Kid Rock is a bigger baby than I thought. He’s whining on his website about the smackdown he received in court.
Last year he was involved in a 5 A.M. waffle house brawl in Georgia. Punches thrown, Aunt Jemima spilled, broken glass, etc. Recently, for his roll in the fight, he was ordered to do 80 hours of community service. Kid Rock requested that he serve his time by flying over to Iraq in his luxury jet and playing a few songs for the troops. DENIED!
The judge said that the whole point of community service as a sentence is that it's supposed to be a punishment. It’s supposed to suck.
Kid Rock is going to have to pick up trash like Naomi Campbell did when she went gonzo on her maid and attacked her with a Blackberry.
Don’t get me wrong. I think it’s admirable when musicians or comedians trek to the Middle East to entertain weary troops, but I think Kid Rock would be getting off easy.
– Wilbur
he looks like he has a big cock