Madonna is an idiot*. There were better songs than “Give Me All Your Luvin” and “Girl Gone Wild” on her upcoming album MDNA. I could have told you that just by listening to the snippet of “Falling Free”, and now it’s officially confirmed with the full-length release of “I Fucked Up”. This is the type of shit I want to hear from Madge. Not some lame-ass dance track that’s desperate to be a radio hit.
Here’s my review of MDNA, and I haven’t even heard the whole album yet. A lot of it will be crap. Some of it will be kind of good. That’s all you need to know.
– Dewitt
* On second thought, maybe she is the marketing genius everyone says she is? It would be so evil to release two downright atrocious singles, just so critics and bloggers were forced to say the album’s significantly better than those two songs. I’m on to you, Madge. Nice move.
Click through to listen to “I Fucked Up”:
Really excited for this album!!!
Snore. Falling asleep. So autotuned and awful.
SO over Madonna…wish she would retire
Well I can relate to the song title…..but thats about all.
Sound like her old songs. I don’t think she can compete with today’s artist
Oh Yawn. Boring. That repetitiveness. The author of “Sex” is reduced to THIS?
It’s soooo ridiculous that you’re under the impression people actually care what you think. YOU’RE the idiot. Get a real job.
Sounding like her old songs is 900% better than listening to her try to compete with today’s artists.
LOL. Someone’s a big Madonna fan, I see.
She needs to sound like today’s artists in order to sell.
Are sales more important than creating good music? Also, this is fucking Madonna. She should be creating the sound that today’s artists aspire to. And her album/single sales don’t mean shit, because people would go see her on tour even if she released the worst album in history.
How is “I Fucked Up” any worse than any other “non hit single” on any other Madonna album? ALL of her albums have had 2-3 “hit” songs and then a bunch of filler. This song is typical Madonna filler. Does anyone listen to “Candy Perfume Girl” and think “Wow, what an amazing song”.
I actually love “Candy Perfume Girl,” but I do not pretend to know what makes “good” pop music. I only know what I like.
Maybe I’m the only one who prefers this over the “hits”?
I think this song is fine, but doubt it’ll be a hit.
WTF is this shit!!!
I was just listening to “Candy Perfume Girl” the other day…still like it…
But I do for the most part agree with you. I do think it’s time she retired.
Funny: are you making millions?
Madonna evolves which makes her great, she changes with the times. Sure her vocals aren’t always awesome – maybe never has been, but she is around making decent music. “Today’s artists”? Let’s see if they last as long as Madonna has. Gaga was too much too soon. She even said that she is done with interviews because she’s said everything. Same goes for any of the others. Madonna is a great business woman who has kept the interest of A LOT of people, more than the silly dismissive few who think they know what music is or think they even can comprehend what great marketing tactics are.
This is a ballsy, mature pop tune. Imagine taking responsibility for your part in a failed relationship, and broadcasting that worldwide. And putting the lyrics to a catchy pop music. This is an evolution for Madonna, a song like “Masterpiece” that you can’t get out of your head. She’s 50-something and still leading the way. Bravo, Madonna.
Brilliant. I thought it was kind of a yawn in the beginning, but 45 seconds in I was thinking “this is begging for a great dance remix”, and 30 seconds later I was doing a slow groove to it. And when it speeds up….just brilliant.
Lame loser lyrics. No creativity at all. Boring, lack of melody or musicality.
The Madonna hate amazes me. I’m not even a fan really but I feel very compelled to be defensive for her. I hate the idea espoused that she’s irrelevant by people who are accountants, or who knows what. She is where she is. She’s expressive, and an artist. If she doesn’t appeal to you, then don’t buy her music. But this, ‘she’s 50, and she isn’t redefining pop music for me’ line that people take. Just irks me for some reason. The only thing an artist needs to do, is to be true to who they are and where they are at. If the criticisms were that the singles released so far seem irreflective of her as a performer, then I could buy it. But they aren’t really. In a way, I guess the reactions make her a victim of her own success, so even the most rabid condemnation is praise in an ass backwards way. Honestly if a new artist released any of these songs, they would be way more well recieved. I also think the mental excercise of sitting in judgment of would be artists/performers via “The Voice” and “American Idol” has turned/is turning people into jaded judgmentalists, who sit back hostile waiting to be impressed.
Still, isn’t her album breaking sales records already and it isn’t even out yet…yeah…guess she’s irrelevant.
Agree!!! Not even Christ on a Cross can forgive her sins.
Whether you like her music or not, Madonna Ciccone is an undisputed LEGEND in pop music culture, and deservedly so…She has been an edgy trailblazer in our entertainment culture for nearly 3 decades, and you gotta give the lady credit for standing her ground and maintaining a vibrant, assertive presence in this increasingly fickle age of pseudo-celebrities and wildly contrived flash-in-the-pan famewhores…I’m particularly offended by all the ageist shit that seems to be flung at this woman…My god, try saying that nonsense about Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Tina Turner, Elton John, Aretha Franklin and other ‘over-50’ artists out there and you’ll see just how biased and absurd the criticisms launched at Madonna really are…For a woman who has done as much for the celebration, visibility and verbal support of our gay culture as SHE has, Madonna deserves a bit more respect and a whole lotta love from her gay detractors out here….This woman is STILL the ultimate ‘pop artist-provocateur’, and all these passionate responses to aspects of her life and music can only attest to her continued relevance and worth to our pop culture….
The trite lyrics are the worst part of her music.