I’ve always thought that dancers were really hot and this photography project by Yang Wang proves it! I mean with all that excersice it’s no surprise that these guys are all in great shape… and happy to appear naked!
The photos are very interesting and will make for a great exhibit, which is set to open in October. While I love the artisitic aspect I also really enjoy seeing naked men and full frontal shots! I love that Wang was able to combine the two.
– Andy
Photo Credit: Yang Wang
For more shots follow the JUMP:
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i wish he had marcelo gomes, principal dancer in ABT, in the shoot. best male dancer in ABT now, IMHO. much much better than ethan stiefel, and totally hot. brazilian too!
These are great photos for actually showing real people – its superb to see bodies which have not been airbrushed into some smooth unlined form which most people cannot relate to.
The portrait shots by the side are really expressive of the peoples character as well and makes this photo set different and original – lets hope there’s a book coming out with them in.
I know Andy as always stressed the bevis /butthead mentallity to these photos (hee hee nude dudes hee hee) but whatever the sex or partner mix these are great photos of humanity, spirit and freedom.
The last one of the gay couple is my favorite. Hot but also romantic!
I love this, it’s beautiful!
LOVE the last pic. Love them all, but the last pic is great!
DavidUK: Had to get something in there about airbrushing, didn’t you? UGH!! Would you people go start your own blog or something already?!?!?
I like all the pics and none pale in comparison to the others. dancers as athletes? you betcha! this is the human form in all its simplicity, and at the same time, all its glory. kudos to all involved in the project. nudity can be a wonderful expression of humanity with nothing in this queue of pictures the least bit over the top or objectionable to even the most insecure prude.
A pic speaks a thousand words and each one his ( pics ) has a thousands different things 2 say .. Very nicely done !!!
Classy photos, it would be nice to know the names of the dancers. I especially like the first two – hot and handsome
Love the first one after the jump…deliciously sexxxy.
nice art work
beautiful portraits.
This is one of the most interesting and best posts of this kind in a long time.
The pictures are great – moreover, as most of the models are smiling, you can see some of their real personalities, which are also inspiring. Love them all.
I have to say that i’am a huge fan of dance, the movement, the physical presence of the dancer, and the sensual, and emotional feeling you get when you witness a great performance. These pictures are fantastic. More please!
Completely agree with Darryl on this one love the expressive nature of each motion really gives personality to the subjects
These are AMAZING shot!
Sexually poetic…beautiful defined nice bodies…look at the grace and sensualness of their lithe forms…most erotic…
I keep being drawn back to this post! Love the photos! But almost as much as the photos,, I love the candid photos of each dancer! I can’t decide which I find sexier! LOL Andy, you NAILED it on this post! I’ll be revisiting for quite a while! Makes me want to go see someone dance really bad!
Awww. Geez! The second guy after the jump just makes me want to take him home. And keep him there. For quite a while. Not even for sex. Just to look at his smile. And let him dance for me. And look at his smile some more. Adorable!
the best!
juicy fruity
You rock me!
I’m always looking for naked dancers! I just love the idea of being with a dancer what they can do with those amazing bodies, yes please.