Holy crap! I'm pretty much speechless. Everyone's talking about Lady Gaga and Madonna's skit on Saturday Night Live, but can we hold the phone and talk about her performances? If this is what we can expect to see on her upcoming November tour, I might even toss aside my skepticism and buy a ticket.
And the Madonna skit? Even though it was pretty "meh", it was completely mind-blowing to see those two breathing the same air. The Queen of Pop was even a little endearing! If I create an altar for these two ladies, does that mean I have to take the whole "str8-acting" part out of my profile? Just askin'.
– Dewitt
To watch Lady Gaga on SNL, follow the JUMP:
was black dancer guy in red stuffed?
gyroball was good at first, but she got tooo awkward with it… and not talking about the piano bit
yes, dewitt, you would have to remove the “straight-acting” bit out of your profile.
Yeah gyro was cool when she was standing, but became a distraction when she sat down. Good performances though.
why should he have to remove the straight-acting part from his profile? is it impossible for someone to enjoy lady gaga and madonna and still act straight? i mean yes, an alter might a little much, but there’s nothing wrong with idolizing someone for being an amazing entertainer.
No, but there is something wrong with idolizing a mediocre pop star.
Yea I thought the Madonna Gaga skit was kinda lame. But Madonna looked really amazingly hot. She looked way better then Gaga. How sad for Gaga that a 50 year woman looks better then her. Madonna’s body looked tight!
And Gaga had a cheap wig on..cant she afford a better weave! Dammm