Miles Davis Moody is one of those people you’ve been lusting after for a while now (even if you don’t know it yet). He’s appeared in the videos for Jennifer Hudson‘s “Where You At” and Jonny McGovern‘s “Dickmatized”, and you can currently spot him shaking his bulge in Andrew Christian‘s brand new “Pink Paradise” promo.
As if his eyes alone weren’t enough to make your taint tingle, just wait until you feast your eyes on his package! After that, you’ll want to feast on something else…
– Dewitt
Click through to see more of Miles Davis Moody:
WOW, those eyes and that bulge. He is a beautiful man!
that cannot be real… photoshop? if it is gag me with that!
It’s amazing what a really good cockring will do isn’t it?
OMG, can that bulge be real?? That is amazing.
I call fake. Does anyone else notice how there is practically no visible bulge in the black briefs yet he looks like he’s hung like and elephant in the blue ones? Clearly a prosthetics (which btw, they do make prosthetics for men to put in their underwear)
had me with the sexy eyes…but,damn..what a bulge..mmmmmmm
Miles is a friend of mine. Believe me, it’s not photoshopped.
it could be real, if I remember right, the AC underwear (the blue ones) are designed to make the bulge look bigger.
Agreed, its like your CK briefs, on steroids!! lol
Hey Matt, thats not me in the black briefs, thats someone else….but the blue ones are pouched, they are built to let it all hang forward. No prosthetic BUT they do make inserts guys can ex had one for the beach and AC actually sells undies with an insert however this isnt one of them. I am half black though
Thank you for vouching for me Ryan!
You are correct kind sir
You got it, man.
The bulge… good for you! I’d rather dive into your eyes
guys with black hair and blue eyes…wow
Regarding the Andrew Christian briefs, the marketing campaign is doing a great job of making guys want to join the party — to feel and see how that magic pouch works.
so……are you atleast semi hard in that pic with the giant bulge? not to be overly vulgar about lol.
Yes another pic for my “hot guys with cute animals” group HELL YEAH
Those eyes and that body… just amazing
Yeah, this guy is hot in a very genuine way … you don’t get the sense that he spends all day primping and preening. I am less enthusiastic about the spread with Andrew Christian, though. Only gay men could invent undergarments with “Thrust it out and forward” Technology for a better you.
I hate all things Andrew Christian, basically.
you are on fine looking man,thats for sure!!!
Absolutely gorgeous! And for those wondering, check out the AC video and see it swinging … put all doubts away! Wouldn’t mind getting a handful or two … but if I had to choose, I’d pick the eyes and gorgeous looks over a big dick any day … but when they come together … woof! let’s date
This guy is just scorchingly hot. Agree with the other – a guy with dark hair and blue bedroom eyes is just a killer!!!
And I must confess – I’d rather not see naked pics of him…that bulge in the blue briefs (like his eyes) is hot and erotic enough. Let’s have some imagination guys!!!
Whatever! I dribbled some cum after looking at these pics!!!!! YUM!!!
He’s amazingly hot and that’s enough for me, I’m in love!
We all agree that this Man is beautiful, and he seems to be genuine, and very personalble. Daddy likes.
and just think, he has a twin brother!! you can hear an interview with miles on jonny mcgovern’s podcast, gay pimpin’ with jonny mcgovern. wait till you hear his voice, it could make you melt
he’s wearing the Andrew Christian “enhancing” swimwear… the bulge is only about half real
Marry me.
the hairiest pussy i’ve seen in ages
He has the prettiest eye I have ever seen
Im sorry Miles, but you gotta come here and prove it, you re gorgeous babe.
Thats a sock
If I had a man like this to spend the rest of my life with, I would prefer this guy than winning the 1 million dollar lottery. This man is drop dead gorgeous with blue eyes. I would pay to have sex with this guy. LOL
am having trouble focusing on anything else but that ‘bulguliscous blue beauty’
that Miles is packing!
my little taint is all a quiver!
OMG, his eyes just made my heart skip a beat. Sex is great but the eyes and smile can melt my heart. I want to meet him…fix me up.
I don’t care how the ‘thing’ looks in the pic… but those blue eyes and dark hair with that complextion makes my knees weak! Too bad this kind of men seem not to be found here in my country! I simply adore this kind of latinlooks… not to mention that square jawline! He also seems to have very open and kind smile… WOOF!!!
Lol my junk is all real although the undies do show it off more than normal undies
Thank u very much for the kind words. I’m not Latin though, black mom/white dad. Have a great weekend!
Thank you!
Lol well I’ve heard many things but never been accused of having a sock penis! Lol
And don’t forget the cat! Hot man + cute cat = dreamlover! lol
I have 2 pairs, one that “lifts” my flat ass haha, and one with a hand cuff image across the back… best money I ever spent :p
Miles baby, you’re my screensaver!
The fourth picture down isn’t you? SO why is it the post?
Damn oh so hot!!!!!!!!! and those eyes got me right from the start!!!! Come to Maine for a visit
Hey Miles, what’s all this talk do to the size of your head? Does your ego fit thur the door anymore?
Do you have a boyfriend?
How is that NOT you in the black briefs? Your name is right on the pic.
Good question!
Yea, I have a pair of those undies. There’s nothing but man in there. The underwear just has a pouch built in to let the goods have more room to breath. There’s no padding or anything like that. Of course when you have a monster cock, like it looks like Miles does, that probably helps a lot too.
Dude is so smoking hot. I officially nominate him for “The Ten” and hopefully someone will dig up some shots without those pesky sexy undies.
Eh, he’s okay.
