Manhunt Billboard May Prompt Man To Leave LA

Los Angeles, billboard, Twitter, Sisters Talk, negative, no homo, homo shyt, hooking up, design, PG-rated, homophobia, attention, LA

So as any advertisement should, our billboard in Los Angeles has been getting a lot of attention. Some random (and probably closeted) guy on Twitter took a picture of it, posted it and included the following caption: "This is why I'm getting the fuck out of la! Look at this bill board". Because apparently seeing two shirtless men touching one another is reason to leave a city? It might make you gay by association!

Though a few of the responses to the picture were positive or supportive, most of this guy's followers resorted to such immature comments like, "Come to philly man..we dont play that homo shyt out here." One person suggested that we should have made the billboard smaller, as if that would have made a difference…

For the record, we worked within strict
guidelines to keep the billboard's design PG-rated, and yet the haters are
still unhappy. Would we still have created such a stir if
we had just opted for a huge Manhunt logo and no image at all? It's impossible to say. Be
sure to look out for our next billboard design, which will soon be unveiled in Chicago, IL!

– Dewitt

16 thoughts on “Manhunt Billboard May Prompt Man To Leave LA

  1. I love that billboard! Fuck the haters. I’d be glad to have that thing outside my window in Toronto. I hope the next design isn’t toned down in any way!

  2. Eh, it’s kinda tacky (less the men than the caption), but only as much as the porn superstore billboards I’ve seen. People complain about those, too; thank God gay money spends the same as any other. Keep buying adspace, and fuck the whiners.

  3. lets hope your billboards have a lot more diversity than two white dudes groping each other.

  4. Dont take it down, theyre just pissed because those guys are in much better shape then half the country!

  5. I’ll be looking for it in Chicago as well… I’m guessing it’ll probably be in boys town… Seems like the ideal spot for it.

  6. The design is rather tacky and boring. Is that why you opted to include the images of guys? And, did the guys really have to be shirtless? It seems as though you were going for controversy…after all, that sells more in the end, correct? Atleast you didn’t use a stupid rainbow or an even tackier pair of golden wedding rings.

  7. Nothing wrong with the billboard. Keep the ads coming its time Gay America had our fair share of ad space.

  8. Just to let you know… the location of the billboard was on the WORLD FAMOUS SUNSET STRIP right above the HOUSE OF BLUES! Marketing to the horny straight boys!

  9. In philly we have the gayborhood where the street signs are painted with rainbows, I’m not sure where he came up with the idea that philly doesn’t have any of that.

  10. Maybe it isn’t that he was upset with the billboard design? Maybe sometimes people take offense to websites made completely to function as ways to meet others for random anonymous sex. Maybe somebody could take offense to that.
    But maybe I’m crazy. After all, it’s just a blatant endorsement for hooking up to have sex, placed in a heavily-trafficked area of a very crowded city. Only a homophobe would take offense to that.

  11. I think it’s a little cheesy. I just don’t think a lot of people would be comfortable passing by it with, like, their kids, for example. And, to be clear, if it was a billboard for a straight hookup site, with that same tag line, a shirtless guy with a hot girl in a bra, I’d say the same thing.
    But, eh, if the city allows it, then people will just have to accept it. (Well, or complain enough about it.)
    And so I’m not sure it’s fair to bash the Twitter poster as a homophobe. Maybe, like someone said before, he’s offended by the ad being for a sex site, not necessarily that it’s a gay ad. (That said, plenty of the follow-up comments were certainly homophobic and unacceptable.)

  12. Thats nothing compared to the gay dating chatlines that have nearly X-Rated billboards all over Tampa

  13. “one person suggested that we should have made the billboard smaller” I thought for some, size didn’t matter

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