Lindsay Lohan & Petey Wright Get Naked

Lindsay Lohan, Muse Magazine, Petey Wright, photo shoot, naked, nude, artsy, pics, shots, scandalous, provocative, sexy, editorial, boobs, having sex, porn, fucking

Once upon a time, Lindsay Lohan was an innocent little girl starring in Disney movies like The Parent Trap and Life-Size. Now, we're not really sure what she is, but we're not going to complain if it involves posing provocatively with male model Petey Wright. Get ready for a lesson in Slutnastics.

Why am I still fascinated by this girl? Though I've ignored most of the post-Samantha Ronson tabloid fodder, I'm glued to the screen every time a new photo shoot leaks. There's something oddly beautiful about her fall into celebrity nothingness. And no, these photos don't give me a boner. Maybe a little. But I swear it's just that ass shot…

– Dewitt

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Lindsay Lohan Muse 7

Lindsay Lohan Muse 6

Lindsay Lohan Muse 3

Lindsay Lohan Muse 4




15 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan & Petey Wright Get Naked

  1. … guys are on manhunt? looking for a quick fuck. I mean if you’re on here to date you’re……uh……retarded?
    So because she takes pictures of what 95 percent of the guys on manhunt are here for she’s a whore?
    Slow clap for the slow fucks.

  2. i actually like the artistic side of these pictures. if you actually set aside the fact that it’s li-lo in the pictures, then they are actually quite interesting/artsy.

  3. i’m inclined to agree with robert.
    screw that.
    i *fully* agree with robert.
    i wasn’t aware that it was a Church Goers Convention who frequents this blog?
    i’m pretty sure it’s not.. to even begin to think of the hypocrisy that swirls around here is enough to stun me.

  4. I read about this photo shoot a few weeks ago, apparently it was meant to depict the chaotic relationship that Kate Moss and Johnny Depp shared at one point many years ago. I like them, sexual, erotic and artistic

  5. Why is it that you consider her a slut, but the guy posing with her in the same pictures is hot and admirable?

  6. Some of you guys must not be familiar with La Lohan and ALL the antics she has done. While this is Manhunt, No, not everyone on here is looking for a quick fuck or in this case def not looking for some slutty pussy! Gimme a break!

  7. i like robert’s view, and similar, better.
    i’m well aware not everyone here is as … Prolific as la-lo. (i’m not.)
    but that’s probably true for me, and a few others, only because of lack of opportunity and not Personal “Morals.”
    regarding the pictures themselves..
    ..i rather like them, personally — although i really didn’t want to ever see *her* Titties, either.
    at any rate, it seems like Lindsey is embracing her “bad girl,” and is saying Fuck The Haters.
    so i’m cool with it.
    and she does seem to be looking better, than when she was featured on this blog some, on two occasions, a few months back.

  8. I really like the way the pics were shot.
    While I think Lindsay has little to do with all the drama most talk about. My issue with her is what she is doing to her face. I mean what is the issue with these girls getting botox and injections and the sort at such a young age. It’s crazy! She honestly looks like she is in her 40s and that’s insane!

  9. I would have completely agreed with Robert if he didn’t choose to use such an ignorant word as “retarded” in his post. When are people going to get it together that using that word is just as hurtful and inappropriate as the word fag or nigger?

  10. … She may have been born just plain white trash but FANCY was-a her name! 😉 hahahah What a POG (Piece of garbage)

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