Who doesn’t? Smart guys are hot. But these dudes in “The Gay Pimp” Jonny McGovern’s new video “Sexy Nerd” aren’t actually nerds. I know nerds. I would have been a nerd if I had gotten past Algebra 2 and knew how to do more on my pc besides sign in and find good porn.
There isn’t enough paunch, effed-up clothes, Mom’s basement pallor, and XBox carpal tunnel to these “nerds.” You know, signs that this person is going to grow up to be incredibly rich when they get older? Check it – high school heroes more times than not become real life zeroes. And the kid you made fun of for his retainer drool usually ends up running a biosciences corporation and fucking several supermodels.
– J. Harvey
To watch “Sexy Nerd,” Follow the JUMP:
I guess I should have saved the $100,000.00 I spent on music school and just invested that money on an autotune machine.
@ David. While that was cute and all. I’m willing to bet you can make some beautiful music. Keep on doing what’s in you heart and letting the world hear it!
Uh, I’m with David on this one. It’s just another bad pop song, just as autotuned and just as insipid. The fact that it has shaven guys with glasses (by the way, real nerds also don’t shave their chests) doesn’t make this video much more appealing.
Like everything on manhunt daily, this video gets an eh.
It’s no “something for the fellas,” but I love anything Jonny does! His podcast is really where it’s at, one of the few SUPER funny gay entertainment programs out, HANDS DOWN!!!!
esta bien pero los videos de gays deberian ser desnudos en el momento que transcura el video claro esta pero me gusta
hilariously funny! keep m coming!
I wouldn’t mind having any of these “nerds” over to look at my computer.
I actually liked it. I thought the lyrics were funny, though the auto-tune was so thick I couldn’t hear half of them. Get a better mixer next time, boo.
Oh, and the guys are gorgeous, but Clark Kent glasses does not a nerd make.
hahaha yes! A. Very funny, thanks i needed a giggle.
B. any one who understood all of words in this song, mail me 😉 as i LOVE nurd boys x
There isn’t enough paunch, effed-up clothes, Mom’s basement pallor, and XBox carpal tunnel to these “nerds.” XBox???
Who here owns a PS3?
Jonny McGovern is getting… old? He just doesn’t look nearly as good as he used to, can someone please bring back the days of “Soccer Practice”. At least Cazwell is still sexy as fuck!
Can someone please bring back the days that “talent” actually had talent and didn’t need autotune? Now THAT would be something!
I didn’t realize you went to the prestigious Weird Al University of Silly Music. Tuition has really gone up!
This is obviously a terrible song but the video was boneriffic.
The problem is all the 20 somethings think this is music, because they are fed a constant diet of mediocrity. This person should not be allowed to make music. He obviously has no clue what it is.
jonny mcgovern has always been kinda pathetic, but wow. pathetic AND creepy. that must be so empowering for him
Rock on Jonny! I love your faggoty style!
So people need to calm down just a little bit. Clearly this isn’t the greatest piece of musical beauty in terms of vocal range or melody.
Take it for what it is, a pop song that exploits clever lyrics meshing gay culture and nerd culture. As such, the video does very well and is enjoyable to watch.
I certainly like the eye candy and the cute lyrics 🙂