While Dr. Phil screams at rednecks on syndication, we've got someone new at MANHUNT Daily to help you cure your mo woes. Meet Dr. Queerlove, our new advice columnist!
Andy: Hey, Dr. Queerlove!
Dr. Q: Andy, I'm not actually a doctor, I don’t think you can call me Doctor Que—
Andy: Dr. Queerlove, are you excited to be joining the MANHUNT Daily Team?
Dr. Q: Yes, very! But really, Mr. Queerlove is fine, or maybe just Mr. Q…
Andy: We can’t wait for your first post Dr. Q! What did you prescribe? Can you get us Viagra?
Dr. Q: No, I can’t prescribe anything. I just give good advice. The first question was from a guy who is not happy with the sex in his relationship. The entry should be up tomorrow and we will have a new one every Wednesday.
Andy: Well save some of those little blue pills for me, doc!
Readers, email your questions on love, relationships, blue balls, lube… whatever, to our resident expert at Queerlove@manhunt.net.
DISCLAIMER: Dr. Queerlove is not a doctor, of any kind. Not even a Ph.D. in botany. So if you follow his advice and end up bruised, impotent and alone, you can’t sue us… because we’re telling you right here that you can’t.
a phd in the law!
Andy needs Viagra? Never would’ve guessed…