Earlier this week, I was exchanging messages on Manhunt with this college kid who lives a few towns over. Things heated up rather quickly, and then he sent the following message: “Your coming over, right?” My dick began to deflate immediately, so I politely sent a reply to state that today wouldn’t really be a good day.
I do have some standards, you know. If a guy doesn’t know the difference between “you’re” and “your”, he’s not coming anywhere near my dick. The same rule applies to their, there and they’re. For some reason, these mistakes really get under my skin.
The funny thing about all of this? I’m not the best when it comes to grammar. As you may recall, you’ve called out my mistakes on more than one occasion. Yet despite my occasional slip-ups, I know that “you’re” is a contraction for “you are”, while “your” indicates possession.
In the long run, this is the internet. You’re not writing your dissertation, you’re trying to get laid. With that said, you should keep in mind that incorrect grammar and spelling can be a total turn-off for some guys!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Frat Men
To see these full pics and more, follow the JUMP:
PS: The title of this post is a joke. This butt is not a joke.
While I agree with you about grammar, I wouldn’t say no to a hot piece of ass just because of the “your” and “you’re” thing. We would be fucking – plain & simple. Now, if I were looking for a long-term dating situation then proper grammar would be expected.
Since you acknowledge that your grammar sucks, you might like to know that punctuation marks like commas go inside your quoted words, i.e. “If a guy doesn’t know the difference between “you’re” and “your”, he’s not…” The comma after “your” goes inside: “your,” he’s not.
very hot indeed nice body nice cock and a really nice ass
I’ve actually had a couple guys compliment me on using complete sentences and correct spelling, telling me it’s a turn-on for them. Oh, and they were pretty hot, not total geeks .
I can be forgiving in IMs and text messages, but in email bad spelling and poor grammar are just plain sloppy to me…like poor hygiene.
No wonder so many gay guys are single. This is kinda sad. ” Oh, I can’t fuck him he has too many grammatical errors in his messages” lol.
wow slow news day huh????
I honestly never knew how many people were illiterate until I got online. The worst part is that it gets worse with each passing year. Why do kids even go to school anymore? Oh yeah..sex with their teachers.
well look at what some use while texting on their phone. ain’t gonna’ pass on a hookup cuz he spelt wrong
yep. i got an ‘allergy’ for those mistakes too
fucking hot! who give a fuck about grammer. If you look like the guy in those pics, I wouldnt care if you couldnt spell your own name!! lol
Dewitt, please don’t fashion yourself a grammar queen. Have a read here:
A blog run by real grammar nerds (i.e., language professors) and get a feel for what actually matters.
Also, Grammar Police, the comma is not required to be placed within the quotation mark. Sometimes, such as if it can be confused to be part of a quotation, the comma should be placed outside. But, really, it’s all not only conditional but dependent on a community’s usage.
Who the fuck, praytell, cares?
@ “Grammar Police”, actually having punctuation in or out of quotations, is merely a preference, American’s usually put it inside, but the British,as well as Canadian’s put it outside the quotations,let’s not forget who was responsible for the US being an English speaking nation now.
I care. Grammar Police was wrong. The comma in the defined sentence, as DeWitt used the comma, should rightfully have gone inside the end quote. Period!
And I agree with DeWitt. Seeing a wrongfully used or wrongfully spelled contraction makes me thing that a person is either ignorant or illiterate, neither of which appeals to me. I might fuck them, but it’s almost sure to be a one-night stand.
I also think the comma can go in or out, depending on your preference (ie, both are grammatically OK), but “Actual Grammar Polie”, you need a hyphen between ‘English’ and ‘speaking’: “English-speaking nation”.
I’m just sayin.
True, it’s bad enough when people mix up “you’re” and “your” but the one that really irks me is when people fuck up “there” “their” and “they’re”. I mean jesus, if you paid attention at all in elementary school it shouldn’t be that hard to use these words correctly.
