Role-playing can be incredibly hot, but most guys are too afraid to really commit to their character. Even though you’ll never be an excellent actor like Kevin Falk, you should at least try to stick to the fantasy. Dress the part, let the tension build and try to avoid giggling like a little schoolgirl.
If you’re supposed to be a coach, throw on your gym shorts, jockstrap, sneakers and a t-shirt. Make your “player” work for the fantasy moment. Have him do push-ups until he collapses, demand that he hits the showers and then “accidentally” walk in on him. The more you build it up, the hotter the eventual action will be. As horny as you may be, rushing can cause everything to feel like a bad porn plot.
Start acting from the moment he steps in your door. Never apologize or break character, unless there are urgent circumstances. And if your partner starts laughing or doesn’t think he can do it? Maintain your performance and put him in his place. Trust me, he’ll appreciate it when you’re done with him!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Randy Blue
To see the players fuck their coach, follow the JUMP:
One of my favorite Randy Blue vids. I love Reese and Chris. Just wish Chris was a little more sexually fluid.
After all the praise of role playing, you show one pic that’s really about role play, and all the rest look like they’re from every other cheesy porn flick ever made.
Mmm-mm-mmm. I’d love to blow that coach’s whistle.
Back on topic, though…
No, actually, screw the topic. I’m just gonna fantasize about this scene some more.
there is way too much smiling and a lack of serious “role playing” as far as I can see. Not that a guy shouldn’t smile when he is getting to work on two such hot (though unfortunately hairless) studs, but all 3 parties are showing way too much in the “smiles” department. These smiles should come after the fantasy has been fulfilled- or all 3 should stop pretending they are role-playing and just degenerate into schoolgirl giggles, despite the warning above.
Wow!! Kevin is hot, and just got even more hotter bottoming.
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you feature this video too much dewitt, go watch more porn and diversify yourself
there’s not enough role-playing in porn, if you ask me. Watching guys fuck is nice, but sometimes it’s fun to have the erotic tension created with a fantasy scenario.
I’ve been my guy for 17 years, we never need to role play, and the sex is always hot!! guess I’m just one of the lucky ones. I’m sure there’s a ceiling there somewhere.. but damned if I can see it, I know he can’t, not in that position.
The coach is soooooo HOOOTTTT!! I’d do anything for him.