Not sure if he qualifies as a “model” or not, but that bulge is certainly getting our attention. Kris Humphries is the NBA player who was married to odious whore Kim Kardashian for about five seconds in a stunt marriage. He’s obviously trying to branch out after his former career as “Neanderthal-looking fame-dupe” in this shoot with photographer Chris Logan for WestEast magazine. Whatever that is.
It’s obvious what Kim was getting out of their brief relationship (besides 18 million). Check out the dick outline! Besides his obvious girth in the pants area, do you think Kris has a career ahead of him as a sought-after male model?
– J. Harvey
Photo credit: Hollywood Life and Christopher Logan
Well he came across as dumb as dirt – and that was before the 72 days were over! So he qualifies on that count too …
well he certainly has the equipment and would I love to get close and personal with those hot lips. He would never ever think of that idiot Kim again.
I’ve said it before… HE LOOKS LIKE SHREK!
I just clocked him… He may be good for a tag team fucking.
I would not have a problem with him at all. I think he is very hot
I always thought he was hot and could do better than Kim Kardouche-ian.
He’s hot in a unconventional kind of way (which I like). Glad he’s not with Kim Karbitchian any longer
Your just sad.. Or should I say.. A sad fuck..he is beautiful.
his big neanderthal self could pound the everloving hell out of me
I’d fuck him. He’s hot in an odd way, he looks like his Dick is pretty big, and he has a big round bubble butt. Plus look at those lips. I bet he sucks harder than a Hoover.
He’s a hot fucker! He was before ‘the stunt wedding’ and he still is. He was the only reason/excuse that I ever watched a few episodes of those non-celebrity, devil spawn from that father of theirs that actually had the nerve to defend that murderer OJ Simpson…which is where they got every dime that they’ve par laid into their current “Kar-Dash-I-Cunts” brand. Hot pix of him here. Hit me up here (getintomyzone on MH) Kris if u ever wanna kick back for me to strip u down and work u over head to toe…for starters.
Well people made fun of him because of how he speaks and has a monotone expression but he’s definitely NOT UGLY. He can be a model if he try’s.
definitely has that dumb look
team humpries! 1 for kris humpries 0 for his ex-wife…
I dont care how the world saw him he is hot, down fall was getting invilved with that porn star, I mean Kim Kardashian
20 some years ago the short cut to male model stardom is fucking Madonna. Now it’s fucking a Kardashian. How far we’ve fall in just a quarter century.
It ruined it for me when he got involved with that kardashian mess, but does still have some allure
h e looks nothing like Shrek, grow up
Why are you taking my comment so personally? Geez, I think the guy looks like Shrek. You don’t. Grow up? Yeah, that makes no sense as a response.
everyone is really nasty towards him. i don’t think he is actually stupid, i think he loved kim, and when you love someone, it is hard to see the wood for the trees. i honestly don’t think he knew he was in a sham wedding. give him a break for not seeing that family of odiferous sluts and whore mongers for what they really are.
I’ve always thought Kris was a hottie.
it seems the kardashian family is another hollywood train wreck/ their only claim to fame is the father was O.J. simpsons lawyer