There’s this horrible video for Kanye West’s track “Bound 2”. It’s this cheesy mess with Yeezus dick-slapping at his topless bride Kim Kardashian on a motorcycle. It’s all sorts of bad and ripe for a parody. Luckily, successful film actors have way more time than you. James Franco and Seth Rogen made a shot-for-shot remake of the vid with James playing Kanye, and Seth Rogen’s hairy chest standing in for Kim’s.
Did Franco and Rogen really have to go for “the laughs” by making Seth play the lady? Hyuck, hyuck, it’s funny, cuz’ he’s hairy and his body isn’t jacked and James is so dreamy. Ugh. Maybe some of us think Seth’s hairy chest could use a jizz bath! We might think it’s hotsy!
It’s actually surprising that Franco didn’t go for comedy and shoot this like he was really achin’ to fuck his Pineapple Express co-star on a Ducati. Franco loves gay shit.
– J. Harvey
Watch James Franco and Seth Rogen’s remake of Kanye West’s “Bound 2” below:
Word is Kanye & his music company are working to get it blocked for copyright infringement.
FUCKING BRILLIANT. Never been more attracted to Franco more in my life. DAMN
I love James Franco. Period.
I hope he doesn’t. I mean if he released such a crap music and awful video he deserves to be mocked/humiliated/made fun of until kingdom come…
Is it me or Franco and Seth do make a cute couple?
Fuck you on the sink than give you something to drink WOW Kanye silly me I use to think you was ARTIST where did I get that silly idea from ? go figure !!!
Doesn’t matter I’ve duplicated it, I’ll repost until the end of time
Everytime I look at Seth Rogen back I cannot help from thinking about porcupines
These guys are friken hysterical. They had an easy target, but they dun good!!
ummm not a fan of either of them to be honest
Oh my god, I’d fuck Seth Rogan hard.
To bad for him parody is allowed
In no way can what this is be called music. It deserves to be mocked.
That was kinda hot.
Ok, the makeout scene between Rogen and Franco was actually quite hot!!!!
What a fucking horrible song. I loved the parody, though.
But can I please “unhear, ‘u-hu, honey?”
Every time Jimmy Franco does another gay film or video or character or whatever…his credibility about really not being gay gets even HARDER to believe. And that’s not the only thing that gets harder. This one’s hysterical, and James looks cuter than he has in a while in the video.
This is truly one of the most vomitous songs I’ve heard in a really long, long time. I can’t even enjoy the parody because I have to turn it off before my ears begin to bleed.
The guys at Pinups Magazine must be having a fucking field day over Rogen in this video!
I agree. Without the hilarious parody, i couldn’t have listened to that piece of crap!