Remember Alex Minsky, the stunning former US marine who lost his right leg while serving in Afghanistan? Well, Jack Adams has brought him on board to represent their brand, and with no disrespect to previous models Harijs Broza or Dylan Austin Scott, I’ve never wanted to buy a pair of their underwear more than I do today.
(This is going to be an outrageously weird segue, but please bear with me.)
Earlier this week, Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show judge Betty Regina Leininger described the winning pooch, a wire fox terrier named Sky, in the following fashion: “She has the ‘it’ factor. She owned this night.”
The same could be said for Minsky. He has the “it” factor and so much more. Sure, I could have told you that without bringing this adorable dog into the equation, but you have to keep in mind that there are only so many blog posts I can write about muscular, ink-covered physiques and charming, scruffy faces that will make you want to fall in love… Plus, I needed a good excuse to make an inappropriate reference about doing Minsky doggy style. Just let me have my moment, okay?
– Dewitt
Photos via: Jack Adams
Check out a few new shots of Alex Minsky below:
BONUS – Alex isn’t very shy about showing off, it seems:
This Man is Fucking Beautiful!!!! And I love the Ink
His tattoo’s are actually hilarious. I love the “I’m with stupid’ on his ankle and the “Don’t Laugh” one above his crotch is my favorite
Yum and he can have whatever he wants, anytime – guaranteed.
i highly doubt the loss of his leg would have any affect on this fella in the bed,,,,,,,and to test the theory i happily volunteer hes gorgious hehehe
Can I take him home? A night, a weekend, forever?
ya the sense of humour on this guy is actually very refreshing
Way 2 much ink !!
Yes, the tattoos show he has a sense of humor, but there’s something sad about turning your body, for the rest of your life, into a walking joke.
I love every inch of ink on this guy. I think he’s a good example of ink done right. It is all totally beautiful!
um. wow. yum.
I would go down on him in a fucking heartbeat.
The man served his country with a blank check for his life, he is a Marine, he has a sense of humor, he is handsome and hot, has a great attitude about himself and others, he looks beyond his disability to being a total person, we all should do the same.
He has more Tattoos than I like. However, he is so beautiful, I can look past them.
It is obviously his choice, but look at all that beautiful skin and physique that he has covered up with ink. I do feel really proud of him and his ability to work through it, though.
1000% concur & am proud he is who he is.
Some guys in this comments thread rmare blithely unaware of the fact that the tattoos serve more purpose than usual. It covers his battle scars (which are still evident if you lookclosely.) And the tattoos look good on him. I dont understand all the hate. i want him!
He’s perfect from head to toe – and the tats are hot!
Alex is fucking delicious. I’m bi and I don’t dig ink on chicks but it’s hot on a man…especially this man. Either way though Alex is hot and ink doesn’t change that.
Talk about yummy!
I’m generally in the camp of “less is more” for tattoos, simply because after a point they stop emphasizing a guys musculature and begin to obscure it. But Minsky definitely has some interesting tats- the hangman, I’m with Stupid pointed at his prosthetic, and the numbers on the inside of his elbow (they’re not Pi or e digits, so probably not a math thing), so what he loses in observable definition he gains with the stories attached to each image. He pulls it off better than most, and that includes Ricky Sinz, Logan McCree, and Sebastian Young.
Too often, men have tattoos that are stupid and meaningless. They try too hard to be masculine, but instead achieve the opposite. This guy is different. He’s handsome, but imperfect, scarred, and has clearly had an intense life. On him, the tattoos are beautiful because he is an exceptional person.
Dude is gorgeous. I think his tats accentuate his physique.
Here’s my take on the Tattoos. I get it he most likely got them to cover up scars, which is his right. He has a right to get Tats, just as it’s mine not to, and someone else’s right to like Tats on guys & others right not to like them. It’s a god given basic human right of Freedom. It’s what he fought & gave his leg for. Freedom to be who you are. For me personally I’d rather see the scars than the Tattoos. Own them, and show them off. God knows he earned them. Plus I think scars can be sexy. Maybe that makes me part Krogan. (PS: Anyone who gets the Krogan reference, you’re fucking awesome! ) Would I not hit on him or date him if I saw him at a club or anywhere because of all the Tattoos? No, not at all. He has a beautiful smile, very pretty eyes & seems like he might have a great personality. It’s just for me it hits a sad note when I see a beautiful man with a beautiful body, covered in Tattoos. It’s like taking a beautiful classic car & getting a spray can & covering it in graffiti. Some of the art may be beautiful, but it drops the classic, natural appeal. Plus too many times the art is not pretty & a lot of times it’s fad art that was gotten on a whim or dare. Rarely are they thought out. Many of his are, but some I’m sure in a few years he’ll think. “What was I thinking when I got that one?” It’s like fashion. Many of us would not be caught dead in what we were wearing in the 90’s. And too many times Tattoos are like fashion in that sense. But this man is beautiful regardless. Add to that the fact he’s a bonafide real life fucking hero makes all of that a mute point. I’d still take him home to meet Mom & then later take him home to my bed. Lol!
