Wrestling is so underrated when it comes to wank potential. Was I the only kid jerking off after watching Wrestlemania IVVII or whatever? There are so many pro wrestlers working today that would do SO well in gay porn. Pro wrestling is pretty much gay porn just with more clothes and way less penetration. That we know of! Who knows what goes on in the locker room? This is Cesaro, he’s a Swiss WWE wrestler. It looks like he works out. (That shaved head. The swirls of chest hair. The muscle. THE BULGE.)
I’d like him to work me out. Put me in a figure-four, sit on my face, fuck my ass, make me his bitch. I think I missed my calling as what they call “a jobber.” That’s the dude in pro wrestling who’s always getting his ass kicked. And hopefully licked. Get into Cesaro below.
– Michael Xavier

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