This next question is rather personal, but it’s Manhunt Daily so it’s not like I’m shocking the biddys over at Martha Stewart’s page. Have you ever been rimmed by a guy with a beard? I have. More than once. It can go two ways. One being if his beard is soft, it’s like a heaven of delicate sensations with his beard buffing your butt crack and his tongue going to work on your hole. If his beard is scratchy…well, ok, it’s also pleasurable. Rough can be hot! Although, I’m sure there was some road rash back there afterwards.
Anyway, the point is beards are sexy and useful. Four of these iPhone guys have em’. Which beard would YOU want to sit on?
– J. Harvey
To vote, Follow the JUMP:
Contestant A
Contestant B
Contestant C
Contestant D
Harry Horror (contestant B) always wins. ALWAYS.
did contestant d just eat a lemon?
A is so fucking sexy on that suit.
it’s not really fair since you get to see contestant c’s body. and of COURSE i voted for that. contestant d: smile dude, and lose that VEST! might i suggest ‘cleansing fire’?
of course contestant b is going to win: bod shot, hot beard, sexy smile. contestant d: lose the vest through fire.
Why can there not be a multiple choice option? B and C can rim me any day, any time!
i had to vote for D, poor guy looks like he’s about to cry
And you call yourselves gay?! For the love of penis, D is not wearing a vest, he is wearing a cardigan and I think he looks damn cute in it!
d looks like he hit some dark chocolate in t he last ass he licked—what a puss!
Looks like someone dropped off something really smelly in the mens room where D took his pic…..
I like C best, but his artificial lower limbs turn me off. Beards look stupid in any event. it’s not 1977 anymore for a reason.
Contestant C is none other than Steven Daigle. Porn star looking for a job.
Some people write sh#t for sport ….
I love them all…. I love a man with a beard and all of these r gorgeous!!!!!
I Knew there Had To Be Someone Else WHo’d Recognize Him, Eh Not A Fan Though.
Contestant A….All the way
C looks like Steven Daigle…
A is my favorite. So sexy.
God…I fucking love beards.
@Cowboybottom: Eh because IT IS HIM. Funny your name is cowboybottom and Steven is/was a cowboy and you couldn’t recognize him.
contestant C has that wry smile..and hot bod
The artificial limbs comment just cracked my ass up.
I completely agree. Contestant A is absolute husband material.
I am gay and very proud and I didn’t know how in the hell that thing is called? Why I need to know that? I have better thing to do with my neurons.
Beards are soooooo 20 years ago!
It’s not like I spend hour upon hour studying the various types of sweaters. I buy clothes and I live where it’s cold enough to wear a sweater. If I stop in think about it, the reason I know it’s a cardigan is the joke from Dumb & Dumber where the police are telling them to pull over and Harry says, “Thanks, it’s actually a cardigan.” Get it? Pullover… Cardigan… Nevermind.
Oh i found a cardigan ( sounds like a bad word in Spanish) in the closet. Thank you for the info!
i’ll take option E: none of the above.
I think “D” probably has the fullest and best-groomed beard of the lot, but the pucker-puss and cardy really spoil his chances even to place in this competition. I’m taking points off “B” because his bare chest gives him an unfair advantage (even though his chest isn’t that great). “C” loses points because he already works in the industry, so he’s not really “the guy next door.” That leaves me with “A.” He’s kinda cute … looks like someone you’d know at the office.
hummm… not sure, they better come over, get naked and F*** the crap out of me, I might know then

failing that could I just have Adam Killan & Jasun Mark instead
You’re welcome, Danilo!
It’s a good thing D is in a restroom, because he sure looks constipated!