iPhone Wars: Red Bottoms Battle It Out

No, we are not talking about competing ginges with hairy asses or dudes who just got spanked. This week’s competition is between guys wearing red bottoms, whether they be briefs, shorts or sweatpants. Yes, it’s a flimsy excuse for an iPhone war, but it’s also good-looking guys missing shirts. Flimsy works. Also, “red bottoms” sounds nicer than “sink dicks.”

p.s. Dewitt thinks that the “blond twink is DOOMED.” Prove him wrong! Vote for pale yellow, smart, and pasty if you’re into it!

– J. Harvey

To vote, Follow the JUMP:

Contestant A

Contestant B

Contestant C

Contestant D

30 thoughts on “iPhone Wars: Red Bottoms Battle It Out

  1. Yeah, I think the blonde twink is doomed too, the other 3 are way hotter. Is that white blonde the new trend now? I’ve been seeing that a lot lately with gay boys. It’s not cute.

  2. I, however, try to see doomed blond twink in an alternate universe where he has darker hair and better underwear. But for now, my ote goes to the daddy on B.

  3. Wow, one of the hardest choices ever (and I mean that literally and figuratively), but I finally went with B.  Love the hairy chest, abs, and face, plus he’s just a little bit older–I bet he fucking knows what he’s doing in the sack!

  4. Let’s be real, if A showed up in my Manhunt or Grindr feed, I’d jump at the chance to give him a roll.  (And the one thing I regret about going bald prematurely is not being able to do the white blond thing.  Also, for the record, it’s the return of a trend.)  But, in this group, C got my vote.

  5. It was a VERY hard choice between B and D…. Went with B but wish I could have voted for both of them! DAMN!

  6. (?

    where are all the ephebophiles that are normally running rampant around manhunt daily?

    the poor young lad is performing exceptionally-poor, which is striking me as highly unusual… …please don’t tell me it’s his glasses that is putting people off¿

    now that i look at it, “A” isn’t even bad-looking, actually: i, myself, would probably not be averse to the idea of having a romp in the hay with the little fella…)

    …although, maybe not before i had spent some “Q.T.” with the king of Smug, contestant “B.”

    (R.I.P. Billy Mays!)

    i wonder whom he is, anyway: i note that he tends to pop up a bit, on the site.

  7. Totally agree! He looks like those artsy paris type wearing stripes and smoking one of those long ass cigarettes.  To each their own, but he just looks to stuck up for me.

  8. jeez.

    how could I ask “where are all the Ephebophiles to rescue contestant A?”, when obviously they’d all voted for contestant C¿

    I suppose “A” looks like he could pro’ly put up a good fight, is why “C” was flocked to.

    maybe. . . . .

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