iPhone Wars: Battle of The Caps

It’s that time of the week where we throw together random guys who fit some random theme and ask you to not-so-randomly select the hottest of the bunch! This week’s round of iPhone Wars finds twelve dudes in caps competing to be, um, the best dude in a cap. It’s an extremely prestigious honor to hold this title (in case you weren’t aware).

My personal vote is going to either Contestant H or Contestant K, though there’s something about Contestant J‘s DILF-y realness that might change my mind. I don’t know, guys! This is a tough one. Who are you voting for? Maybe I’ll just copy your answer and hope our teacher Mr. Knight doesn’t catch us cheating.

– Dewitt

Photos via: Guys With iPhones

Click through to see the full pics and cast your vote:













19 thoughts on “iPhone Wars: Battle of The Caps

  1. I have a confession… I hate photos of guys with caps on… Just a turn off for some reason, especially if they are doing duck face, flipping the bird or otherwise giving phoney “street” attitude. To me it reads as “douche” and “I think I’m hot sh!t”. I’ll run the other way if I see a photo like that in someone’s profile.

  2. I think caps are hot!  Nice selection here, I went with D for looks and F, well cuz he has a big “ego”….

  3. id rather take L… he didnt show anything so hes got some dignity 🙂

  4. Rimjobs feel so much sexier when he’s got a beard. ‘K’ was a VERY close second for me. And it looks like ‘K’ is packing as much as ‘F’, just sayin’. lol. 

    ‘F’ has the whole GQ package, though – he wins this round fair and square. 

    Guys under 6′ tall with big cocks, btw – awesome. Makes the ratio look more impressive. 😉

  5. I’m thinkin’ A. He’s trying the least hard to appeal, which I find appealing. Also, redhead.

  6. would willingly let “H” use my mouth for months at a time … H is for HOT .. H is for HUNK .. how I would love to harvest his seed!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. F seems like like someone I’d go out with and not just because he’s naked but he has that wacky face going on and he’s not ridiculously hairy and bulky…idk lol 

  8. It was a tough choice between D and K.  If D showed cock, he’d probabaly be a clear-cut winner.  If K smiled, he’d have more of an edge.  Forced to choose, I went with D, for the face.

  9. guy “h” is hella hot.

    he was the clear choice for me.

    even guy “b” (who incidentally is my “runner-up”) endorses guy “h.”

    neither showed his dick, and both still caught my eye most.


    (it’s nice to have Priorities.)

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