He doesn’t seem to think so. Since it’s his body…
I agree he is incredibly gorgeous but even better he is not a prima donna,. His humilty just makes me want to cuddle him among other things.
For fuck sakes guys – we do not get tats for you! We get them for ourselves.
Let me repeat just in case you didn’t understand it the firs time I said it: WE DO NOT GET TATTOOS FOR YOU! WE GET THEM FOR OURSELVES.
And to be even clearer – we don’t give a fuck what you think of them. Or whether you like or dislike them.
Hope that clears this up!
Hey DW45 — WE don’t give a fuck what you think of our tattoos. They are not for you. Capiche?
Hey James, we don’t give a fuck what your thoughts are on our tattoos or guys that get them. It’s a mute point. At then end of the day, your life has no bearing on mine. NO ONE has the right to tell me or any other person with tats that we have ruined our body etc. The only right you have is either get your own tat or don’t get one. END OF STORY.
Well, I guess I wouldn’t hit on him. He’s Straight & either had a girlfriend or married. Lol! Found out while looking through his instagram. @MMINSKYY Also he shows what some of his Tattoos are about. The one on his side with the body that has a fist for a head is due to his sobriety from alcohol. On his wrist is the name Clark. That’s the name of his prosthetic leg.
That is so funny how you say a person has a right to do what he wants, meanwhile you are all over this guy like he is a criminal or something, totally disrespecting him. I agree with him, and if I met Alex in person, I would probably like him. Meanwhile, I have tons of respect for his service to me in the military. Oh, and good job on the spelling, babe. hehe
All you tattoo lovers need to chill out. No one is keeping you from getting them. Guys are just talking about likes and dislikes. Good grief! Would you get that angry over something actually important? Wars? Bad economy? Voting?
theirs always gotta be a dont like ink msg on a fella with tatts….it makes as much sense as christians commented on gays….u dont like dont look lol
Actually he does have the right to tell you that you’ve ruined your body. Oops
No! he does not have the right.
No Living, guys are not talking about likes or dislikes they are putting guys down for having tattoos. Saying “I do not like apple pie” is stating a dislike. Saying “I do not like tattoos” is a dislike. But saying things like “he’s ruined his body with tattoos” or “I’d like him if he didn’t have tattoos” is NOT stating a dislike. When you start “living” in the actual real world you will come to understand the difference.
He just posted a cock shot on Guyswithiphones!
Thank you to you & kritterpants for your support. But it goes in one ear and out the other. This guy is obviously doesn’t realize how contradictory his post to me is. I have every right to say I don’t like Tats as much as he has a right to say he does like them. He obviously also doesn’t seem to read too well or he would’ve picked up on the part of my post that says everyone has a right to get one or not get one. He seems to have anger issues. Probably from not being hugged enough. Bottom line is I would never tell a guy he couldn’t get a Tattoo. It’s just my personal opinion on them and I would get to know a guy first. Except for face Tattoos or fire from the crotch Tattoos. Those would be an automatic no. Lol!
I find it funny that he has dont laugh right there when he is actually pretty endowed.
Realistically he does have the right to say it. It makes him a giant douche ass, but he does have the right to say it.
Yeah, it’s a very nice size. I also find it funny he took this when on his model Mayhem page he has No Nudes for the type of modeling he would not be willing to do. He should just walk around with no clothes. I don’t think anyone would mind.
Ya know, some people use humor & tattoos to get through trauma and mark certain important occasions in their life. I wonder if this beautiful man has had anything like that? Hmmm
Firstly, there’s no such thing as “god given freedom” since 1) the biblical god demands the exact opposite and 2) there probably aren’t any gods. Secondly, it’s his earned right to do whatever he wants with his body. If he wanted to cover scars, his choice. If he just liked the designs, his choice. If he was just a douche who wanted to look tough, his choice. Tattooing is tens of thousands of years old, it’s hardly a fad.IIt’s also common for military men to get them. The way you insult his decisions at the same time you want to take him to bed demonstrates your lack of respect for him, or anyone else who chooses to do to their body what they want.
