Whilst traipsing about on Model Mayhem to find a guy for a Sunday post, I stumbled upon this specimen! Justin H. Smith is a model in NYC, and I think he should do even more photos in his underwear. Don’t you?
I stand by the title of this post. Belly tattoos belong on Jersey Shore, not on gorgeous male models. But I’m going to give it to him, Justin still manages to look manly despite the tramp stamp on his foredeck. His friends disappoint me, though, for not dragging his assuredly tight ass out of the tattoo shop before he got that. For shame.
– J. Harvey
Photo credit: Royce Bugarin
For more photos of Mr. Smith, Follow the JUMP:
Woof!!! Especially with the facial hair!
Damn! What a hot man!
FUCK ME SIDEWAYS!!!! Holy fuck he’s steaming hot!!!
He must have tattooed his name on his back so, his tricks will remember who’s name to call out when they cum
Ohh well
another fine specimen of a man!!
why would such a beautiful man fuck up his bod with that crap? just sayin’
Hes very hot. That belly tattoo is just awful. He also seem like a grower more then a shower?
The first porn star to overcome the odds of lame, lame tattoos. Perhaps he hit the gym extra hard to distract, its working(somewhat).
Oh it’s working. lol
Love the tattoos….but then again I have 14
That tattoo looks very HOT on him I don’t know what issues you have about on his abs is but it looks really good maybe some of you guys are a bit to involed with your own issues to see that . Tattoos is no longer taboo anymore so get over your self’s
Nay, I do not think his hotness overcomes that belly tattoo.
he’s hot but the belly tattoo is just stupid. and what is up with the name on the back. is that his name. somethings else. why get your own name on your back. lame tattoos but still a hot guy.
I’m not a tattoo man. I prefer men without them but he sure is hot. I could overlook it.
blech. would lose my boner staring at those damn tats, especially if I’m fucking him from behind and see his name sprawled out on his shoulders.
The tattoos are a big mistake.
Why is it that gorgeous guys have to ruin their bodies with such tacky ass tattoos?!?!
And before anyone jumps on my case, I love tattoo’s (I have 3 myself that I get compliments on all the time of their originality) , when they’re done right, they can be SO SEXY! But this, this is just wrong on just about every level possible, and it’s a damn shame.
someone needs to start making people aware that tattoos dont make you cool… they make you look retarded for graffiti coating your body.
they might be a trendy design now, which the superficial idiots might like, but in 5 years it will be the height of tackiness and will cause embarassment – e.g. having a panther with scratchy claw marks, or a barb wire arm band, or a tramp stamp
leave your fucking skin alone!!! you wouldnt spray paint a tiger and think it was an improvement, so why would graffing up your skin make you look better.
it is done by guys who think it makes them harder, cooler, more manly, but it actually makes you a sheep who doesnt actually value your own natural worth
he’s a hot guy. ive seen him out in Hells Kitchen a lot. he’s always surrounded by twinks.
I can’t believe J.Harvey hates the tattoo on his abdomen but says nothing about the atrocious pile of steaming crap on his back.
A tattoo is supposed to accentuate the human body; the body isn’t a blank wall for graffiti. As such, they should be designed to follow the contours of the form. Stamping a word across one’s back or abdomen, or up or down a limb, is a violation of this fundamental principle.
Worse, it’s a typographical mortal sin. The type of letters used on the back were never designed to be used for every letter in a word; they are uppercase letters designed in a time when there was no such things as “ALL CAPS”. Used this way, they are brutally ugly.
Saddest of all will be when he hits his late 50’s or so and his body is really starting to fade fast – no one will even be able to make out what the word once read. It will be a wrinkled mass of ink stains. Pitiful.
You say that they are supposed to follow the contours of the form… Hmmm… As you stated, the body changes over time, so the contour of the form will change as well…
As far as a “fundamental principal”… Didn’t know there were any. If so, then surely the tattoo artist should have known about them and steered the guy in another direction.
That is interesting about the uppercase letters. Guess I learned something new today! Thanks!
I still say this guy is hot, hot, hot!
oh yes it IS working…hott hott man…
Does the Tattoo on his back say “LOVE” in a foreign language? What language is that?
Its the greek word for love actually. pronounced Agápe and spelled in greek letters: ἀγάπη. Oviously its not his name seeing how there is no J
yes, in GREEK.
you stated that a tattoo has to contour the form, and that his is just stamped across, … well if you experts stop and look at the whole body, his arms are raised , but if you ever see him in a relaxed position (arms down ), you’ll see that the tattoo actually contours the the back and the writing is much much nicer