Is It Getting Hot In Here Or Is That Just The Fire I’m Setting So These Guys Will Save Me?

2010 New York City Firefighters Calendar, fire men, NYC, Staten Island Burn Center, hot guys, muscular

The 2010 New York City Firefighters Calendar is out now, and some of the guys are hotter than the fires they put out. Who's your favorite out of all the models? I'm torn between the smiley lad above and the guy posing by the Brooklyn Bridge, but let's be real… I'd totally play with all of their hoses!

If you like what you see, you can buy the calendar from their website. A portion of the proceeds going to the Staten Island Burn Center, so we suggest buying two copies (if you catch my drift). And if you don't catch my drift, I'm implying that you might get cum stains on one of the copies.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Battman Studios

For the other eleven models, follow the JUMP:

2010 New York City Firefighters Calendar, fire men, NYC, Staten Island Burn Center, hot guys, muscular
2010 New York City Firefighters Calendar, fire men, NYC, Staten Island Burn Center, hot guys, muscular
2010 New York City Firefighters Calendar, fire men, NYC, Staten Island Burn Center, hot guys, muscular
2010 New York City Firefighters Calendar, fire men, NYC, Staten Island Burn Center, hot guys, muscular
2010 New York City Firefighters Calendar, fire men, NYC, Staten Island Burn Center, hot guys, muscular
2010 New York City Firefighters Calendar, fire men, NYC, Staten Island Burn Center, hot guys, muscular
2010 New York City Firefighters Calendar, fire men, NYC, Staten Island Burn Center, hot guys, muscular
2010 New York City Firefighters Calendar, fire men, NYC, Staten Island Burn Center, hot guys, muscular
2010 New York City Firefighters Calendar, fire men, NYC, Staten Island Burn Center, hot guys, muscular
2010 New York City Firefighters Calendar, fire men, NYC, Staten Island Burn Center, hot guys, muscular

7 thoughts on “Is It Getting Hot In Here Or Is That Just The Fire I’m Setting So These Guys Will Save Me?

  1. #’s 1, 6, 7, 8, 10 in spite of all the ink, 11 & 12….NYC has always been a favorite place of mine to visit and these are the reasons why.

  2. Yeah, I agree: the one with the ink is hot. I love tats but his are haphazard. Why do people get tats like that. Tribal and Asian script is like crica 1990.

  3. 1, 2, and 5 are my favorites. 3 is cute, but the bulging veins are a bit of a turn-off.
    I guess body hair would be a fire hazard?

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