Jay Plans To Get Kissed By A Boy In Minneapolis

He’s so cute! This is the mono-named musician Jay, and this is his video for his song “Minneapolis.” Minnesota will vote on a proposed state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage in November, and let’s hope it goes differently than North Carolina.  Jay says eff that noise, and is on his way to make out with a cute boy from the City of Lakes. He’s got sweet moves, and while the song isn’t entirely my cup of tea, it’s heartfelt and features a drumline so yay.

– J. Harvey (via Towleroad)

To watch, Follow the JUMP:

15 thoughts on “Jay Plans To Get Kissed By A Boy In Minneapolis

  1. This is the best! Such a catchy and original tune, yet superbly, simply done {:^)

  2. This is a delightful video from a delightful guy.  It’s wholesome, all american feeling, normal and hopefully sends a message to Minnesota to step up to the American way of equality for all.  Good for Jay.  Minnesotans – get him out there as a spokesman that every wholesome mother and father can relate to.

  3. it needs to be played on the radio to get to the masses and not just to the gay voters. Nice catchy tune

  4. Actually an awesome song, kind of love it.  The guy is beyond adorable, though I have to admit that throughout the video I was wishing it was someone else’s voice.  He’s not a bad singer at all, just not quite for that song.

  5. The young man is handsome, and a person who  personifies we gay people as  regular people trying to live our lives as all married people want to.  The song  will prboasbly never reach the top 10,  but it is very appropriate for this political moment.  I found it refreshing and very well done.  Makes me  proud to be me!!  Thank you Jay –  You did awesome!1  Ron

  6. I liked the song and the simple video. The young man had a natural look about him..maybe this is why I liked it.

  7. Anyone know his surname? Makes it hard to look him up in Wikipedia without one…
    Oh yeah, i think the song would have more impact from someone with a deeper voice, but I like the tune and his dancing. 🙂

  8. Holy Crap, The voice was waaaay higher than I expected once he opened his mouth!  Killed it for me.

  9. His name is Jay Christianson….he and his husband, Daniel, used to live in Salt Lake City, where I met them. Nice guy, cute song- though not my regular cup of tea.

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