Thanks to stars such as Zac Efron and Chace Crawford, grown men everywhere have decided that it's perfectly okay to conceal their foreheads with a wall of hair. It may be trendy to rock this boyish look, but would you bang a guy with man bangs? Yes, we know it depends on the guy, so let me rephrase this–are you more likely to be drawn to guys who rock it shaggy? Or do you run away in fear of their hair length?
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Corbin Fisher
Definite turn-off for me. I don’t mind a little bangs with a short haircut, but when they start crossing the eyebrows, it’s time to chop that shit off!
Personally, I like a man who is nicely groomed. Nice haircut, neatly trimmed facial hair (if they have any), and a suit and tie will get me any time.
Maybe that’s why I married a lawyer.
Not a fan of long or longish hair at all.
I think of young twinks when I think of man bangs … ummm … what was I saying again? ….
short hair all the way i was waiting for orlando bloom to do somthing with his thanks go e did looks much hotter now!!
Mmm, bangs are pretty hot on a guy. Then again, there’s also a few hot guys out there that don’t have bangs. A few other guys I’ve seen are pretty hot when they’re bald. It all depends on the guy, but in a way, I prefer guys with bangs, honestly.
It’s nice to have something to grab on to, but the guys in the picture have a bit too much for my taste. (though neither one would be thrown out of bed…)
Also, short hair is better for cuddling and spooning -spooning a guy from behind isn’t as cozy when you’ve got a bunch of hair in your face.
With you all the way Michael W.
Love a guy in a suit and tie.
By the way, I “banged” your lawyer husband! ….kidding!
LOL, Juan, I wouldn’t mind. I would be a little hurt that you left me out, though.
I like a nice three-way just as much as the next man.
I love a boy with fringe..maybe its a generational thing.
I grew up during the time when having a Beatles haircut was daring, and depending on the guy (usually very young, like my buddies and I were at the time) I find it pretty hot. Really long hair — hippie or metal head types — is usually a turn off. But hey, in the right circumstances (i.e., a friendly sex party, etc) pretty much anything’s fine. In general, how a guy carries himself, how he impresses me, won’t be made or broken by hair.
IT IS 0kay for th0se wh0 have hair like zac efr0n., t0m welling aNd daniel radcliffe in g0blet 0f fire.,
n0w that’s a maj0r n0 n0.,,
i think its fucking gross,!!!!!!!
all these younger gays have it, and it makes them look like girls, LESBIANS HAVE SHORTER HAIR,
its really nasty and its a big fucking turn off for me, in fact im going to put this in my manhunt profile right now thats now much it bugs me
you should make this the next manhunt poll thing you do …id be curious to see the result!
way to be obsessed with gender stereotypes there spooner.
i have bangs and love em. they do look cute on the right guy, but personally i prefer guys to have it shorter.
Short hair all the way, I’ve never liked guys with long hair.
Hotness all the way!
Totaly dig the shag on guys with faces that it complements (like those Corbin Fisher boys above). It can also make you look like a total tool if your head is the wrong shape.
You know what else can make you look like a total tool?
“all these younger gays have it, and it makes them look like girls, LESBIANS HAVE SHORTER HAIR”
Thanks, Spooner. I have bangs. However, guys and girls tell me all the time that they love my hair and that I have really great hair. Not trying to sound full of myself. Just letting you know what people have told me.
And…there has never been any point in my life where someone has mistaken me for a girl.
Maybe it’s just a Southern thing? B/c most of my friends (straight and gay) have bangs down here.
I guess we all can’t rock a mullet the way you do, Spooner…
Even tho the sixties flower power was before my time…thats what the “look at my backwards plastered hair that needs to be cut” reminds me of…and the people that are sporting this hive of a cut act like they are modern and trend setting….watch history channel sometime….your hairdo is 40-50 years old….
Bangs are hot when theyr’e hot…smoking sexy on some guys. And not when they’re not… you’ll know when it’s just ‘wrong’! So why is it we’re even voting on something this stupid? Short hair looks like shit on any number of guys… on others it’s hot as hell. So why discuss it…find someone who’s hot and sexy with whatever kind of hair they have and go after it, Guys!
Geez, this is a no brainer!