Yesterday, President Barack Obama met up with five of the top Democratic political bloggers for a private meeting at the White House. Among the group was Joe Sudbay of AMERICAblog, who addressed such issues as Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, same-sex marriage and the LGBT community’s general disappointment with the current administration.
The full transcript is actually quite fascinating, and I’d encourage you all to read it over here. However, the quote receiving the most coverage concerns Obama’s evolving opinion on marriage equality:
“I have been to this point unwilling to sign on to same-sex marriage primarily because of my understandings of the traditional definitions of marriage. But I also think you’re right that attitudes evolve, including mine.”
Evolution! Well, that’s a start, right? But what’s the cause of this gradual change of heart? Read on, my friends…
“I think that it is an issue that I wrestle with and think about because I have a whole host of friends who are in gay partnerships. I have staff members who are in committed, monogamous relationships, who are raising children, who are wonderful parents. And I care about them deeply. And so while I’m not prepared to reverse myself here… I think it’s fair to say that it’s something that I think a lot about.”
As someone who previously expressed skepticism, it’s nice to see Obama truly addressing his feelings on these issues. But will his “thinking a lot” be enough for the critics? Leave a comment, and let us know what you think!
– Dewitt
I loved Obama before he became president, but now, I’m not so sure how I feel. This political season has been such a turn-off, that I’m ready just to vote for Green Party candidates. Just imagine how many homeless people could have been helped with the billions of dollars spent on all the disgusting political attack ads, from both sides, this year. Still…the prospect of Republicans back in some kind of control of the government, or some powerful obstructionist position, is nauseating to contemplate. So in the end, I will probably do as I always do, vote for Democrats and hope for the best. They sure have done a lousy job at telling the public what things would be like now if they had not done what they did for the last two years. Republicans, as usual, have a much better PR machine, and it has cost us dearly and will continue to do so for the next two years at least. If anybody cares…
President Obama has totally let down gay Americans. He should support gay marriage without reservation. And he should end Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell now, but as we all know he has no spine. He has backed down from so many of his campaign promises, it is very sad. If the gay community thought by supporting Obama, they were choosing the gay friendly candidate, they were wrong. Hillary Clinton was the one who would have done more for us. Obama is basically a typical homophobe, who happens to be otherwise liberal.
i think obama was never against gay marriage, it’s just in backward america you can’t run for presidency if u support gay marriage. simple as that.
hillary clinton was asked during the democrat candidate run in 2008 whether it was possible for a presidential candidate to support gay marriage and win the election and she said ‘no’.
I agree Nex… I think it’s important to understand that unless you’ve been involved with large scale politics, you cannot possibly understand how difficult it is to create change, and how carefully a officer of government must choose his words. We all knew that things couldn’t change overnight, and if you didn’t, you’re an idiot. If you can’t acknowledge that change is happening, and continue to cheer on those helping towards change, then perhaps you should try living in a monarchy or a dictatorship, where only one person makes change, and noone gets a say. Cuz we all know that works out so well.
To say that Obama let down gay Americans is ridiculous. He was handed a pretty shit situation, and he’s doing quite a bit to put things right. The very fact that a dialogue was even able to happen about DADT, or gay marriage, is progressive for this country.
thinking is going to get the job done, actions will
Obama is a disaster in so many areas, including gay ones.
Hillary 2012 ! ! !
Though he promised to be a “fierce advocate” for LGBT rights, I didn’t believe him and he hasn’t delivered. He’s thrown a few tidbits our way with domestic partnerships within some government organizations, but has not done right by us on DADT, DOMA, AIDS funding, etc. I voted for him, but if do so again in 2012, it’s going to be a tough haul. Given his backpedaling and compromise on other progressive issues, I’m not seeing any difference between him and a moderate Republican. Unless the GOP runs a loony-toon (which – let’s face it – is likely), I’m keeping an open mind for 2012.
DADT was started a full twenty years ago by Clinton. It is definitely past time for Obama to simply step in as President and move the agenda along. He has backtracked because he seems to be afraid of every critique he gets.
Good to see him evolving, but as echoed by nearly everyone else, his promise of action in the past has gone NOWHERE, so nice that his mind has changed, but I would expect it all to end there.
Obama’s presidency is going down the drain quickly. The only way he will get reelected is if the republicans can’t find anyone better than they have now to run in two years. And Obama is banking on that.
I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult a decision that is for Obama to make; Yes, this is a matter of basic human rights, and on that ground, solely, it shouldn’t even be up for second thought. HOWEVER, a good portion of the society we live in has strong and negative views of the issue. That doesn’t make it right, but it’s still a problem for Obama. He is liable to be scrutinized for every decision he makes, and in this context, people have been known to get all up in arms. His very seat in power could be at risk. So I think what he struggles with most is not whether or not he thinks that we should be granted the same rights, protections, and privileges as heterosexuals, but rather, Will making it legal put everything he’s planned to do in office, that he’d not been able to do so far, at risk?
Will the legalization of gay marriage cause a nationwide unsettlement, and invite the Old Republican government back into office by the organized masses of hate?
