Kevin Smith has done some rather memorable movies. He's also done some particularly shiteous work. In this video from San Diego Comic Con 2009, the comedy director also proves that he likes to evade questions about the lack of LGBT characters in his movies by making jokes about Twilight fans and hockey player cum showers. Also, he's kind of sexist.
Luckily, I let him get away with this stuff because he's kind of woofy and adorable. "I can't really write well for gay people because I'm not gay," he told the audience. "I'm bi-curious at best, you know? So you can't get that real honesty that comes from someone who knows what it's like to have somebody else's dick in their mouth." Well, if he needs a little help getting in touch with that "real honesty", I'd be more than happy to nuzzle my balls against that thick beard. Yeah, I said it.
– Dewitt
Since when was it a criteria for LGBT actors to have preferential treatment for movie roles? Regardless of a director’s sexuality, it would be gratuitous, charitable or disingenuous for an LGBT actor to be cast simply because of their sexuality. If there is a role for a gay character, all actors (gay or straight) should be given the chance to audition, just as there are gay actors in straight roles.
A good movie does not need to include my demographic to be good, and I certainly do not expect my demographic to be included in every aspect of life as we know it.
I thought Kevin Smith had a gay brother?? He should ask him what it’s like to have a dick in the mouth.
Kevin Smith is incredibly gay friendly in his personal life. He did an introduction for the DVD release of an indie movie a gay friend of his produced about (shock) life as a homo in a small town. I can’t recall the name of the film, but the intro was hilarious.
The movie was called Small Town Gay Bar. A documentary on gay bars in small towns.
@Navy: The article is about the CHARACTERS, not actors so your rant is a little…worthless, actually.
Visibility matters and all that.