iPhone Wars: Battle of The Anonymous Cock


What's a boy to do when there are four dicks sitting in front of his face? Vote on which one is the hottest, but of course! Today's contestants on iPhone Wars certainly aren't shy about showing off what's in their pants. However, they are a little shy when it comes to revealing what's above the neck.

We know a lot of you need to see a face pic before you meet someone from Manhunt, but which of these guys would pique your interest enough to ask for a face pic? The choice is pretty obvious for me, so I look forward to seeing if you agree!

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Guys With iPhones

To see the full pics and cast your vote, follow the JUMP:









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31 thoughts on “iPhone Wars: Battle of The Anonymous Cock

  1. I didn’t even notice the Iron Man mask until I voted for him. What’s not to love?

  2. Yeah. I think the mask helps him win this landslide, though I didn’t vote for him.

  3. It’s all about A for me! Sexy lean and hairy body with a beautiful cock and balls! YUM YUM YUM!

  4. where’s my damned all of the above button! I think I commented on each of these guys too! LOL. D worries me only in that I like to see an erect pic … while big and thick, I’ve met many that stay fairly flexible, if you will. At least you know the other 3 definitely can get hard. I love them all … B would be my least likely but only because of the angle — I love a shot that shows the chest as well.

  5. damm that was a tough choice for me. They all look fucking good and tasty. I like D and A and C. Shit they all looked delish-ous

  6. Hugh flacid cock, shaved balls, face hideen by a mask – D is my vote. I’m almost surprised though that no one had a negative comment about the mess in the background…

  7. Tough for me. A’s pic is the sexiest, and his bod is great: tight, but not “narcissistic” built. D’s thick schlong is attractive though . . . .

  8. A friend of mine once said “There are only two kinds of gay guys: Size Queens and Liars. I’m not a liar. I pick “D”.

  9. Went with A as well. I’ve had the large and I’ve had the uncut. Uncut is FAR more fun! The comment about Liar or size queen is just…. well… typical of a lot of people. Not everyone fits in the same category! Geez! lol

  10. Damn that D guy wow has a nice package and body. I think i picked him cause of the package and the nice body…and im a top… But A and B are hott…way hot! and i love uncut

  11. actually, damn, they’re all hot. *sigh*
    I can’t decide. Iron Cock is too smooth to be my choice, even though his body is boomin’.
    Other than that, Ionno.

  12. Huh, I guess I’m the only one who thinks Iron Man looks kind of deformed, then?
    I went with A. B wasn’t bad, either. I just felt sorry for C and his poor choice in tatoo artist.

  13. that’s the beauty of us: we’re not all created equal.
    some of us are neat.
    some of us are messy.
    that young guy seems to be a typical..
    ..well, young guy. . . . .

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