Just as we have the right to tell you to stop being so insulting and dismissive of someone else’s life choices that have absolutely zero effect on you. Now, by you telling me that I’ve ruined my body by getting a tattoo, you’re telling me that I haven’t lived my life they way that you would have me, and that is what the issue here is. Yes, you have the right to an opinion, but you do not have the right to insult me or anyone else. At least not without consequences.
DAK23 – always showing such decency and common sense that no one else seems to be able to pick up on, understand or get. KUDOs to you buddy. People seem to think that their opinion gives them the right to insult anyone that doesn’t conform to their ideology. They don’t comprehend the difference between “I don’t like tattoos” and “You ruined your body by getting all those tattoos.”
If you would have stopped after [a great personality] then you may have some credence but you had to spew on with “It’s just for me it hits a sad note when I see a beautiful man with a beautiful body, covered in Tattoos. It’s like taking a beautiful classic car & getting a spray can & covering it in graffiti.” That’s where you lost any credibility of your argument. So my reply to you is not contradictory to you. Its BANG ON.
Actually, no I didn’t. It is my OPINION. Opinion: A view or judgment formed about something by an individual or group, not necessarily based on fact. It is my opinion that I like the natural look. I personally wouldn’t cover up a beautiful body with ink, just like I wouldn’t try to cover a Tiger or Leopard, and hate seeing them locked in a cage, not out in their natural world. I prefer natural beauty. It does make me, ME sad. However I myself would never go up to someone and tell them that. Because it is their right to do and feel as they wish. Just as I said I would never dismiss someone based on it. Which would be just as stupid as dismissing someone based on their race. Honestly I’m more respectful of it than others I’ve read in post like this who go off about how disgusting & revolting people look, just based on that. Apparently though, just because you don’t like or with my opinion you found it okay to just flat out attack me. I never said he was ugly. I never said he was disgusting. I never attacked him personally. Hell I don’t even know him. Like I said, despite the fact that I’m not a fan of his Tattoos, I find him beautiful & have immense respect. Yet you are so filled with yourself that if it differs from your opinion, well then fuck them. So, seeing as you feel that way to me, then fuck you too, and the horse you rode in on.
1. God given freedom is a phrase/expression that’s been used for who only knows how long. You know phrases & expressions? They’ve been used for tens of thousands of years. 2. You’re pretty much just repeating what I said. It is his right to cover them. I don’t fault him for that. Never would. If that is what he wanted to do, more power to him. If I was his friend at the time I would’ve told him to not cover them and own them. Not hide them. He earned them. But if he was set on covering them, I’d have given him a ride to the Tattoo place however many times he wanted. At the same time doesn’t mean I have to fully like it and not have my own opinion on a matter, like some Stepford cuckoo. Also I didn’t ever say Tattooing is a fad. I sad many Tattoos are. There are countless people who get Tattoos of things they “love” only to regret it later on. I didn’t say Tattooing was a fad. But in this culture we live in of instant gratification the majority of people rarely stop to think things through. Now don’t read that and take it as all. There are many who do think it through, who have well planned out art that holds a special meaning to them, but of the hundreds people with Tattoos that I have met in my three decades on this planet there have been only one or two that is was true of. Most have been a dare or a way of “proving” their love with a name or just a drunken mistake. Also, my opinion is not disrespectful just because you don’t agree with it. It is my opinion. Just that. MINE. To which as you and TattoDude like to point out that your Tattoos don’t affect my life, then why should my opinion? I’m not some Nazi who would have all Tattoos burned from your skin with my magic opinion powers. Like I said it is everyone’s choice. Also my dislike of Tattoos doesn’t change the fact that he is still a beautiful man who has done a beautiful thing with the life he was given, and that more than anything matters over a physical look. Still doesn’t mean I have to like Tattoos to like a person. He didn’t ruin his body. He just did something that does make me personally sad. Doesn’t mean I can no longer find him hot or blindly have to agree with it.
beautiful man. Beautiful shaft
It’s literally impossible for you to know all the reasons people get tattoos, therefore whether or not they regret them. Even by writing how his tattoos make you personally sad is offensive in a passive aggressive way. Opinions are fine, but is there really a reason why negative ones keep popping up on any posting, especially tattooed men? I get it, some people don’t like them. I don’t like onions, but I’m not going to walk up to you while you’re eating a steak covered in them and pick them off of your meal. Some opinions, believe it or not, can be kept to oneself when you know how they’ll be received as a personal attack.