Ah, look! Another reason to give them a reason to call us bitchy queens.
hahaha its silly but it i hate it when they don’t know the difference between “then” and “than”.
Since when is caring about intelligence being a “bitchy queen”? Knowing how to spell is an indication of how intelligent a person is. And that is a huge turn on for me. Or a huge turn off if they can’t spell. Different strokes for different folks.
An individual named “The Actual Grammar Police” has two errors in his/her post that I can see from a cursory glance. How unseemly, considering the supposed affinity for linguistics, yes?
Three errors, actually. I went back to re-read, and found another. Tsk-tsk.
Poor grammar is a total turn-off for me. Regardless of how nice a guy is to look at, I’m not going to connect with him if he can’t spell and write basic English correctly. (Unless English is his second language. I can be VERY forgiving of Spanish speakers!)
By the way, I’d LOVE to have that man’s thighs between mine! Dang!
So let me get this straight. You turned down the chance to fuck a hot college guy because he misspelled a word. Are you smoking something?
I guess some guys have higher standards than others, Malachi. Nothing wrong with that. Fact is, I think by Dewitt posting this, it would infer the opposite. He’s not smoking anything.
Grammar (as used in this context) and linguistics have absolutely nothing to do with one another. Grammar is the functional set of rules within a language, and Linguistics is the study of language itself and the variation of language. That said, I’m really glad that there are some other people out there who find bad grammar to be a turn off.
Err, Malachi, you ARE aware that those pictures aren’t of the person he was talking to, correct? Nowhere does he say the college guy was hot. I, for one, suspect he was not.
This is TOOOOO funny! because I am with you 100% on this and have indeed turned down chatting further or getting together with someone because of this type of offense! Also, if they do not know geography… as in, they are from my same state but are unaware of where a town or area is in relation to them and took the time to ask and not the time to google.
maybe this is why I’m 35 and still single. LOL
I’m an self-confessed English geek, but for me it’s quite the opposite; guys who spell correctly get an instant *3 hotness multiplier while guys who don’t simply…don’t.
Good English is sexy.
Does using bad grammar make him a naughty boy?? I like naughty boys.
In any case… I’d fuck him either way…
It’s a chat window… smell check is not important… and neither is grammer. If you score, you can humiliate him by correcting him later.
I’m of the mindset that if you can’t punctuate correctly in an email, then you’re totally illiterate and not worth my time. I mean if you can’t spell how the hell can you follow the directions to my house so that we can fuck.
And the purpose of humiliating him later is?
Could you tell me where you find “smell check”? That would be a great program to have!
Grammar is very important. There is a reason why it is taught in school. You can either make a good impression or a bad one based entirely on your use of the language!
Grammar Police lets us also not forget that if not 4 the US the UK would now be a German speaking nation . 2 all of U grammar queens I am not on M/H looking 4 correct quotations mark but rather a tight muscular ass ( like the one above ) 2 put my 10 inch explanation point !!!
honestly,who cares? this is the internet, not english class. and incase you havnt noticed manhunt is where you look for YOUR(lol)next fuck not your future husband.lighten up-we’re all trying to get laid.im sure YOU’RE not paying whatever you pay monthly to be picky over grammar.
BlackJackHammer, we are NOT grammar queens. I usually agree 9 times out of 10 with your posts. However, I don’t understand why you have to bash us just because we think good use of the language is important. I’ve found a direct correlation between the intelligence of a man and how I am treated by that man. So it makes a huge difference for me whether the man can spell correctly or not. That does NOT make me a queen.
@jm: Honestly? It would appear many care. If I don’t have a good first impression, I don’t hook up. Period.
Let’s eat Grandma!
Let’s eat, Grandma!
Grammar saves lives.
