Manhunt Daily Wood: Felipe Zabloski


Is there a word for a guy that’s caught between the states of cub and daddy? Caddy? No, that’s golf. Here’s Felipe Zabloski. He is a furry fucker, with a beefy bod that is built for pinning you and stuffing you full of what he’s carrying in those boxer briefs. This is a shoot he did for a Brazilian magazine called Revista Acapa. Felipe bears the title of “Mister Brasil Diversidade 2012”. He should win EVERY title. He definitely wins the title of “What I Want In My Butt This Evening.”

– J. Harvey

Photo credit: Homotrophy

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607 thoughts on “Manhunt Daily Wood: Felipe Zabloski

  1. Lazzy blogger… Mister Brasil Diversidade translates as “Mister Brazil Diversity” and the Mag is called A CAPA (meaning The Cover)…

    Google translate was invented for something.

  2. Oh man, perfect body and killer smile. Well, time to gather the kidnapping equipment 😉

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