Manhunt Daily Wood: Nick Starcevic

Word is that big sexy lug Nick Starcevic was on a season of Big Brother. That show is hella annoying (except when the dudes walk around naked and the screencaps get posted), so that fact matters very little to me. What DOES matter is that Starcevic is hot, has a spectacular body and we found a pretty decent pic of him with an erect cock. When we find a good nekkid pic to highlight, we usually don’t mind that the rest of the shots are sorta “eh.” Hard dick trumps a lot of things!

– J. Harvey

Photo credit: Jon Malinowski

For more pics of Nick Starcevic (there’s a nude one!), Follow the JUMP:

21 thoughts on “Manhunt Daily Wood: Nick Starcevic

  1. holy fuck…..even your “eh” shots are hot man…..I didn’t think anyone wearing Under Armour could look better than the mannequins!

  2. I remember him…he was hotter on his season, but he’s still hot…nice body

  3. i’m not judging or anything..

    ..i just wish to know what was nick’s motivation for snapping (and publishing) that intimate shot of himself.

    (and why is it, his face appears just a little more gaunt than in the pictures before that one¿)

  4. Umm why is his tat on one side in the first three pics and the cock pic is on the opposite.

  5. That tattoo in the last pic looks as if it has been photoshopped. Look at the tat in other pics. This one does not follow the contours of the muscles (It’s true he’s not as muscular in the last pic as others, but it still would follow the shape of his arm), and, if you’ll look closely at the shape of the tattoo, it is wider on the bottom in the other pics. The tattoo doesn’t look real like in the previous clothed pics. I don’t think the dick pic is the same guy.

  6. Yagermeister  I had not notice the difference in the width of the tats until U pointed it out . 

  7. I am with Yagermeister  the Dick pix is of a VERY FUCKING  HOT  but different guy

  8. Hehe I think you guys are being overly critical- he’s super handsome and has a nice dick to boot! Would love for him to bottom for me! Xxx

  9. He’s also Bi. He mentioned on Big Brother that his Dad walked in on him giving another guy a blowjob, and he he talked about having a top 10 Celebe men who would fuck list, at which Brad Pitt was at the top. lol!

  10. that is clearly his left arm not his right, doesn’t matter if it’s a reflection in the mirror should still be on his right not his left. 


  12. Nick is from eastern Europe where circumcision isn’t practiced and this an obvious fact… apart from that it doesn’t really look like him in that photo either…

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