LOL @Kerrigan! Good example!
oh dewitt, i too am an uptight bitch when it comes to grammar. there was this one time, i was talking to this crazy hot guy and he kept saying, “let me AX you a question,” instead of ask. i let it slide a few times but finally had to call him out on it…needless to say, i didn’t get laid that day. but my dignity is just as good as having a big hard black dick up my ass, right?!? sadly, i know the answer to this question already…sigh
I completely agree. Differentiating between ‘you’re’ and ‘your’ was something I learnt as a child. There is no excuse for grown adults to be using them incorrectly. I also always write in complete sentences in texts and on msn.
However, everyone has their flaws and – let’s face it – if a guy is hot then I’m sure we’d all be willing to overlook them somewhat.
Grown men and women I should say. Grown adults kind of goes without saying.
Wow, Dewitt. Really unforgiving. Even smart people make grammar mistakes in casual conversation. It’s just how the brain work sometimes, particularly if you’re distracted. I say you give the guy a two or three strikes chance, before you rule him an idiot.
@BlackJackHammer: I’d laugh if I didn’t think that you really believe the symbol “!” is an “explanation” point.
lol, love all the comments. My pet hate is someone not knowing the difference between ‘life’ and ‘live’.
Oh, and the full stop, is outside my sentence. lol.
HAHAHAHAHA im 21 and seem to be the only one that sees a flaw in judging anyone solely on instant messaging and emails let alone grammer. I hate to tell you queens that in no way is instant messaging a positive method of defining who someone is. Infact the majority of you go online to manipulate others into believing your something that your not. the only thign i can agree on is this is a prime example of why gay guys are mostly single and alone ……if i did meet a guy with bad grammer i would be more then happy to educate him , not isolate him….infact id be happy that was the only flaw about him
we shouldnt forget that it isnt pefection that brings to people together its there flaws
stop living by the rules someone else has defined, the best writers are the ones who dont follow them:)
p.s i have graduted highschool with an average of over 80 and english is my best mark at 86, i will be continuing university in september
dont ever judge a book by its cover, even if the title is dictionary
silly gays
hmmm think you need to get a life grammer wow seriously who cares
Christ tam, get a life and quit sitting on this blog waiting to reply to everyone’s comments.
Anyway, I agree with many of you guys, WHO CARES, this is the internet not an college paper or something. Now the whole AX thing that Hayson was talking about could get annoying but seriously you can’t judge someone by their grammar.
While I somewhat agree, I wouldn’t completely turn someone down because of a mistake like that. Your is the most common form of a word and when you are typing quickly and not really thinking about grammar I can understand the mistake. It really just annoys me when people use “u,” “r,” “ur” and things like that. I also hate when people don’t use punctuation at all. But, just because someone does these things online or while texting doesn’t mean they are dumb.
I am much the same.
I always notice if someone has used “you’re” or “your” incorrectly as well as all the other standard grammatical errors. It really frustrates me when the mistake is somewhere permanent, for example in Facebook group names, and it does prevent me from joining them.
To me, it just shows laziness and unintelligence, both unflattering qualities in my ideal partner.
wow, you just blogged a few weeks ago about being a negative Nelly in your profile and how it make you look like an ass. Having poor grammar or being a bad speller does not make someone a bad person or a lazy fuck, if the same standard was applied to gay men being fem, bad at sports, unable to fix a car or anything around the house. I am sure most of us would never get laid for not being able to change the oil in our car.
oh and I’ll take a guy who can’t spell over a guy who can’t be up front about his status and his inability to find a current picture, not to mention current stats (age cock size, if i use their rulers I am 12 inches and 18 years old)
Darson, you’re a funny cunt, still giggling at your comment.
Hey Dewitt, do I pass?
I also don mind when people write the way they spaek. I have a “buddy” thateven makes up new words and I have towrite down everything and try to decode it. But I must admit that when someone says your instaed of you’re it gives me the impression that they r gonna be a bit misleading and not forth-coming about who they r, and they might not get to the point which reeeeaaaaallllllly gets to me.
