Manhunt Daily Wood: Ben Brian

Photographer Jeff Slater‘s photos of Vision model Ben Brian are missing one important quality – NUDITY. Nevertheless, he’s hot. Brian’s handsome boyishness is offset by the faint goatee and we’re digging how the tattoo outlines his spectacular form.

– J. Harvey

Photo credit: Jeff Slater

To check out more pictures of Ben Brian, follow the JUMP:

Click for larger view.

(via Male Model Scene)

20 thoughts on “Manhunt Daily Wood: Ben Brian

  1. Good looking guy for sure. Nice build without being overly ripped ie: abs/lower abs.

    Looks good!!

  2. Boyishness…. Where do you come up with this stuff Dewitt?
    This guy is definitely a man.
    Now if would say Aahhh….

  3. He’s hot but he’s gonna have to show more skin before I makes it to the Top Ten. We can’t let a hot tease like this just try and jump in and take over. He’s hot clothed and probably even hotter naked. Hopefully next time he will be!

  4. Sometimes a little mystery does more for a guy than waving his however big schlong around. The lack of nudity definitely helps the viewer to have more of an experience with the model/photographer/subject matter. This is guy is hot, and there was no need for him to take his clothes of, just for the sake of being nude. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love a hot, naked man as much as the rest of the crowd, but you have to admit that there is something a little romantic and intriguing about this photo shoot. Would we have the same experience if the model were sans clothing?

  5. This guy like so many have already said has that type of sex appeal that would have only been diminished if he was in fact naked not that I would have mind if he where !!! Ben is top 10 material even with clothes on !!

  6. Does everyone needs to plaster a stupid smile on their face? I am CONSTANTLY being mistaken for sad/mad/pissed off/tired/annoyed/irrated… but folks – it’s my face. Some of us just don’t smile constantly. This guy is incredibly sexy as is. I’ll take his smoldering good looks over a forced goofy grin any day.

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