Has this ever happened to you? You chat up a hot guy on Manhunt, agree to meet up and as soon as you come through the door he says, "Can I get you anything? A beer or something?" I can't even count the amount of times this has happened to me, which probably doesn't bode well for my counting ability…
So many times, I've said "yes" to this question, and I'm not really sure why. I mean, I came over to this guy's house to put his dick in my mouth, and I don't need an alcoholic beverage to get me in the mood. If you want to buy me a drink at some bar afterwards, then I will graciously accept it.
I'm not saying that you should just shove me on my knees and put me to work. If you're going to offer me something, try something neutral like water. To be quite frank with you, beer is just going to make me gassy. I might burp in your face, and if you're planning on fucking me… way to find one of the best methods of making my stomach gurgle.
Plenty of my beer-assisted encounters have been extremely hot, but they would have been equally hot without turning a few bottles upside down. Am I completely alone on this one? For those of you who offer a guy beer when he comes through the door, please tell me why you do it. Is it some weird masculinity thing? Like, "Look! I'm a totally butch dude. I drink beer and shit." Because it certainly can't be about hospitality, right? I really need to get to the bottom of this mystery. Who's going to help me out?
– Dewitt
i dont drink. come on over . . .
HA. yeah i cant just crack to it…i still get nervous… the drinks just a breaker, settle the nerves, etc. then party on thru.
i always off my blow boys a beer or water when they arrive. it’s just common courtesy. ALSO…i like a wet mouth…so it helps. i hate sandpapery dry mouths on my dick.
offer* not off
I usually offer something to drink (let them decide if they want beer or water). I think it’s just polite; try to make them feel comfortable. Maybe they’re genuinely thirsty. There have also been times when I was nervous going to a guy’s house for the first time, and half a beer really helped me relax.
Dewitt… chill out dude. It’s just common courtesy. You know, just like if you go into anyone’s house just to be visiting, they politely offer you something to drink. And with guys, a lot of times it’s beer that they offer. Why are you putting more into this than it really is? It’s called being POLITE TO THE GUEST. Don’t bitch about someone being polite to you.
Hey, if you want the only alcohol in my apartment is vodka… The other water.
I couldn’t agree more. I appreciate the courtesy, but I am not here for social hour.
having a beer is great while being blown – or while blowing a guy – many times guys don’t offer me anything to drink – i always offer – and half the time – guys accept – and if i get a little gassy and belch – nobody seems to care! i guess it’s just a matter of personal preference and being a good host.
What a stupid thing to be annoyed about. They’re just trying to be polite, if you don’t want a beer, then don’t drink a goddamn beer. Geez.
You could always say no and ask for water ! I like a good wet mouth around my cock – so offering something to drink is surely a way to get what I want !
From a psychological stand point, offering a “trick” a beer is probably a guy’s way to break the ice. Granted that both guys have planned to “meat” each other for sex, it’s just a polite gesture.
I always offer as well…could be water or maybe diet coke…I don’t keep beer or hard liquor in the house and you’d have to be more than a hook up to get wine. On the other hand when I’m the visitor some times they offer and sometimes they don’t.
Look guys, If you are there for a hook up, NEWSFLASH, someone isn’t gonna be leaving totally butch. I will admit that I am gay and masculine, but I don’t try to cover up who I am. Just be happy with who you are.If you think offering a beer makes you masculine, Sorry to break it to you, but lots of women are out there that can drink more beer than a frat guy at a weekend stag party. Beer makes you masculine like tooth paste makes you a dentist.
dewitt butching, i mean bitching
Beer? What are we lesbians? Some hard liquor makes sense, but beer is stupid.
Dewitt, where’s your “wit”? Are you running out of ideas to blog about?
I actually agree with Dewitt on this. I mean, offering a drink is fine, like water or some pop. But offering me beer? Do you really need to have me wasted for me to even consider fooling around with ya? I don’t think so. I feel like they are getting me more drunk so that I can go even further or do things I’m not usually comfortable with doing. I find it very unnerving when a guy offers a beer.
this is a lame post.
nothing wrong with being offered a beer, it is a nice gesture, usually.
not to be all macho, but a beer is a beer, one beer is pretty much the same as glass of water. or soda.
I feel like maybe it is too manly for you then, would you rather him offer you a smirnoff ice?
i don’t drink.
who could give a shit one way or another?
Geesuz… maybe they’re just trying to be hospitable.
most guys have wine too, i prefer that, beer makes me piss like a race horse
Why are you such a dick? Its called being hospitable? an act of kindness? GEEZ! if you don’t want a beer say, “no thank you”. Only a a*hole is pissed off at an polite act, you should be thankful it was offered. More people should be this way.
You’re probably one of those people that gets mad when someone holds open a door for you, right?
I have never hosted, but being the visitor it is nice to be offered a beer as I feel this relaxes me in my experience just as long as you don’t get carried away with the drinking. Drinking in excess makes me get in the mood for sleep whereas I want to stay awake while I please someone to be able to see their expression when they are being pleased makes me feel pleased and mutual pleasure is what this is really all about isn’t it?
“Beer? Thanks, but no thanks. Could I please have a water? Great!” And what the hell is wrong with being shoved to your knees and put to work the minute you walk through the door? Isn’t that what you brought your ass over here for?
offering one is not bad at all-just say “no thanks. got water?” but when you walk in the door and if the guy smells like he took a bath in it, then i can see a reason to get annoyed
Dirty martinis are infinitely sexier anyway.
PERHAPS they are offering you a drink as they need one to get it on with you!
…. Fuck the beer, the first thing that I say to a guy when he comes through the door is “take your pants off”
I like having a beer, at least then if the sex is bad I still get something out of the situation…why turn down a free drink?
its clead dewitt is dumb and ate paintchips as a kid, I mean come one his posts continue to suck daily. when will manhunt see the light, or is he the owner……go figure
don’t be so mean to dewitt, max, this blog would be bland without dewitt’s posts.
A polite host always offers a guest a choice of drink.
A polite host always offers a guest a choice of cock;
A clean refreshing cock
A nice fruit cock
or perhaps…
A good stiff cock!
Why is it that as soon as I read just the title, I knew this was a Dewitt posting? Just another thing for him to b*tch about, haha.
Offering anything is just a measure of hospitality. Relax, Dewitt!!