You’re right about the spelling and grammer, I figure if the guy can’t live without his spell-checker, and doesn’t even check what he wrote to make sure is says what he want’s it to say, than I’m not really intrested in getting to know him any better…
Not just spelling errors, but also incomplete sentences, lack of punctuation marks, and overall “super-lazy” messages are very off-putting. They give the impression that this person don’t care about you, your communication, or really anything. To receive fully, correctly and nicely written messages is so rare these days that it can be a major turn-on!
Urgh, I live in a country of semi-illiterate morons so no one really cares too much about grammar and spelling. Besides me of course. It’s fairly annoying being one of the few gay men with a decent control of the english language.
In addition to incorrect usage of you’re and your, using ‘u’ and ‘r’ for you and are is a major turn off.
And, interestingly enough, the majority of posters affirming Dewitt’s (and tam’s, etc.) position have made mistakes that would, by their own rules, disqualify them.
“English” is a proper noun and gets capitalization. “r” is a letter, not a word.
The poster *matt* was quite right; it’s not lazy, or illiteracy, and the same level of stringency WRT other societal expectations would leave most of this site’s posters sitting on the bench, so to speak.
A truth about punctuation and grammar is that most of the “rules” are simply prevalent opinions. Think up a rule you like and find its explanation in the OED, Webster’s, American Heritage, APS and CMoS. Look at their specific treatments and see if it’s really a universal fact or a collection of said editorial groups’ opinions. It’ll be the latter in most cases.
Yes, “your” and “you’re” are different. But for crying out loud, pretending to be a professional when you’re really just pretentious simply highlights your insecurity. It’s not “having standards.” It’s simply stupid.
And please, for the love of sanity:
Language Log. It’s brillant; Lieberman et. al are well-written and enjoyably human. Plus, it will help illustrate how insignificant these sorts of quarrels really are.
*Liberman. Apologies.
My personal favourite (yes I spelt it with a ‘u’ in it) is ‘should of’ instead of ‘should have’. Drives me up the fracking wall!
And I couldn’t help but notice all the errors some of you pro-grammar guys have made. ‘Canadian’s’ instead of Canadians, and ‘I am an self-confessed English geek’.
Oh and English is my second language. Just puttin’ that out there.
I hate it when a guy says things like “Me to.” or “You are to funny.” If a guy doesn’t know the difference between to and too, it is a BIG turn off to me!
Thank you for this! The writing and spelling abilities of most Americans is frightening! I know; I am an English teacher! I have been teaching mostly adult students for years, and it is scary just how bad “grammar” has become. If someone dashes off a quick reply to me with errors, I may “cringe”, but it does not completely turn me off. If, however, a guy’s posted profile is full of grammatical and spelling errors, we will probably never meet (let alone get naked together!). That tells me that that person just does not take the time to proofread something that is more “permanent”. What can I say, intelligence is a major turn-on…stupidity, for me, is a major turn-OFF.
Oh, many of you who have posted regarding your “high standards” should reread your own posts…many errors can be found. Yes, we are all human (even English teachers…believe it or not) and make some mistakes. Spellcheck will not correct the wrong usage of correctly spelled homonymes. YOU must correct them. Assuming you even notice the difference.
One last comment. The person who mentioned that he is an ESL person is probably better at English grammar than most native speakers. One great way to improve ones grammar is to study another language!
‘“Your coming over, right?” My dick began to deflate immediately, so I politely sent a reply to state that today wouldn’t really be a good day..’
And tomorrow would have been fine as he used a question mark and comma? Notice Dewitt just excluded that day for sex LOL
all your grammar freaks can keep jackin your selves off, this hotty can spell phuck me any way he wants, just let it be me on the top of this hot piece of meet.
As someone who can type properly, the self styled “grammer police” that prowl the internet really annoy me. So you’re clever, whoop-de-do. Have you got nothing better to do, like reading Hawking’s A Brief History of Time rather than harassing those who through no fault of their own aren’t as educated?