If that were to happen, one could say that gay marriage could be made illegal once again. We saw it happen in California- and if it happened there, it will happen everywhere. That’s for damn sure.
So, will all this said, I’m not sure I can necessarily blame him for not taking immediate action. Should be put into law that gay relationships should be legally recognized as equally legitimate as straight relationships? Absolutely. But that decision is going to have to be his, and he’s going to need to decide for the right reasons.
Any posturing out of Obama nowadays is pure and simple political pandering. He did it with his “It Gets Better” video, and he’s doing it now. Tossing gays a morsel and hoping they return to the fold in time to save his agenda from being completely derailed by a split Congress (the most likely scenario, based on recent polling). So phony …
Hey guys! Nice to see everyone discussing important issues for a change, as opposed to whether or not some hunk’s abs have been photo shopped!
No matter what Obama does some group will see fault I think we should all be happy Obama is thinking of what will be best for all of us not just the rich like so many other presidents.
Nex and Alan your correct and i agree, and its just this country thats tell every other how to do the right thing in the matters of equality but never seem to practice it and if you don’t follow US government by the letter they will find themselves being invaded to make sure equality is being enforced.
Hillary 2012!!! ,next war oh sorry liberation soon to follow let the right wing pissing content begin for this is one golden shower you wont like. Divide and conquer is on the menu.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: The surest way to know if a politician is lying to you is to look at his/her lips. If they are moving, then the politician is lying.
I didn’t read the other comments, but I have to make a quick comment. I think that it is great that the President is being honest. This is a difficult situation to handle. As gay men, the majority of us see the simplicity of allowing freedom of marriage, but it is important for us to understand how other people feel when dealing with the situation. I think it is great that the leader of our country is confident to admit that he doesn’t know. He is a man of faith, the President, and he must please millions of people every day. This is a huge decision and it must be handled carefully. I praise him for being honest and I respect him more for taking the time to admit that.
Does anyone else find it sad that the Black man, who has probably dealt with racism and countless other issues, thinks that “separate, but equal” is okay? As a person I find it demoralizing. As a gay man I find it offensive.
His honesty has been suspect since the beginning of his campaign and I don’t trust what he says in a political interview. He is a skilled orator. Especially when he has a script. But only the actions he has taken or takes will dictate what his true beliefs are. And so far I find his actions deplorable.
No, he’s not changing his mind — he’s stringing you along, that’s all. And if you haven’t figured that out by now, it’s probably of little consequence. Obama is an incompetent, narcissistic douchebag… but hey, if you want to “hope” that he might “change,” then have at it.
I was for Hillary in 2008. I felt she had the gravitas to lead and was just the better, smarter, less flashy choice. I do believe she would have had the inside political power to control her own party leadership. Though I applaud the President’s evolution of thought, when I look at him I see someone who is indecisive on almost everything. At the risk of not offending anyone he has basically vacillated. Hillary had more courage and was the greater champion of gay issues. We as the Gay community bear some fault too. Obama told us his feelings and we chose not to hear, hoping that being a black man he would understand prejudice and be sympathetic. He is sympathetic I believe but he is not going to do anything. Sympathy doesn’t change anything.
President Obama will say anything to get the votes of gay Democrats and like Clinton before him waiver and not carry them out. Our country is a mess and I don’t believe anything will change unless politicians put their own agendas aside and start working together as Americans to get the job done. Obama’s term will be a failure just like Carter’s. I’m voting Republican Obama’s policies and reckless spending need to be put in check.
really!! ask him where he would be today if linchon would have said im thinking about it i just dont know if slaves should have rights but im thinking about it. i will while running for office prommise you rights but when i get in office ill think about it. what a ***
Translation: “I know this conversation is being recorded and that my party is about get slammed in the upcoming election and that the LGBT community is a significant part of my base. Therefore, I will make a strategically vague statement making it sound like I might be considering changing my mind on gay marriage in hopes that will get them to change their minds and support me and the Democrats.”…..sorry, not buying it!
Isn’t that nice, he often thinks about it, but the problem is he doesn’t have the BALLS to do something about it.
Two years and counting
NEX said it the best
Obama is a total pussy and Hillary should have won. She was the only one with any balls and intellegence.
As long as basic human rights issues are mixed in with politics, there will always be a struggle. To attempt to stop people from loving eachother and how they love eachother is bullshit. We aren’t going anywhere and our numbers and strength will continue to grow. When you force a minority to fight and fight, they will grow stronger and stronger. Eventually when we receive the basic human rights that we deserve, the only people that will look like idiots are those that fought us along the way. We are close to getting what we deserve and those that continue to fight us to the end will look like the biggest assholes in the whole thing.
Most gay couples that want marriage are seeking the same basic rights and lifestyle as straight couples. We strive for the same goals and dreams as other everyday people. We are highly successful and driven people who have overcome great challenges. We are powerful and we wont lose.
Grow some balls Obama.
