We all remember the fight over Proposition 8— the ads, fund raising and strong emotions on both sides. Now Maine finds itself in a similar situation after the “repeal gay-marriage” measure made it onto the ballot.
In November Maine voters will be deciding on Question 1, which asks, “Do you want to reject the new law that lets same-sex couples marry and allows individuals and religious groups to refuse to perform these marriages?”
Just like in California, the ad wars have begun with the one above, which I think is very effective. Hopefully this time around we get the message right! Also, like California we face a fund raising challenge, so I urge those who can to donate!
I think this time around at least the outcome can be different.
– Andy
Another ad, after the JUMP:
If that’s the way the proposition is written, I’m not sure I’d vote no. The language is perplexing. Who decided to put the part about religious groups being able to refuse to perform marriages? They should be able to refuse to do anything they want. Our argument for equal rights to marry becomes less attractive to more people when it crosses over from the idea of civil rights (in terms of equal access to legal rights and protections) and moves toward a blanket decree on other parts of people’s lives. Religious groups are private organizations with free choice of affiliation; there’s no reason to force them to marry people with whom they have chosen not to affiliate.