KUDOS…..I thought I was the only one that felt that way. good grammar = THE SKY’S THE LIMIT!! and beyond.
OH get over urself! first of all not every 1 is confendent on eglish. and alot of us may can be fair me intenigent then most but just cant spell! in all honesty when all ur thinking about is sex and u let grammer and spelling get u soft! wow. thats just week dude!
I agree with the comments. Another thing I hate is when guys type “dat” instead of “that” or “dis” instead of “this”. Are you too lazy to type the t and h??? Or are you just showing how uneducated and ignorant you really are?
I cringe whenever someone doesn’t understand the usage of the subjunctive mood; i.e., writing “if I was…” versus the correct “if I were…”. I can’t tell how many times I’ve had to listen to professional, “educated” people get that one wrong.
Ok guys here’s another reason why to reject someone on some silly notion of intellence. We all make spelling and punctuation mistakes, is that ground for the firing squad. This is supposed to be tounge and cheek if you’re lucky, so just let that small blip go. I’am sure you’d be happier having sex then correcting someone’s grammer. Let’s be real fella’s.
Your so right! Their is no reason for bad grammer! lol
As a former English teacher, spelling errors and poor grammar drive me crazy, but I’d take this guy, even if he was a mumbling idiot! Hot boy, beautiful cock!
No one is so hot that you can let a grammatical error go unseen… However, no one is so hot to reject someone on a site meant for sex rather than an English lesson.
Yes be upset, no don’t immediately reject maybe it was just online talk…
Okay, so the kid makes one spelling error and it’s all down hill from there? I find that crazy funny! He, like most of the other unbelievably horny guys on manhunt, was more than likely typing with one hand while his dick was in the other. Since most play with themselves with their dominant hand…ugh, you get the picture. Cut the kid some slack…no one’s perfect, But I do understand that certain small things just bother people…hmmmm.
It is a sad day on Manhunt when below a post of an incredibly gorgeous, naked man all the comments are bitching about command of the English language. You can have your proper grammar, word usage and spelling, I’ll take the guy!!! No room for criticism with him. Would you really turn him down if he misused the words “your” and “you’re?”
As for the other, I try to be diligent in my own use of the language, but I’m not going to judgementally dismiss someone else for being less so. Random people can be a hell of a lot of fun and they often can’t spell or write worth Jack.
End of Rant.
No old photos and lack of honesty about current status is worse than grammar errors or spelling errors by far.
You know, the problem is not with the guys and their bad spelling or poor grammar…the problem is with those of us that choose to sit in judgment of it. It speaks more to our need to judge than it does their intelligence. In online hookup situations, keeping the dialogue moving is more important than running a spell check on a Manhunt email response. Perhaps those who are “turned off” by it should take a look at why that is such a buzz kill for them and lighten up a bit. It’s just sex and it’s just words…it’s not a doctoral thesis. Perhaps if it moves to being more of a love connection, they could submit a formal paper for review. Judgment keeps us from experiencing the magic of life.
Grammer, diction, and punctuation are, important but, not always a deal-breaker!
Humility and, a sense of humor/wit R just as sexy as intellegence & physical-fitness for this matter.
I cover honesty in my profile with, “don’t lie about your age (just be in good-shape)”.
I cover ignorance & stupidity with “No republicans”(The lower case “r” is on purpose”;-)lol.
I’m a supporter of the superior, fonically-correct Amerikan language over English.
But, if it doesn’t hurt it’s usually O.K. with me !!
And finally, “Cleanliness is next to perfection”, “Experience is the meaning of life” and, “Balance is the answer to everything”.
So concludes your lessons for the day:-) !!!
Now, Have FUN, so long as you don’t hurt anything, LOL !!!!
Oh for the love of…..
End of rant.
So, I missed ONE comma (do U know where?).