At least he is being honest and clearly from his words he’s keeping an open mind. If he was raised in a culture (and we all were) where gay people are denied rights and all the mindset that goes with that, then just like everyone else, it will take time to get him out of that “organized religion” mindset and it sounds like he’s moving there. Having people around him who are out and proud is key and it sounds like that is in place. He is a very intellegent man and he may not have gone in on day one and started making America gay but rather he is slowing steering the American ship into gay friend waters. Change happens slowly and incrimentally. If we can hold an image of what we want our nation to become, we’ll get there faster than constantly criticizing him for not having us there RIGHT NOW.
If he were being honest, he would not have made such assurances with the gay community that change will come during his campaign speeches. He wanted/needed the votes based on empty promises. He promised a transparent government and administration. Not happening. He promised to take full acountability regardless of the Bush administration’s failures. That didn’t last long. We have him stumping speeches and pointing fingers at everyone but himself. And he can’t even muster enough courage to stand alongside the gay community and support basic equal rights.
I must say it’s refreshing to see that people are seeing the light as far as Obama goes. He’s just looking for votes. Deep down, inside, he’s extremely anti-gay. He’s his father’s son. And you know what his father was.
No Todd, I’m not sure what you mean by “You know what his father was.” Do you mean African? Muslim? Perhaps you should be more direct, because both of the options that immediately came to my mind are offensive. And to ponder for a moment how ridiculous such a statement is anyway… yes, we are all influenced by our parents’ values, but would any of us (males) admit to being “our father’s son?” I doubt it. We each learn and take our own independent path. Saying otherwise is just intellectually lazy.
Not at all, Alan. I was referring to his muslim roots, where they kill the homosexuals in that belief. If you don’t understand what I am saying, don’t assume. Ask me.
I’m proud to be called my father’s son. Don’t pretend to know what my relationship with my father is like. I love my father and could only HOPE to be the kind of man that he has been and continues to be. That does NOT make me intellectually lazy. That is a very rediculous statement to make!
ToddM has said it better. I have been in Muslim countries and I KNOW what they think about gays. I have had them admit that they ALL (most, I’m sure) play with the boys before being forced into a marriage they don’t want.
When push comes to being pushed harder…they are Muslims first and humans second.
Totally agree with NAVYSAUSAGAE!!
This is complete and utter bullshit and anyone who falls for it is it total fuckin denial. If the Democrats were going to win big tomorrow, he would be discussing the sanctity of marriage. This is a sleazy attempt at pandering to a group that he thinks he owns despite the fact that he has done zero for us. Don’t fall for it. He is a pathetic zero and a liar…just like most politicians.
Matt: Totally agree with you. Can’t wait to get to the polls tomorrow. I will vote for a scotch plaid zebra to get rid of this lying trash and everything he stands for.
I agree with the skeptics. This is a last ditch attempt to motivate what Democrats thought were a solid constituency. Shame that moderate Republicans are extinct and Libertarians lost their pragmatists. I won’t be voting tomorrow.
He was raised as an evangelical christian…( I wonder how Jermiah Wright feels about gays..) For him to support gay rights would mean he would have to change his core beliefs. Hey simply says what people want hear.
To end Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell all Obama has to do is issue a Presidental Order. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. Call in all the Joint Chiefs of Staff and tell them to make it happen! If they resist, tell them to have their resignations on his desk by noon!! He recently nominated a new Commidant of the Marine Corps who is openly resisting eleminating DADT…..Obama should fire him immediately!! Obama is the COMMANDER IN CHIEF!!
FUZZYDAD is right….he is Commander in Chief. He could end all this with a stroke of his pen. He is a weak president, and he is NOT and I repeat…HE IS NOT GAY FRIENDLY.
Oh sure, it’s that simple. And Hillary is the savior of gay rights. She would have done sooo much better by now. Give me a break.
It is Republican red up, down, and across the middle of the map now. Republicans do not care about gay rights. Democrats don’t care either, they just hide it better (or do they?).
What, is Obama a magician? Sure, he could eliminate DADT with a stroke of his pen. While he’s at it, why not just sign over the Presidency to the Republicans, whose first order of business in office will be to snatch that same pen and reinstate it?
Jobs, healthcare, and wars to fight, and you think gay marriage and DADT have a shot in hell of taking priority? Obama’s press conference is on right now, and I have yet to hear one question about gay rights or its impact on this election. Is that the coffee I smell? Anyone care for a cup?
That said, let’s get back to topping, bottoming and porn.
Todd, I say you are being intellectually lazy because you make two BIG assumptions that are not rooted in any facts that you can prove. (1) That Obama is “his father’s son.” You might aspire to be like your father, but that doesn’t make it true of everyone. Even those who are inspired by their parents don’t follow lockstep in their footsteps. And (2) all Muslims hate and want to kill gays. You’ve made it clear you’re a Christian, and a good many of those think being gay is evil. How silly is it to paint an entire group with one brush? Your statement is rooted in bias and stereotype. There are extreme people of every stripe, and there are plenty of the billion Muslims on the planet who do not want to kill all Americans or homosexuals!