Here’s Kylie Minogue’s new song “Skirt”:
She talked a bit about it with Rolling Stone earlier this month and described herself and her sound this way:
“I need to know what it is to do something different – different style of delivery, different beats, different subject matter. I think that I am a natural chameleon, so that floats my boat . . . I will maintain the DNA of what a Kylie track is, just because I’m on it. I like to try move the goalpost and experiment with different sounds. I can’t tell you exactly what it is. I couldn’t really describe it yet. But I can tell you I’m having a lot of fun in the process.”
And you know what? She’s right. She does WANT to try new things and deep down in her soul, beneath all the styling and popness lurks a kind of ravenous beast that is never really allowed out. Although, to be fair, maybe at this point it’s been starved to death. Sure she’s one of those flawless and pop diva-ish women gay men love and she delivers a reliable product but I think that if she hadn’t resigned herself to the thing she is, she’d be doing weirder, cooler stuff. Like, for example, here’s what she did back in the ’90s when she stepped out of the cage and worked with Nick Cave.
Sure, it’s sort of gothic and misty and probably alienates her mainstream fans, but that was more adventurous than anything she’s done lately (except maybe for her TV work on the Doctor Who Christmas Special a few years back, where she looked much older than she normally does). Still, it’s good she’s not dead, and she sure does have a smart looking hunk of man on her arm. So, three cheers for Kylie. Still at it, and not a total mess. Good for her.
I like what she did with the more recent “All the Lovers”
Awful. Dub-step? You are 45 Kylie! C’mon now. Give us a beat and something we can dance too. You can do better!