Now, put me out of my misery &, SHOOT ME ! LOL
it’s nice to see the “community” banding together in this way.
for the interim, i’ll just sit back and continue observing how this thread fleshes out.
“Don’t worry,
He probably missed my references to fonics, humility and/or, a sense of humor. Or, he could be a republikan.
Be happy”, LOL
I think it’s HILARIOUS that when someone turns a guy down because of his race, many people on this site defend it as “just a preference.” But when someone says that spelling and grammar are important, they find it offensive, judgmental, and intolerant.
tam is a very self-loathing gay republican who is intolerant of anyone for any reason. Punctuation and grammar is the least of it. He is also a Sarah (half-term governor) Palin fan. He is intolerant of anyone that does not live up to his standard. It explains why he is a lonely old man who will unlikely have anyone in his life. No one is perfect tam. Not even you.
LOL. You are judgemental! But then, I think most gay men are.
I am not a lonely old man. Quite the contrary! I have had, and continue to have, men knocking on my door constantly. Thank GOD they aren’t like you!
Keep on judging! Doesn’t bother me! Just proves that I’m right in my thinking.
In all of the arguments I had with St. Impatience, at least he didn’t resort to name calling. Thank you, St. Impatience!
LOL @ tam. Dear god, get over yourself already. And get a life outside of this manhunt blog, how many times have you posted on this topic??
Hard to believe anything you say. Men constantly knocking at your door? LOL
You are still part of a racist organization which makes you an embarrassment to gay people everywhere. Think Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Bill O’Reilly, etc.
I am very much a live and let live type person EXCEPT for the notion of a gay republican. Just makes no sense. Gay straight people I can live with but not gay republicans. It cannot be healthy for you or the gay movement. You are clearly closeted and lonely. I hope you come to accept yourself and become a healthy well adjusted gay men. Until you separate yourself from the conservative movement you will never fully be comfortable. Remember, the conservative movement does not want you as part of them. Just do not understand why you would want to be part of it.
And despite your opinions most of what I have written is just to get your goat. And I have succeeded tremendously at my mischievousness. LOL. You are just a speck on the gay movement. I will never change you and don’t care to try.
I could go on but you are not worth it. Shame on you.
i will forgive a lot in terms of “internet typing.” i can forgive lack of capitalization, the occasional lack of an apostrophe in a contraction, and things like that. i DO raise my eyebrows when i see things that cannot be attributed to the quickness of typing, like EXTRA apostrophes in words that do not need them, the confusions of “to/too,” and the ever-irritating and ever-present condundrum of “lose/loose.”
simple things like those don’t make me give up on a guy, but they always make me take pause…no matter who is using them. irregardless!
I think typos in blog responses and in response to a grope or wink are more acceptable than in the profile. So many profiles look as if they were written by an 8 year old. More attention should be given to a profile.
I made a mistake when I wrote “Gay straight people I can live with but not gay republicans.” Clearly I meant “Straight republicans I can live with but not gay republicans.”
No doubt tam will find this as a weakness on my part and his superiority complex will allow him to puff his chest out and claim it proves his point! LOL Poor tam. LOL
@My Opinion. I understand where you are coming from in trying to get my goat. Why do you think I post the things I do? And it works! You even changed your name to reference me. I laughed out loud at your comments. Didn’t bother me in the least. So who got who’s goat? You didn’t get mine.
You are right: You’ll never change me, and I won’t change you. But for a group that asks for open-mindedness, you sure are close minded.
When are you going to learn that the liberal democrats aren’t out for you any more than the Republicans are? At least I’m not simple minded enough to buy their lies!
I am who I am. You are the one who hates me. I don’t hate myself.
Oh. One more thing. Knocking at my door was not meant in a literal sense. I was referencing my profile hits. I thought you might be smart enough to understand that. My bad.
