The reason I made Ram this week’s Wood is simple; I liked his name! Oh, did I mention that he’s also pretty damn sexy? A guy with Ram as his first name and Bone in his last name must get more ass than a toilet seat. Before he became a model, Ram was a soldier in the Israeli army. I think Ram Boneh just gave me a boner.
– Andy
Photo credit: Greg Vaughan/Samuel Zakuto
For more pictures of Ram, follow the JUMP:
I’ll takes some of that! woof.
Wow!!! He’s HOT!!! SMOKIN’ HOT!!!
Oh, yeah.
Nice, but where is the BONEH?
I would very much like to see this ramming bone. Or bone this Ram. Either is good.
Yea made it through 6 comments without any really negitive comments. Except for the no boner, but that is not really a negitive comment on his looks. Keep it up guy.
extremely nice and very sexxxy…another one i wouldn’t let out of bed.
Hell If I thought I could RAM Ram N the ass I would enlist N the Isreali army …..
I’d call him “sir”.
Very nice
you do not know understand hebrew unfortunately; his name should be spelled BONEH or BONNAE or with an accent like in french’. not a bone! ram in hebrew means tall or high and is a name or eventually a surname. boneh in hebrew means builder or i you he= builds. hebrew [as arabic] has no present tense only past or future. for the present tense we use the verbial adjective = doer, builder, runner. verbs have gender in hebrew [arabic too] a man or a woman speaks differently. but most important ;HOW CAN ONE CONTACT HIM IF HE”S AVAILABLE?