This is a site that shows men and wants you to talk about your likes & dislikes. That is why they have up and down votes. Your whole onion thing is null & void because as I’ve said, oh I don’t know, several times. I wouldn’t go up to you on the street and say “You ruined your body with Tattoos. Now stand still while I remove them.” Because as I said it’s your fucking choice! Does not mean I have to like it. But this forum is bot the street I am not talking to him face to face. I was not talking to you or Tattoodude directly. You want to shout how you like & get them for a reason at me, but tell me I’m offensive when I say why I don’t like them, and not even to either of you. I was stating it in general. It would be like if I was in a restaurant said I love cats, but don’t like dogs. And then you and your friend at another table jumping up and start yelling at me about your dog and how dare I not like dogs. I never said your dog, I said dogs in general, but your so full of yourself you make it about you. You could have said, ” I get my Tattoos for a reason, so I don’t see them as ruining my body. I’m sad that you do & will never know how they make me feel or my connection to them.” But no, instead you go on a off the wall tirade and make it all about yourself. Just because someone else doesn’t like Tattoos. People don’t like the way I dress. They’ve even come up and told me. I just shrug and say whatever. Which is what you need to learn to do. I still find this whole thing hilarious and the fact that me. Me of all people are basically be in called intolerant. I’m the most tolerant person in the world & any friend with and without Tattoos would say so. Hell my best friend David has hundreds of Tattoos. I told him about this showed him the reactions of you two and he laughed. After that his exact words were. “You don’t know the reasons for their Tattoos, but they don’t know you. Not like I do.” He knows I don’t like them, and he doesn’t care. In fact I’m the first person he shows when he gets a new one. He jokingly says he gets them just to piss me off inside. He’s joking of course. Because they don’t piss me off. He even has one of me & I’m the god father to his daughter. But you’re right. I can in no way not like Tattoos, and like an individual who has them. This is my last reply. Because you will never know me. And after this whole thing I’m thankful for that, because I wouldn’t want you to.
If you think I’m full of myself, fine. As for you being tolerant, your post indicates otherwise. Besides, theres a difference between being tolerant (which simply means you tolerate something) and being accepting.
As for not wanting to know me, that also shows your intolerance.
If it were jut saying they didn’t like tattoos, there wouldn’t be an issue. It’s the insults, saying our ink is ugly, or made in haste, or we’ll regret them, or we’ll never get jobs, or are low class, etc. Just because we’re writing about 1 topic on 1 site, younseem to imply that we don’t find the other things you mentioned. Yeah, I get angry over wars, bad economy, and voter apathy. If there was a post for those other things here, I’m sure I’d comment on those as well. But no one is insulting us over those
Yes, I agree. Some comments, however justified as being opinions, or likes, and dislikes, can be mean spirited. I try to always be polite. But seriously, some of these comments are still accurate. Some people do regret tattoos when they get older, and yes, oddly enough, a tattoo covered man, is less likely to get the job, than a non tattooed man, on average. And bye the way, if Alex was sweet to me, and wanted to play, I would be all over that.
I was going to make a comment about Dewitt watching the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, and then I got distracted… wow.
After reading all this ridiculous Bullshit about tat-no tat, it’s tit for tat crap that make me wanna go find Alex and go get another tattoo. I’m not over this argument because, frankly, it’s not in my way.
Quite frankly I think the tats enhance his beauty right now as tats do to all YOUNG men. It is when these men get older and the colors run and the muscles sag. That is when these men will regret ever having been tattooed. The reality is have you ever seen a man in his 60’s that was heavily tattooed in his youth?
Yeah, any-fucking-thing, and I’d lick and stroke any-fucking-thing he wanted. What goddamned sexy ink–all part of that sizzling package.
It’s a moot point, not a “mute” point. Please forgive me, TattooDude. I respect you and I respect the ink. I just have a pet peeve about that particular usage error.
Above everything he is an inspiration. To loose a leg and come back in any way is fantastic.
He is a handsome man, shame he is covered in too much ink.
O My God sod the fact he has a limb missing.. who cares these days he is nice and kind and to sodding boot hot too
I hope that all of you lusting over him are aware he is straight. NOT bi, straight. Gay friendly, yes, decent human being yes.
Can we have thoughts about him sure. But, he is 100 percent straight
Awesome looking/sexy guy. Pity about the ink though…ugggghhhh! The only un-inked part of him must be his dick