I meant to say this too:
I’m as humble as you’ll ever come by. I’m happy, love to laugh and am a Republican. Amazing how little me can get so many riled up!
@Tommy: I’ve seen you post several times on a topic. So…. I come back to see what’s been said… Why should you care if you only visit the post once?
But I have gotten your goat because I continue to bait you in. You pretend to be taking the high road by trying to be genteel but I’ve sucked you in and that was my objective. I don’t care what you think of me anymore than you care what I think of you.
You still are a associated with a conservative racist party and that is a reflection on you. Congratulations little man. Welcome to the 19th century. Something to add proudly to your resume.
Oh, and no one can see your racist attitude by reading your profile. Why not just add to your profile that you are a republican. But knowing your condescending attitude to your gay brethren you would naturally believe that they would not be smart enough to read racism into your character.
One final word. I don’t hate you. I just mock you and pity you. You are pathetic. And you should hate yourself. But you are too rigid and negative to realize how most decent people perceive you.
Good night little man. Sleep well knowing most people on this board have your number.
I was right. I knew you were a Gay-Republican/oxy-moron ! LMFAO
Thanks for the laughs LOL
Just a question. How did racism come into this post? I’ve said NOTHING about race! If it’s because I’m a republican, that’s a lame argument, and you know it.
Baiting me? I have every right to defend myself when lied about! Call it what you want! But I call it being mean. Woody has been right there with you, yet he posts in the dealbreaker blog that he doesn’t like meanness! You guys are so hypocritical! Why would I want to be a part of your group?
I pity you guys. I don’t fit your mold. And I’m glad I don’t!
I truly am finished posting on this. You guys make me sick to my stomach. Go ahead and have your fun. I won’t be back to check it out.
Poor spelling and grammar drives me crazy. It’s a major turn off as well. If you want a reason to care about grammar, try this one. 70% of prospective employers will disregard a job application that has 2 spelling or grammar mistakes in it. 40% will do shitcan an application with just one mistake. Granted, that has nothing to do with getting laid, but there are very large numbers of people who actually care about this issue.
Let’s see if “tam” really means what he says or is a liar, LOL
I don’t think “Tam is an ass” knows what racism means. By the way, I don’t see how you could think Liberals are so open-minded and accepting when everyone is hating on Tam just cause he’s republican. He hasn’t said a mean word about you, Except maybe mock your intelligence which he obviously has a right to cause its lacking. Sorry
“Andy” “tam” got what he asked for. He started, by his own admission, criticising others first. We just defended those he was criticising.
FYI: Like most people who claim to be “religious” but, when asked if they’ve read their bible/koran/talmud/scriptures they admit they haven’t.
So, goes for all the Republicans I’ve asked, if they know the definition of the word “republic” then, why don’t they support the Republic of, China or, Cuba or, Iran or the former U.S.S.R(republic), etc..
I don’t really want to argue, just PLEASE be sure you know all the facts before you make a judgement.
Take care and All the best
The only criticism I read from tam the entire time I read this blog (which i realize is sad but I’m bored and can’t sleep) was towards the bad grammar which, by the way, is the topic of this post. “Tam’s an ass” is the one who started first, by changing his name to “Tam is an ass”, and secondly, calling him a closeted, racist old man, Which was an assumption based solely on the fact that he’s Republican. So what facts, Tam commented on other people’s comments, (which YOU’RE supposed to do on a blog) and other people insulted him based on his political ideals NOT his opinions of the topic at hand.
So about the main topic of grammar, yes “your” and “you’re” seems silly for a full grown, college educated guy to mess up, i do think its also a little silly to turn him down for one simple mistake, sorry Dewitt.
Simple fact, gay men, including myself, are judgmental and how can we be happy with other men and as a community in general til we can get over ourselves and learn to accept one another whether we’re Gay, Bi, transgendered, Liberal, Conservative or make the occasional grammatical error.
Bravo Andy!
