Did this make anyone uncomfortable?
Now, as we’ve discussed before, porn is a fantasy. Yes, there are some readers who might feel personally offended that Next Door Studios’ Next Door Ebony imprint has released a scene in which a white man dominates, humiliates, and enslaves a black man. There are those who might come away from the below content only feeling a little uneasy over the subject matter. There are those who are going to be all “uh, I never thought of it that way, who cares, it’s just hot.” In the end, porn that sparks discussion can’t be all bad. As for myself? I stuck around to the very end when dom Caleb King suddenly becomes the sub to JP Richards. Karma is balanced, both of the performers involved experience a full-on power exchange in their favor, and I can cum safe in the knowledge that I’m not evil for getting turned on by this.
Check out more of Caleb King and JP Richards subverting your expectations in Dungeon Lust below. Into it? You can watch the full scene here.
– Michael Xavier

Honestly all I could think about looking at the pics and the preview clip were I WANT! Now all I’m thinking is ‘please Santa bring me these guys, some restraints and a gallon of lube and I’ll be good I promise’.
*fingers crossed*