Judge Virginia Phillips Still Bitch-Slapping DADT


Nice work, Ginny. Federal judge Virginia Phillips ordered the U.S. military to stop enforcing the infamous ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy today.

Her Honor ruled that the military must act “immediately to suspend and discontinue any investigation, or discharge, separation, or other proceeding, that may have been commenced” under the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy, according to CNN.

Phillips is the same judge that ruled DADT was unconstitutional last month after Log Cabin Republicans filed a suit.

What do you think? Is this the beginning of the end of DADT? Or just the continuation of a long and drawn-out legal battle about the policy?

– J. Harvey

11 thoughts on “Judge Virginia Phillips Still Bitch-Slapping DADT

  1. Pretty sad it takes a woman to exhibit the balls that Barack Obummer lacks to do the right thing and get rid of this bad law.

  2. Yeah, there should have been some military porn here, with some american flags thrown in… we don’t have a huge attention span for serious issues, on the whole.

  3. I have noticed that this has been allowed to slide into dark without anyone commenting on the fact that President Obama has chosen to figth the ruling. He is more interested in getting political credit for himself and his party than actually seeing the act repealed. So much for his support of the gay commumity, it is all a sham.

  4. The truth is gay and lesbian service members joined under the stipulation that private lives will remain private and service members will continue to do so weather or not the DADT act is repelled. There is an oath the support and defend the constitution, you don’t get to pick and choose and moreso, military personnel adequately understand (from the time they start boot camp or officer candidate school) that they are not protected by the constitution they swore to uphold (i.e. there is no freedom of speech, no right to protest). I’m not saying that it is right or wrong and I won’t try and convince others any other way. This is for your consideration. How much do you think they care if they signed up knowing they’d have to keep that part of their lives a secret.

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