OMG, Dewitt, i’m the same!! I correct everyone all the time and it really annoys me when they do that!!
“your cumin ova to stick us dick in me right? I love when guys shove there dick up there”
Yeah, nah, you just fucked up and you’re gonna have to learn the difference before i let you in my pants
Clearly Andy is tam.
Andy very well put. Amazing how many can say that all republicans are antigay – using same logic; therefore, all gays are not republicans. I can hvae conservate views on certain topics.
Also I agree, it sounds like Dewitt was not into it that night and could find no other reason to say no besides incorrect word usage. More so when Dewitt said tonight would not work, not precluding another other night.
One of my peevs is when people misuse I, me and myself. Happens all the time. “If you have any questions, you can email Joe or myself.” “The invitation was for you and I.” (Both the “myself” and the “I” should have been “me.”) Having said that, it doesn’t serve much to be exceptionally judgmental – better to help people learn. Not everyone has the same intelligence or aptitude for language or opportunity for education. But people should at least try (rather than have the attitude grammar is not important). Of course, context matters. In some emails, I don’t bother to capitalize. In texts, I often use abbreviations such as u and ur. In some cases, brevity serves a purpose and does not detract from the intended meaning. Would I turn down a hook-up because of his poor grammar…? Probably not. But it does make an impression.
No Andy is not Tam
* Freddie * ;-)LOL
Bad English grammar & spelling bothers me too, but when you live in a town where most people’s primary or only language is Spanish, you kind of get used to it and realize it’s not necessarily an indication of someone’s intelligence.
Although it is especially irritating in printed advertisements,painted signs, etc.
as far as i am concerned, it really just depends on the context.
and, yeah — some guys *can* get away with some [mistakes] for which some others would be immediately crucified on sight.
viva la Double Standard.
(you know what *would* be a pretty cool deal•breaker?
consistently demonstrating the inability to differentiate “you’re” & “your,” and “their” & “they’re.”)
it was, indeed, rather interesting to read these comments here.
and the irony which would eventually permeate most of them had not escaped me.
(p.s. — since the model showcased for this blog doesn’t appear to be “my type,” i cannot care enough to laud his looks.)
i will say this, for right now: sometimes, one puts the comma, period, or what•have•you, in with the quoted text and, some•other•times, one doesn’t; the trick is, knowing when to do which.
additionally: it would serve many of you well to be able to discern the particular root of an individual’s not following the traditional “Textual Grammar Path.”
(much in the same way we seek Considerations & Allowances from heterosexuals, we should be willing give to others — summarily dismissing people never was an attractive trait.)
You are missing out on some great sex by eliminating a guy with a possible typo. Many of the guys here learned English later on in life and don’t have the best grammar or spelling. However, they can be very sexy and great sex.
I know it’s about the pictures..and they are hot..but the word is THEY ARE typed they’re not the word.
Shame on your writer/editor
It’s like you’ve read my mind on the grammar thing!
You’ll understand if you look at my manhunt profile: JayPitt
English wasn’t my first language, and I get mad when people butcher it when it’s they ONLY thing they speak.
I thought I was the only freak who experienced an instant libido death when being written to by dudes with poor grammar/spelling skills.
I guess I’ll have to admit to this being one of the reasons I don’t get laid or even meet anyone online anymore. I abhor bad grammar & it’s pretty much a turn-off for me (and yes, I do make occasional errors, myself). My ex-bf had poor handwriting & spelling. Of course, I only have one birthday card from him during the time we were together, so I suppose it never really got to be a problem with him. But I see so much bad grammar & spelling in online profiles, chat rooms & hook-up ads, it had become a real turn-off for me. I don’t think my chances of having another relationship with anyone is very good, but I doubt that I’d want one with someone whose grammatical proficiency isn’t similar to my own. Of course, if we’re just talking abut getting laid & pounded hard, any dumb jock or redneck would do (as long as he’s cute & has a big one!)