that if I only saw that she was someone in a wheelchair( I would only see her through what she couldn’t do, which is stupid)
It’s just part of someone’s life, it doesn’t define him/her 24/7 and it’s not what they think about all day long. They just want to carry on with their lives like most people and happen to move differently, that’s it.
I guess many people tend to have a discomfort when it comes to this and it’s really due to lack of experience/knowledge in the field.
Andrew is very cute by the way.
Why thank you HD. That is why I am doing this to raise awareness about men with all levels of ability within our community and to help redefine what “sexy” is in gay culture.
So this was awesome. Andrew seems like a nice guy and your questions were spot on with him. Thanks for shining light on disabilities and exposing us to the gay side of them. I have a cousin who has CP and she has a very wild sex life. Probably much greater than mine. This is one of those topics that can only help our culture evolve together and not break down itself with our sub-groups and such. It’s important to have your identity, no matter bear, or twink, or someone who has a disability. Awesome work, Mr. Keller. I’d like to show you my appreciation.
Andrew, thanks for letting Colby interview you, man. We’re getting a lot of good feedback, as you can see.
You’re welcome ! I saw you made a few youtube videos and wanted to become a voice for this part of the community, which would be great I think.
SO here is Andrew’s Twitter @amgurza1
Youtube channel :
I don’t know if you’ve created anything separate for the cause so I hope you don’t mind me posting these stuff here, did this since you post under your real name anyway…
Looking forward to watching part 2
Happy to do it. Plus – who wouldn’t want to interviewed / speak with Colby?! I’d love to do more stuff to promote gay men w/ disabilities on MH. Maybe we could talk. =)
I am trying to find Andrew on Manhunt but his profile isnt pulling up I would like to add him as a friend, I to am disabled though not to that extent
This should be resolved now. “hotcrippledlover”. I had to sign up again. but it should be okay now.
This guy is a legend.