Joe Jonas is in the latest issue of InStyle, and he got all wet for the occasion. I feel dirty saying this–especially since 12 year old girls pine over this guy–but he's looking sexy as hell! Don't look at me like that. It's not like he isn't legal.
Joe joked with the magazine that his celebrity crush is Daniel Craig, but maybe there's a little truth in that? I'd love to see those two going at it, though I guess we'd have to get Joe to take off his purity ring for a few hours…
– Dewitt
Photo credit: InStyle
Men…show men not whiney boys who are not gay…stop reading into everything…you took the Craig reference outr of context what a shock.
Statistically, there’s a 1 in 3 chance one of boys will grow up to be a good gay guy.
nothing groundbreaking here- but he looks gr8. Never really appreciated mr. jonas- but w/e I’m smiling now. giggle
Damnit, Haha! Even though he is legal, it still feels so wrong, Lol!
Yeah, I have to agree…. he’s hotter than hell!….. now if he’d just let me lick him dry…….
Who is Joe Jonas?
I haven’t felt this guilty about wanting someone since the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics a year ago. I commented to someone that “that British diver is really hot.” Then the announcer said, “He’s one of the finest divers in the world, at the tender age of 14.”
Unlike that diver, of course, this guy is legal, but he’ll always have the image of jailbait. It’s like Jonathan Taylor Thomas – he’s been an adult for almost 10 years, but I still think that being attracted to him makes you a pedophile.
Wait… isn’t that a purity ring on his finger?
The irony is heartbreaking.
Purity ring, my ass!! You know him and the other 2 were all gettin’ down with Miley!
Oh God, I’ve disgusted myself.
I don’t get it. Soooo not cute.
This column is so constantly ageist, it’s amazing.
meh, i still don’t think he’s all that cute. also, how many of you actually believe that purity ring nonsense?
EWWWWWWW jonas brother….even grosser is the purity ring. Tools of the church to repress sexual energy in us young kids.
joe jonas is more slutty than paris hilton. fact.
Joe ain’t gay, and he definately isn’t a virgin. Quite the opposite…he has a history of being a manwhore, but seems to have settled down since he started dating Camilla Belle 8 months ago. The Daniel Craig thing was a joke. Joe is notoriously funny, and he and his brothers no longer admit any serious celebrity crushes since they say it’s always awkward because they eventually run into them somewhere…or in Joe’s case, end up dating them.
Well I don’t know about the US but in Canada the age of consent is 16, so I can think about anyone 16+ and not feel guilty about it. Although I do have a personal rule of not getting involved with anyone under 18, just because I like to drink and well my date should at least be able to get into a bar. Oh yeah, drinking age is 18 in here
Yuck, seriously, its really creepy to find guys who look like they are still in high school sexy even if they are legal age. See its shit like this that is the reason so many bigoted people think we’re all pedophiles!