To all the queens bitching about his “prosthetic dick”, go and wear a pair of bulge-enhancing underwear. I don’t know about you, but I look like I’m smuggling a grapefruit in those things. It’s obscene.
Miles, you are a gorgeous young man, stop defending the comments, we all wish we looked like you.
i don’t care about the bulge look those eyes he’s gorgeus…
Milesdavismoody, I suspected you might have an black ancestry when I first saw your picture because your hair texture. However, some Italians hair the same type of hair texture. I am a black man and I am of Puerto Rican ancestry. Many people think, Hispanic is a race, but Hispanics can be of any race. Regardless of your race or ancestry, you are one gorgeous human being. I shared your picture with my Afro Cuban friend here in Washington, D.C. He too thought, you are gorgeous.
Correction: Some Italians and Arabs have the same type of hair texture.
This is a radio interview with Miles Davis Moody on youtube. I don’t know if the man is gay or straight. However, I do know, he’s fine.
Dewitt- this needs to be our next Top or Bottom selection! While most fantasize about being his bottom bitch, nothing I love more than a gorgeous beefy hung bottom guy … can imagine that huge cock bouncing around while fucking his brains out … but I digress. Now to find a man that still has his looks in my age range – 40’s … and grow old together …. woof!
My sock monkey has a sock penis.. lol
i am absolutely going to save all these pictures to my hard drive so i can stare at and dribble over them for the rest of my life.
you are too beautiful.
(a superb brotha, with pure, enchanting blue eyes.)
there aren’t many like you, around.
you’re going to be a sexy beast for a long time.
even when you’re in your 60s.
well you quoted my post in your post, but I’m certainly no queen, nor am I bitching. And I certainly do not need bulge enhancing underwear. Queens are people who bitch and start shit with other people who state their opinions. You don’t like my post, that’s fine, you’re entitled to your opinions. I see a lot of posts I don’t agree with, I don’t go calling people names over it. If I feel like, I respond in a respectful and classy manner.
I’m sure you have a real penis, lol…I thought you were using a sock to make your bulge look bigger, but I guess that’s the way the undewear are designed.
Miles … Fuck the doubters.. You will learn that, they are allways haters. You shine bright. Your beautiful man. And have a huge dick.. Your blessed.
My cock is leaking all over… Gorgeous man!!
Will you shut the fuck up, you suspected he might have “black ancestry” because of his hair? Get out in the real world once or twice. Not all black people have the same type of hair. Just once can this site post a pic of a non white man and not have any comments about his ethnicity in any capacity be posted.
The bulge is a bit intimidating, but for those beautiful blue eyes and kissable lips I’d risk it.
Cortez, why don’t you shut the fuck up. You’re not black and you know nothing about the black culture. With this being said, kiss my brown ass.
I made the comment because there are so many white and white Hispanic gay racist in the real world.
Miles, I hope you read this, you are one very sexy handsome man, Beautful eyes and yes an amazing bulge. You really need to show more of it, please.
And now I have five of the guys from the pool party id’ed. Any one that help figure out the rest.
Kenneth nobody asked for your lesson on hair textures of the world. Why couldn’t you just say he was hot without the genealogy breakdown?
Miles is stunning gorgeous. He is everything a man can dream about. Fuck the undies, lets strip naked together in my bedroom.
Yeah, straight to the Ten.
Cortez, I have a right to my opinion. If you didn’t like what I had to say, you should have keep your thoughts to yourself. As a black man, I was glad to hear, Miles Davis Moody is part black and he acknowlege it. All we get mostly on this site is young white gay males. How do you think seeing only white gay males on gay sites and in gay magazines make young black gay men struggling with their sexuality feel? The black gay community need role models too because we are welcome into the mostly white gay world.
Correction: The black gay community need role models too because we aren’t welcome into the mostly white gay community. You will never know what it’s like to be black and gay in society.
This dude is freakin hawt
Yes Kenneth you are absolutely correct! What I meant to say was that I font have any Latin heritage
About the black swim trunks…I thought you were referring to the guy in the AC video with the black undies…anyway, yes of course that’s me… But those are tighter and they are black which hides curves and things….but I have pics from the same shoot that are from another angle that shows a bit more bulge
Oh! Myyyyyyyyy!
Beautiful….i hope you are a.professional model. Your eyes make my heart jump. Your body makes my mouth water…
Come to Maui and stay with me.
Seems that Miles is not only HOT w a very nice package but a seemingly sweet guy as well
Just so you know….I BELIEVE!!!!! lol
I’d like to see that! Smuggling a grapefruit sounds hot! Let’s see …
Damn HE IS HOTTT!!!! So freakin’ cute, nice package & What about that ASS??? You need to have him fuck someone so we all can ENJOY The Veiw!!!
Come on guys, leave Miles’ bulge alone.
Although, if he wants to come down under, I’ll be happy to accommodate you (so to speak) and all your wishes on the Gold Coast of Australia.
You’d certainly be a hit on our beaches in your AC swimwear.
Miles you are gorgeous you seem so humble down to earth and sweet as well. :)IM 6’5 you look like a tall drink of water gorgeous either way though.
my dream is be with you……
“that bulge” gave me an immediate erection!….wow….what a man!
I love Miles’ cock in those undies, monster or not! And my guess is it’s closer to “monster” than “not”.
NO, He doesn’t. He’s totally straight…and…maybe He probably has girlfriend or maybe He’s married with a beautiful woman, so…WAKE UP!!!
J’en ai marre des hommes modèles heterosexuelles qui sont ici comme Miles Davis Moody qui est heterosexuel.
Pour quoi tous les beaux modèles hommes sont heterosexuelles?
Absolutely delicious!