In Which The Golden Girls Make Cher’s “Woman’s World” Somewhat Tolerable…

This is the gayest thing that ever happened to the world. If I admitted to you how much I enjoyed this mash-up of The Golden Girls and Cher‘s new single “Woman’s World“, then you would probably never want to have sex with me, so I’m just going to pretend that I’m making fun of it, and maintain some semblance of masculine charm and sexual prowess.


– Dewitt

Watch Dorothy, Rose, Blanche and Sophia work it out to Cher’s new single:




8 thoughts on “In Which The Golden Girls Make Cher’s “Woman’s World” Somewhat Tolerable…

  1. If loving this mash-up/remix/upgrade of Cher’s single makes you less masculine then I want to be the same as you. The Golden Girls make EVERYTHING much better.

  2. I know every episode in this mash up by heart. lol! How can anyone watch an episode of Golden Girls and not laugh? Today Betty White is still one of the funniest people alive. Will be a very sad day when she goes. I know I will actually cry. Watched this show with my Grandmother & my Mom as well when I was younger. Good memories.

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