Your muscles tense up, your balls draw closer to your body! An intense wave of pleasure overcomes your entire body! You let out a grunt, a moan or whatever other noise you make in these sort of situations! Then a tiny bit of jizz oozes out of the head of your dick, and you can practically hear the thought in your partner’s head… “That’s it?”
It happens to the best of us. Every cumshot can’t be explosive, and we can’t all be big shooters. However, you can increase the volume and distance of your load by employing a few simple techniques. The key words are “saving it up”, and they apply in a few different ways.
For starters, let your nuts recover before the big night! If you have plans to get laid (even if they’re tentative), avoid masturbation for a few days before. This may seem like common sense for most of you, but some men are so in love with pleasuring themselves that it doesn’t quite register.
Additionally, you should review our post on the concept of edging. I’ve shot puddles by simply waiting to cum within a sexual experience! Unless you’re pressed for time, try to hold back and make it last. You’ll both be satisfied with the results.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Men Over 30
To see Lucas Knowles shoot his load on Diego Vena, follow the JUMP:
wow…. can you pls remove these fucking facebook “like” buttons? I dont need my uncle buck seeing that I like porn when I accidentally click “like” on my ipad. K thx bye.
A few *days*?? Are you nuts (so to speak)?
Here lately I’ve been holding out for one to three weeks…been impressed with the results.
I can’t go longer than 3 days without getting blue balls.
Love these pics!!! Very hot!
Am right with you on the saving it bit. Recently had 6 days off sex. Hooked up with this hottie and fucked him senseless (What an awesome bottom) Edged the whole time. When I finally pulled out and came, there was an awesome explosion, the like I haven’t even seen in a porno! Totally hot! The guy was drenched and we were both stunned by the intensity of it and wondered why we didn’t have a film crew there!
Saving Pays!
you should also reference the keegle thing…it adds distance to the shot-put!
Hey douche, we’re all impressed with your ipad and huge…wallet. No one gives a fuck about your opinion on the “Like” button.
Also, yeah, I try to hold out, but I am no good at the self control when it comes to jerking off…
My problem is not shooting big loads (On the contrary, the guys I’ve been with have been impressed with the size of the loads I’ve shot, even though I would like it to be more). No, my problem is that rare occasion when I’ve got a really got a good rhythm going on, I get really close and … nothing happens.
those guys is fine!
well as you said some of us men cant seem to help pleasuring yourself and i like to at least 2 time a day on top of sex with the BF and i never really thought that doing it all the time would somehow effect your load because i don’t have that problem so i wonder if i hold out for a day? and here is a tip something i learned a long time ago for those men that cant hold out
try keeping you mind set on pleasing your partner or the guy you just met at the club whatever the case may be i have learned that if the 2 people are set on pleasuring the other the possibilities are ENDLESS (just make sure you don’t have plans the next day :P)
i kinda agree on the like button, most of us have friends/family on our facebook account that dont want/need to know what kind of porn do we enjoy. on the other hand: if it was an ipod touch/iphone i would understand the accidental clicks but an ipad? seriously? are your fingers the size of baby seals or something?
anyway on topic: who cares how much comes out , at least i dont, hell sometimes its even better if there isn’t much to clean up. but what i do agree on and ive tested it myself is the feeling when you save up for a few days, ITS AWESOME!
confirmation boxes on likes? :s
Ahhh Lucas Knowles (aka Kryszstof B) still looks hot. used to be cabin crew for a well known airline with him, i never got any work done flying with him!! Beautiful!
Hang on, I thought it was bad NOT to cum often – healthwise I mean.
Apparently it affects your performance in the longer term if you’re not a frequent cummer!
Argh – so confused!
Well, I’ve experimented with edging for lengthy masturbation sessions, so I know that the orgasms are usually more intense as a result. But since I don’t have the opportunities for sex that most guys have, jerking off once or twice daily is sort of routine for me, unless I’m really tired or really busy…or sick. Then I might go a number of days without pleasuring myself. Some of the best shots of cum I’ve let loose came from getting fucked doggystyle when my prostate was hit over & over again just right. The right dick, for a bottom, can produce copious shots of cum. And if a top knows how to stimulate his own prostate right before shooting his load, he can have a much more intense & prolific climax.
oh dear i have 106 days worth stored up….stand back.
this is bollix, if i hold it as you say, the result it´s all the opposite. The shot is far from what i usually get and the amount is really small compares to what i normally cum. I need to cum at least once every 2-3 days.
I shoot like crazy and love it…mostly. Shooting far and long is definitely hot, but can be troublesome at times.
Either A. If the guy’s cum squeamish or B. You shoot yourself in the eye x.0
I can really shoot a lot and I enjoy also shooting great distances. I get off on watching myself shoot all over a guy.
I have made some nutritional changes that have increased the amount that I can shoot and I think I have it down now.
I am in my 40’s and can shoot further now than when I was younger. The cum fountain I call it.
With the supplements that I’m taking now it doesn’t matter how frequently I shoot either. I can shoot at night and then another big one on the following morning.
A few years ago, I had an infection, and had to wear a catheder? for about 6 weeks, so was unable to jack off. Let me tell you, when it was removed, and I was able to finally jack off, took my time, wasn’t sure if the infection had any affect or not?
OMG- I wish I had a camera to record the volume of cum that shot out of my cock. I ended up with about a 5 thick “ropes” of cum across my chest, and stomach. What a load! If I could ever wait that long again, it would be the ultimate “money shot”!
Zinc (the mineral) helps repair the cells in your nuts. If you don’t cum a lot to begin with, try taking zinc (don’t overdo it) or eat steak once a week (it has plenty of zinc). Obviously, saving helps, but this helps a lot, too. Read it in a men’s health magazine and tried it. It definitely works! It takes a small bit of time for it to work, but once it does, you’ll be happy!